
Terms for subject Economy containing 通用 的 | all forms | in specified order only
不可使用的通货the non-usable currency
世界流通的信用证world-wide circular letter of credit
他们在等一个开出信用证的通知They are waiting for the L/C advice
公共交通设施可以被每一个希望旅行的人所利用Public facilities for communication can be utilized by everyone who wants to travel
副董事长使用决定性的一票阻止了该提议的通过The vice-chairman blocked the motion of the proposal by using his casting vote
双方同意尽其最大努力直接向用户或通过其销售渠道来推销共同研制的产品Both parties agree to use their best efforts to promote the sale of the jointly developed products either directly to users or through their distribution channels
合理通知可用邮资预付的方式寄给债务人The reasonable notice can be mailed postage prepaid to the debtor
国际贸易上选用的特别流通票据special negotiable instrument for optional use in international trade
我方希望你方用书面通知阐明你们的意向We hope you will express your intention in written notice
政府决定采用反通货膨胀的手段来控制局势The government has decided to take anti-inflationary measures to control the situation
未流通使用的货币dead value
本协议的接受必须用书面通知Notice of acceptance of this agreement must be in writing
根据通话次数计费的用户a message rate subscriber
流通或生产中使用的资金fund employed during circulation or production
用便函通知的补助the memorandum allowance
用通货偿还的债券currency bonds
给合作政府代理人的运输通用许可证general license GCG
请将本合同认可的任何通知用邮资预付的挂号邮件寄发Please send any notice permitted under this contract by prepaid registered mail
通常全价票是成人旅行用的,而半价票只卖给儿童Usually a full fare ticket is for a journey by an adult, while a half fare ticket is for a child
通常我方不接受任何可撤销的信用证As a rule, we do not accept any revocable letter of credit
通常是败诉的一方应付给由于执行诉讼而产生的费用或支出Usually it is the party losing the suit that should pay the costs or expenses arising from the prosecution of such suit
通用的不确定性经济模拟系统general uncertainty economic simulation system
通用财产的表all-purpose financial statement
银行租用电缆利用计算机办理业务通讯的系统bank wire
随时可通用的货币readily usable currencies