
Terms for subject Electronics containing 通用 的 | all forms | in specified order only
商用初学者的通用符号指令码commercial beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code
美国喷气发动机通用核子公司的工业用堆aerojet general nucleonics industrial reactor
微软初学者的通用符号指令码Microsoft beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code
扩充的初学者的通用符号指令码extended beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code
扩充的通用程序设计generalized programming, extended
用于分析复杂系统的通用电磁模型general electromagnetic model for the analysis of complex system
用管道通风的机器pipe-ventilated machine
租用的通道rented channel
西尔瓦尼亚初学者的通用符号指令码工业语言Sylvania BASIC industrial language
通用同步/异步的universal synchronous/asynchronous
通用商业语言环境中的速记程序设计语言shorthand programming language in COBOL environment
通用的all purpose
采用激光收发机的光通信optical communications using laser transceiver
采用激光收发机的隐蔽光通信optical covert communications using laser transceiver
面向过程的通用语言universal procedure oriented language
面向通用硬件的系统general hardware oriented system
面向问题的通用语言universal problem oriented language