
Terms for subject International trade containing 通用 | all forms | in specified order only
余款停用通知surplus-fund warrant
信用函通知书国内银行发给国外银行,指示证letter of instruction
信用证的通知notify a credit
信用证通知notify a credit
信用通融担保financial credit guarantees
信用通货credit currency
出入港通用blanket clearance
发通融票据空头支票,用空头支票筹款fly a kite
国际通用单位制international system of units (SI)
国际贸易上选用的特别流通票据special negotiable instrument for optional use in international transactions
建筑用户反通货膨胀圆桌会议construction users anti-inflation round-table
拒付通知单费用protest fee
普通通用信用状ordinary credit
普通通用信用证ordinary credit
普通信用证书Ordinary credit
根据通话次数计费的用户message rate subscriber
流通信用证negotiable letter of credit
流通信用证circular letter of credit
流通费用circulation cost
添改自用资产通知单betterment order
特别通知信用证specially advised credit
用劣币在市场上流通put off bad money on the public
用打字电报通知advise by teletype
用钱疏通buy off
美国通用电器公司General Electric Company Ltd
美国运通信用卡the American express card don't leave home without it
行市通用可变利率interest on a market variable basis
通用put in circulation
通用决算表general purpose statements
通用动力公司General Dynamics Corporation
通用汽车公司General Motors Corporation
美国通用汽车公司General Motors
通用票据negotiable papers
通用税则general tariff
通用税率general rate
通用计算机general computer
通用财务报表all-purpose financial statement
通用货币单位current money unit
通用资产负债表同 all-purpose balance sheetbalance sheet for all purposes
通知信用证advice of letter of credit
通融接收远期信用证accommodate by accepting time
通货与信用委员会currency and credit board
限当日通用的票ticket available on day of issue only
零用通货fractional currency
非商用通活uncommercial call