
Terms for subject Technology containing 通关 | all forms | in specified order only
三通开关three-way switch
三通开关three-way tap
三通开关three-way valve
三通开关triple valve
三通开关three-way cock
交直流通用按钮开关AC-DC general-use switch
内部通话开关intercommunication switch
内陆通关基地inland clearance depot
双通开关two-way cock
双通开关two-throw switch
双通开关bilateral switching
四通开关four-way switch
四通开关four-way tap
四通开关four-way cock
多通道开关multiple way cock
多通道相关器multichannel correlator
开关通断switch on and off
接通开关engaged switch
提升井检修通道入口开关hoistway access switch
旁通开关by-pass switch
无通路开关pathless switch
日本航空货物通关资料处理制度Nippon Air Cargo Clearance System
普通优惠关税税则general preferential tariff
样品免税通关Commercial Samples Carnet
海关内部通知书bureau of customs letter
海关处分通知书customs decision
相关通道程序related channel programme
相关通道程序related channel program
结关通知notice of clearance
结关通知书clear instruction
结关通知书clearing instruction
能量相关通量energy-dependent flux
行李通关baggage sufferance
调节器旁通开关regulator bypass switch
进口通关import customs clearance
选通开关gating switch
选通脉冲转换开关strobe switch
通关手续customs clearance procedures
通常的关闭时间normal closing hours
通用开关universal switch
通用按钮开关general-use snap switch
通用海关用语common tariff nomenclature
通称关键字generic key
通融有关方面accommodation party
通融票据关系人accommodation party
通行税征税关卡toll gate
通路开关channel selector
通过海关后交货条件duty-paid terms
通风机开关ventilator blower switch
通风筒口开关louver slide
速通开关quick-make switch