
Terms for subject Mathematics containing | all forms
抽样probability sample
存储器bit organized memory
变量variable selection
古普塔子集择方法Gupta's subset selection method
后的分层stratification after selection
按与大小成比例的概率抽selection with probability proportional to size
接任意概率抽selection with variable probability
接任意概率抽selection with arbitrary probability
接等概率抽selection with equal probability
数据的收集与data collection and extraction
无规则号码择法random number selection methods
最大择置信区间most selective confidence intervals
最大择置信区间shortest confidence intervals
模型model select
特性feature selection
磁盘地址disc address selection
等概率抽epsem sampling
等概率抽equal probability of selection method
检查screening inspection
设计screening design
线linear selection system
group screening methods
自动automatic addressing
莱曼Lehmann alternatives
计算机的computer selection
卡机card selectors
择主要列的一般法则general rule for choosing the pivot column
择初始样本后的整群抽样post cluster sampling
择法try-and-error method
择通道selector channel
样区域region of preference
样区域zone of preference
点法selected points method
点法method of selected points
随机择,随机抽选random selection