
Terms for subject Genetics containing 选择 | all forms | in specified order only
一次单株选择one single plant selection
一次单株选择once single plant selection
一步正选择one-step positive selection
上位选择epistatic selection
不对称性选择反应asymmetry in selection response
个体的选择mass selection
个体的选择individual selection
中性选择neutral selection
中性选择学说theory of neutral selection
二倍期选择diplontic selection
二向选择two-way selection
二氢叶酸还原酶基因选择系统dhfr-selection system
交互自然选择reciprocal natural selection
亲缘选择kin selection
亲缘选择成分kin selection component
人工选择学说theory of artificial selection
优先选择preferential selection
优势选择系统dominant selection system
位点选择诱变site selected mutagenesis
低密度培养选择low density culture selection
倾向性选择preferential selection
全同胞轮回选择recurrent full-sib family selection
内含子选择optional intron
净化选择purifying selection
初级自然选择primary natural selection
前后的选择tandem selection
剧变选择catastrophic selection
功能性选择selection for function
动态选择dynamic selection
半同胞选择half-sib selection
半同胞轮回选择recurrent half-sib selection
单位选择unit selection
单细胞纯系化选择pure line selection of single cell
原位杂交选择in situ selection
反向选择高蛋白基因reverse selected high protein gene
发散选择apostatic selection
变样选择apostatic selection
叶绿素缺陷互补选择chlorophyll defect complementation selection
同族家系选择full-sib family selection
同族家系选择sib family selection
周期性选择periodic selection
块系选择selection of tuber and tuberous root
ecogpt 基因选择ecogpt gene selection
econeo 基因选择econeo gene selection
tk 基因选择tk gene selection
cat 基因选择cat-gene selection
ecogpt 基因选择系统ecogpt gene selection system
tk 基因选择系统tk gene selection system
cat 基因选择系统cat-gene selection system
外显子选择optional exon
多样化选择diversifying selection
多步正选择multiple step positive selection
"大块"选择"Chunk" selection
大小选择按大小进行选择size selection
定向选择orientation selection
定向选择directional selection
家族性选择性维生素 E₁₂ 吸收不良症familial selective vitamin B₁₂malabsorption
家系选择family selection
家系之间的选择between-family selection
家系内选择within-family selection
差别的选择differential selection
平截选择truncation selection
平衡选择balance selection
引诱选择epigamic selection
形态特征选择morphology character selection
性状选择character selection
抗性互补选择resistance complementation selection
插入序列选择insertion sequence selection
改良的相互轮回选择improved reciprocal recurrent selection
改进独立的选择modified independent culling
敏感差异选择sensitive differential selection
新霉素抗性选择系统neomycin resistance selection system
无性繁殖选择close selection
无性系选择学说clonal-selection theory
最宜模型选择optimum model selection
选择的增强作用elective enrichment
有意识的选择conscious selection
有目的的选择expedient choice
有计划的选择expedient choice
杂交选择翻译hybrid selected translation
杂交体选择hybrid selection
染色体组型定向选择karyotype orthoselection
标准近交选择方案standard inbreeding scheme
标准近交选择计划standard inbreeding scheme
标记选择marker selection
标记辅助选择marker assisted selection
核型定向选择karyotype orthoselection
模板选择copy choice
模板选择假说copy choice hypothesis
模板选择模型copy choice model
模板选择重组copy choice recombination
次级自然选择secondary natural selection
正反交选择reciprocal selection
正向选择系统forward selection system
歧化选择disruptive selection
混合选择mass selection
渐进性选择progressive selection
独立的选择independent culling
生物选择性层析bioselective chromatography
生长特性选择growth trait selection
hnRNA 的选择性加工hnRNA selective processing
直接选择的质粒载体direct selection plasmid vector
直生选择orthogenic selection
相互全同胞选择reciprocal full-sib family selection
相关选择响应correlated response to selection
选择hard selection
碱基选择base selection
离心选择centrifugal selection
种质选择学说theory of germinal selection
突变选择学说mutation selection theory
突变型细胞选择mutant cell selection
竞争选择competitive selection
等位基因选择allelic choice
简单轮回选择simple recurrent selection
类群选择group selection
籽苗选择seedling selection
系统选择pedigree selection
系谱选择progeny selection
系谱选择familial selection
纯系选择line selection
组成性表达的选择性剪接alternative splicing of constitutive expression
细胞团纯系化选择pure line selection of cell aggregate
细胞特异的选择性剪接cell specific alternative splicing
群体内轮回选择intra-population recurrent selection
群体间轮回选择inter-population recurrent
群间选择intrademe selection
胸苷激酶基因选择tk gene selection
胸苷激酶基因选择系统tk gene selection system
自然选择代价cost of natural selection
自花授粉后代选择selfed progeny selection
芽变选择sport selection
营养缺陷型互补选择auxotroph complementation selection
表位选择selection for epitope
表位印迹选择epitope imprinted selection
诱导表达的选择性剪接alternative splicing of induced expression
谱系选择pedigree line selection
费雪自然选择定理Fisher theorem of natural selection
转移选择transition selection
轮回选择recurrent selection
迁移选择migrational selection
选择剪接alternative splicing
选择响应selection response
选择响应response of selection
选择基因selection gene
选择增益selection gain
Ca²⁺ 选择平板Ca²⁺ selective plate
选择平板培养selective plating
选择强度的随机波动random fluctuation of selection intensity
选择性剪接selective splicing
选择性变异体selective variant
选择性噬菌体感染筛选selection based on phage infectivity
选择性因子selectivity factor
选择性流产selective abortion
选择性消除selective elimination
选择扩增结合位点selected and amplified binding site
选择放松selection relaxation
选择机制selective mechanism
选择标志selected marker
选择select plant
选择selected plant
HAT 选择HAT selective method
选择群体select population
选择进展的不对称性asymmetry of selection gain
选择透性膜permselective membrane
逐步选择stepwise selection
遗传选择的生物genetically selected organism
遗传互补选择genetic complementation selection
遗传型选择genotypic selection
配子选择gamete selection
配对选择selection for pairing
间接的选择indirect selection
阈值选择threshold selection
阻遏性选择剪接repressive alternative splicing
限向选择canalizing selection
随意选择系统arbitrarily chosen system
雄性多重选择male multiple choice
选择性标记non-selective marker
选择性消灭non-selective elimination
选择性转运non-selective transport
序列循环扩增选择cyclic amplification and selection of targets
高氯酸选择perchloric acid selection