
Terms for subject Technology containing 选单 | all forms | in specified order only
丹弗型单室浮选机Denver unit cell
任选港提单optional bill of lading
选单partially selected cell
单位选择器开关unit-selector switch
单元过程选择unit process selection
单元选通one cell switching
单因子抛物线优选法parabola optimization of single factor
单因素优选法single factor optimization
单室浮选机unit cell
单方选择one-side selection
单段浮选single-stage floatation
单段浮选single-stage flotation
单波段选择器single wavelength selector
单独性状选择selection of single traits
单独性状选择的预期expected progress from selection for single traits
单级泡沫浮选single-stage froth floatation
单级泡沫浮选single-stage froth flotation
单组选择元cell alternative
单边刮沫充气式浮选槽shimming cell
单项选择simple selection
单频选择制one-frequency selection system
多次单株选择multiple single plant selection
带选粉机的单仓磨single-chamber separator mill
投标人选择名单selected list of bidders
拣选一单元混合型有轨巷道堆垛机stack/rail machine for both unit load and order Picking
推选标商名单restricted list of bidders
简单备选假设simple alternative
菜单选择过程menu selection procedure
进行单株选择selecting single plant
选址单元selected cell
选择供货单位choose sources of supply
选择供货单位choice sources of supply
选择单位selection unit
选择港提单optional bill of lading
选择菜单selection menu
选接单元adjustable interconnection block
选港提单optional bill of lading
选矿单位cleaning unit
选通单元gating unit