
Terms containing 适量 的 | all forms | in specified order only
geophys.不舒适的大音量uncomfortable loudness level
econ.史密斯先生需要进行大量实地调査以便找到产品适销的市场Mr. Smith had to do a lot of field work to find the right market for the product
econ.如扣下的这笔金额已超出适量,我方将退回这笔超额中的一半If the amount deducted is more than adequate we shall release a half of such excess amount
sport., med.安全适当的每日摄入量建议Estimated Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intake
telecom.容量适中的存储器modest capacity memory
commer.就该商品可向客户报适当的数量be in a position to offer a customer the article in reasonable quantity
commer.我们相信可以供应你方所需的任何适当数量We believe we can supply any reasonable quantity you require
commer.所报货物的质量完全适合于买主的市场The quality of the goods offered is entirely suitable for the buyer's market
securit.提供适量权益的成分基金constituent fund with discretionary benefits
interntl.trade.收到适当数量的供货抽样receive a fair sample of the bulk supply
busin.收到适当数量的供货样品receive a fair sample of the bulk supply
econ.收到适当数量的散装货抽样receive a fair sample of the bulk supply
busin.最适宜的产量optimal output
econ.最适宜的生产量optimal output
econ.最适当的库存量optimal inventory
manag.最适当的持久产量optimum sustainable yield
tech.最适当的装球量optimum ball charge
econ.每日每个适合工作的舱口装货量tons per workable hatch per day
expl.现代用的硝甘炸药可定义为雷管起爆型混合物。其中所含的硝化甘油敏化剂、或作为拓展能量的主要媒介、若适当起爆、雷管起爆型混合物则在爆轰速度下Modern dynamites can be defined a cap-sensitive mixtures which contain nitroglycerin as a sensitizer or as the principal means for developing energy, and which, when properly initiated, decompose at detonation velocity
econ.良好的适合销售的质量fair and marketable quality
econ.良好的适销质量fair and marketable quality
busin.设法给予适当数量的报盘manage to offer a reasonable quantity
econ.设法给予适当的数量的报盘manage to offer a reasonable quantity
expl.调查结果表明、飞石事故是由以下一个以上的因素促成的: 地质及岩石结构的非连续性、炮孔布置和装药量不适当、抵抗线不足、炸药能量高度集中、填塞不足Investigations of flyrock accidents have revealed one or more of the following contributing factors: I discontinuity in the geology and rock structure,II improper blast hole layout and loading, III insufficient burden, IV very high explosive concentration, and V inadequate stemming
tech.适中的雨量moderate rainfall
interntl.trade.适合销售的质量marketable quality
China, polit.适当数量的妇女代表an appropriate number of women deputies
tech.适当的产量optimum yield
gen.适量的an amount of
refrig.适量的制冷剂充注proper refrigerant charge
econ.适量的定货fair sized order
interntl.trade.适量的订货fair sized order
busin.适销对路的质量fair and marketable quality