
Terms for subject Environment containing 退 | all forms
土地退land retirement
土壤退soil degradation Soil may deteriorate either by physical movement of soil particles from a given site or by depletion of the water-soluble elements in the soil which contribute to the nourishment of crop, plants, grasses, trees, and other economically usable vegetation. The physical movement generally is referred to as erosion. Wind, water, glacial ice, animals and tools in use may be agents of erosion (由于土壤颗粒从某一个地点的移动,或土壤中的有助于作物、植物、草、树木、植被和其它经济实用作物的营养水溶性成分的耗竭,土壤可能会遭到破坏。这种物理运动一般被称为侵蚀,风、水、冰川、动物和使用的工具可能是侵蚀剂。)
有序撤退orderly withdrawal
森林退forest deterioration Reduction of tree population in forests caused by acidic precipitation, forest fires, air pollution, deforestation, pests and diseases of trees, wildlife, etc. (森林树木数量的减少,主要因为酸性降水,森林火灾,空气污染,森林砍伐,虫害和树木疾病,野生动物等。)
要求退回原物的债权、诉权claim for restitution A legal remedy in which a person or party may demand or assert the right to be restored to a former or original position prior to loss, damage or injury (一种法律补救法,一个人或一方当事人可以要求或维护恢复受到损失、损坏或损害之前的原始位置的权利。)
迅速衰退rapid breakdown
退化土地degraded land