
Terms for subject International trade containing 退回 | all forms | in specified order only
商品退回卖方goods returned to vendor
时效完成后退回已履行的债restitution of performance after prescription
要求退回原物的债权、诉权claim for restitution
要求退回原物的诉讼action for restitution
要求退回所交货物的诉讼affirmative recovery
要求退回货物recover the goods
试销退回approval sale return
购货退回purchase return (return outward)
购货退回returns to vendor
购货退回return outwards
购货退回return to vendor
购货退回及折让purchase returns and allowance
购货退回及折让记录purchase returns and allowance journal
购货退回簿purchase return book
资本退回return of capital
进货退回purchase returns
退回with draw
退回佣金return of commission
退回保险费return premium
退回保险费return of premium
退回关税证明单customs debenture
退回发货人return to sender
退回垫付款项的债权、诉权claim for restitution of advance payments
退回对方已提供的履行restitution of benefits conferred
退回已履行的债restitution of performance
退回已提供的利益的债权、诉权claim for restitution of benefits conferred
退回手续费return of commission
退回抵押品return of security
退回押金return of down-payment
退回支票returned cheque
退回支票returned check
退回未付价金的货物return of the goods for non-pay-ment
退回材料returned materials
退回材料returned material
退回汇款return remittance
退回的材料released material
退回的汇票reexchange bill
退回票据return bill
退回股利rescission of dividends
退回股票stocks returned
退回超额进口税证书over entry certificate
退回预付金额restitution of advance payment
销售退回sales return
销售退回通知单credit memorandum for sales return
销货退回sales returns
销货退回returns inwards
销货退回sales return
销货退回return sale