
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一方约时,另一方有权取消本协议The other party shall be entitled to rescind the agreement in default on one party
业主反合同造成了施工的中断The owner's contractual default caused the interruption in the performance of the works
为了执行现有租约中赋予双方的权利和权力,该租约中的任何条款不得In pursuance of the rights and power vested in both parties by the now existing lease, any of the terms in the lease shall not be breached
买主要求赔偿因约造成的损害The buyer claimed damages for breach of the contract
他们应交付约罚款,但给予两星期的付款宽限期They should pay the penalty for nonperformance of the contract with a grace period of two weeks
任何反协议条款之处都必然引起争执Any deviation from the clauses of the agreement is sure to cause disputes
任何一方的约都有可能招致另一方终止合同Either parties violation of the contract may cause the other party to terminate it
任何对合同条款的反都将引起纠纷Any violation against the terms of the contract will create complication
你方行为构成Your action constitutes a breach of contract
协议一方如果发生重大约行为,另一方可立即终止本协议If a mate default is made by one party, the other party may terminate this agreement at once
双方中的任何一方如反本协议的任何条款,另一方可宣布该协议无效In case of any violation of any term of this agreement by either party, the other party may declare the agreement invalid
合同履行未到期前的breach of contract before performance is due
同…利益相违背run performance to one's interests
和…相违反make against
反合同而要求补偿the remedy for breach of contract
反合同而要求补偿remedy for breach of contract
约提出控诉sue for breach of promise
约提岀控诉sue for breach of promise
约而提出的补偿物tender of amends
反协议,卖方缴纳罚金 1000美元The seller shall pay the penal sum of $1000 for any violation of this agreement
如一方约,另一方有权终止该协议Each party is entitled to terminate the said agreement if there is a default on the part of the other party
如果这种约行为在六天内未采取补救措施,则你方可立即废止合同If such default remains unremedied within 6 days, you may annul this contract immediately
实际上反合同a virtual breach of contract
禁品的没收confiscation of contraband
章事件进行申诉protest against customs decision on a case of infringement of regulation
尽管他们约不是故意的,此协议仍自动终止In spite of involuntary breach committed by them this agreement terminated automatically
应罚款的法行为pecuniary offense
应罚款的法行为pecuniary offence
当批发商反协议时,制造商有权取得赔偿When the distributor broke the agreement, the manufacturer had the right to obtain redress
我们不得不把此种未能履行合同的情况当作一次反合同的行为We have to regard such failure as a breach of the contract
我们认为结局不会反我们的愿望We dont think the end will be contrary to our wish
我方只好要求你方承担由于贵方约造成的全部损失的责任We have to hold you are responsible for all the loss resulting from your default in the agreement
我方有权索赔由于你方约而使我方蒙受的损失We shall have the right to claim for the loss sustained as a result of your default
承包商应尽力不使自己反本合同的各项条款The contractor shall try his best not to fail to act in accordance with the provisions of this agreement
承销人已反协议条款The consignee has breached the terms of the agreement
指出的designated offences
控告sue for breach of promise
故意的法行为wilful misconduct
根据该协议,任何职员反我国法律,立即被解雇According to the agreement, should any employee violate the laws of our country, he will be dismissed immediately
由于反了雇主的规章制度,该雇员被开除了Due to non-compliance with the employer's rules and regulations, the employee was dismissed
由于法行为ex delicto
由于约,承租者需支付一笔清偿损失费The tenant shall pay money for liquidated damages upon his default
由于你方反上述保证书,我方只得撤销此协议We are sorry we have to repudiate this agreement due to your breach of said warranty
由于你方严重约,我方不得不放弃购货We have to give up the purchase due to your serious breach of the contract
签订合同后,双方中任何一方不得犯政府的任何政策,成文法或不成文法After signing the contract, neither of the two parties shall violate any public policy, statutory or common laws
约翰因反劳动纪律被解雇John was dismissed for violating labour discipline
结果与愿望相The consequence is cross to the desire
给予30天以上的信用期反公司方针It is against the company policy to give more than 30 days' credit
股票交易中的一些法行为正在调査中Irregularities in the share dealings are under investigation
若你们反任何规定,我们可以取消本许可证We may revoke the license if you break any of regulations
若甲方约,乙方有权终止该协议A default on the party A shall entitle party B to terminate the said agreement
要求回购许可证很可能背反托拉斯法A license-back requirement is likely to violate antitrust laws
贩毒是法的Trading in drugs is illicit
这笔交易的完成不会反政府的任何法令The consummation of the said business will not be in violation of any decrees of the government
breach of rule
out of compliance for
out of compliance with
某人的 原则against sb/s principle
反专利权patent violation
反允诺的义务breach of promise
反协议条款break the terms of agreement
反合同contravene the treaty
反合同the violation of contract
反合同也定violation of contract agreement
反合同规定的选择权breach of option
反合约contravene the treaty
反商业道德的税制uncommercial system of taxation
反普及原则lack of universality
反有价证券交付条件bad delivery of securities
反本条款中的任何规定,都可能成为终止合同的原因A breach of any stipulation of this article can be a cause of the termination of the contract
反本章条款的过户将构成对本合同的违约The transfer in contravention of the terms of this chapter shall form a default under this contract
反海关规定infringement of customs regulations
反特款breach of warranty
反规定deviate from the provisions
反规定contravention of provisions
反规定contravene provisions
反计算数据的假设an off-design condition
反计算数据的假设off-design condition
反贸易保证breach of trading warranty
反贸易保证breach trading warranty
violation of constitution
心地against one's will
violation of laws
violation of constitution
violate the laws
法与渎职misfeasance and nonfeasance
法乱纪the violation of the law and branches of disciplines
法复制件infringing copy
法行为violation of laws
法行为的契约不.能生效ex maleficio non oritur contractus
禁物品contraband articles
禁物品articles of contraband
break violate rules and regulations
violate rules and regulations
章垫支illegal advance
章建筑区the squatter settlement
章操作an unprofessional operation
章操作the operation against rules
章案件处理通知书notice of the violation and disposition of the case
章行为act of violation of regulation
章行为an act of infringement of regulations
章行为act of infringement of regulation
fail to keep a promise
fail to keep one's promise
约事件incidents of noncompliance
约债务人a tardy debtor
约债务人tardy debtor
约债务人defaulting debtor
约利息the penal interest
约危险default risk
约成本the penalty cost
约损失准备金的补偿compensation for default loss reserve
约的可预测性the foreseeability of breach
约罚款条款penalty clause
约负债人defaulting debtor
约通知notice of violation
背以信用证付款的惯例deviate from usual practice of L/C payment
背公众利益的行为conflict of interest
背海关规定infringement of customs regulations
背誓言breach of parole
行为the act of violation of (regulation)
规者应处以人民币500元以下的罚款One who acts against the regulations shall incur a penalty not exceeding RMB ¥500
通关infringement of customs regulations
重大的fundamental breach
鉴于你方约使我们遭受重大损失,我们不得不撤销合同,并对蒙受的损失保留索赔权In view of the fact that we are incurring a heavy loss as a result of your default, we have to cancel this contract and reserve the right to claim for the loss sustained
零售商应支付由于他自己反本协议所造成的损失的费用The dealer should pay for the damage sustained by a breach of this agreement by himself
非重大the non-fundamental breach
预期the anticipatory breach of contract