
Terms for subject Commerce containing 违约 | all forms | in specified order only
两种类型违约two-types of breach of contract (指重大违约 (fundamental breach), 非重大违约(non-fundamental breach))
违约而提出控告sue for a breach of promise
你方的违约显然违背了商业合作的精神Your breach of the contract is obviously contrary to the spirit of business cooperation
卖方可扣留货物,如果买方违约或无力清偿债务The seller may retain the goods when the buyer is in default or he has become insolvent
合约不得违反Contract should be held inviolate
违约而产生的债权claim arising from a breach of a contract
失职违约negligent breach of contract
如发生重大违约In case of a fundamental breach the party who suffers it may declare the contract as avoided
如系重大违约,受害一方可宣告合同无效If a breach is of fundamental nature, the party who suffers it may declare the contract avoided
承担违约后果take the consequence of breach of a contract
投资违约default in investment
拿出证据证明卖方违约produce evidence in proof of the seller's breach of the contract
指责买方违约accuse the buyer of breach of a contract
有意违约intentional breach of the contract
根据违约程度depend on the seriousness of breach
违约breach of promise
违约breach of commitment
违约party in default
违约罚金penalty for default
违约罚金penal sum
违约责任responsibility for breach of contract
连带违约条款cross default clause
非重大违约non-fundamental breach (与重大违约 (fundamental breach) 相对)