
Terms for subject Textile industry containing | all forms
上下upper and lower feed
专业出口商professional importer and exporter
专业口商professional importer
专项special import
专项购special purchase
两路线交织经编织物two-way mixed tricot
个别口许可证individual import license
中国出口商品检验局China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau
中国丝绸出口公司China Silk Materials Import and Export Corp
中国纺织机械和技术出口总公司China Textile Machinery and Technology Import and Export Corporation
主要口商品principal imports
buy in
价格buying price
期货合同long position
产品product import
产品口商product importer
产品口国product import country
产品口方product importer
从价口保证金ad valorem import deposit
优先preferential import
优惠口管理administration of preferential import
贸易性运费promotional freight
贸易阶段promotional phase
,先出first-in, first-out
工艺advanced technique
的发展中国家advanced developing countries
免税tax-exempt imports
免税non-taxable import
免税free entry
免税口货tax-free imports
免税口货物tax-exempt imports
全国皮革出口商协会National Association of Importers and Exporters of Hides and Skin
全国皮革出口商协会National Association of Importers and Exporters of Hides and Skin
全球性口配额global import quota
全球性口限额global import quota
公开一般口许可证open general import license
共同体口监视制度,共有进口监督制度community surveillance system for imports
冒险购speculative purchase
农产品出口agricultural export and import
net purchase
减免口税relief from duty
减少reduced import
减少口额reduced import amount
减少口额reduced amount of import
分别口信用证separate import license
初级产品primary importing
剌绣品制造商促委员会美国Embroidery Manufacturers Promotion Board
advancing color
劳务出口service import and export
劳务出口合同contract for export and import in service
劳务imports of service
劳务service import
劳务labor service import
劳务invisible import
劳务import of service
劳务口国labor-importing country
匿报口额concealing the amount of import
位制metric system
半递式捆扎生产线semi-progressive bundle system
线系统single-thread system
单幅single web cloth infeed
单边unilateral importation
单边unilateral exportation
单边unilateral importation
双幅double-web cloth infeed
发展口融资便利development import finance facility
同步unison feed
先出,后进先出法last in, first out
先出栈last-in first-out storage
后出,后进后出法last in,last out
吸取先技术import advanced technology
吸收促absorption promoting agent
商品出口commodity export-import
商品出口commodity export and import
商品出口价格commodity export and import price
商品出口公司commodity export and import company
商品出口商commodity export and import merchant
商品出口惯例commodity export and import usage
商品出口检验commodity export and import inspection
商品出口程序commodity export and import procedure
商品出口管制commodity export and import control
商品出口管理commodity export and import management
商品出口贸易commodity export and import trade
商品出口配额,商品进出口限额commodity export and import quotas
商品imports of commodity
商品import of commodities
商品commodity import
商品口交易commodity import transaction
商品口代理commodity import agency
商品口代理佣金commodity import commission
商品口代理协议commodity import agency agreement
商品口代理合同commodity import agency contract
商品口代理商commodity import commission agent
商品口代理商commodity import agent
商品口代理机构commodity import agency
商品口价格commodity import price
商品口估价commodity import valuation
商品口信用证commodity import letter of credit
商品口公司commodity import house
商品口加价commodity import mark-up
商品口发票commodity import invoice
商品口合同commodity import contract
商品口商commodity import trader
商品口商行commodity import house
商品口壁垒commodity import barrier
商品口总值value of merchandise imports
商品口执照commodity import certificate
商品口投标commodity import tender
商品口报关commodity import entry
商品口报关commodity import declaration
商品口报关单commodity import entry
商品口报关单commodity import declaration
商品口报关手续commodity import entry procedure
商品口报表commodity import tabulation
商品口提单commodity import bill of lading
商品口杂费commodity import sundry charges
商品口检验commodity import inspection
商品口检验报告commodity import inspection report
商品口检验费commodity import inspection charge
商品口流程commodity import procedure
商品口流量commodity import flow
商品口申报commodity import entry
商品口申报commodity import declaration
商品口申报办法commodity import declaration method
商品口申报程序commodity import entry procedure
商品口申请证书commodity import declaration certificate
商品口登记commodity import entry
商品口登记法commodity import declaration method
商品口程序commodity import procedure
商品口税commodity import tax
商品口管制commodity import control
商品口统计commodity import statistics
商品口统计表commodity import list
商品口舱单commodity import manifest
商品口订单commodity import order
商品口许可制commodity import admission system
商品口许可证commodity import license
商品口许可证commodity import certificate
商品口许可证制commodity import permit system
商品口许可证制commodity import license system
商品口许可证,货物输入许可license for the import of commodity
商品口证书commodity import certificate
商品口贷款commodity import loan
商品口贸易单证commodity import trade documents
商品口贸易商commodity import trader
商品口贸易文件commodity import trade documents
商品口贸易票据commodity import trade bill
商品口费用commodity import expenses
商品口运费commodity import freight
商品口运输commodity import transportation
商品口远期汇票commodity import unasked bill
商品口通知commodity import announcement
商品口配额commodity import quota
商品口量commodity import volume
商品口量commodity import quantum
商品口附加税commodity import surtax
商品口附加税commodity import surcharge
商品口附加费commodity import surcharge
商品口限额commodity import quota
商品口限额commodity import ban
商品口需求commodity import demand
商品口需求量commodity import demand
商品销存报告report on merchandise movement
地毯出口促理事会印度Carpet Export Promotion Council
tuck in
reinport trade
外资引imports of foreign capital
外资引foreign capital inducement
外资引与运用acceptance and utilization of foreign capital
多路线multi-yarn guide
大出maximum imports and exports
大出,大量进出口large amounts of import and export
大量买股票或商品corner the soar market
夹持grip feed
实施口限制apply import restriction
实行口限制,实行进口许可制度,执行进口签证制度,执行进口许可制度licensing to administer import restriction
实际出差价actual spread
实际口额real imports
实际口额actual imports
小麦wheat import
应付口货款payables for imports
底领缩collar band too short
底领缩collar band too short
底领缩collar band is shorter than collar
廉价买buy cheap
开放的专门商品口许可证open individual license
专利patent of introduction
产业introduced industry
先进技术import advanced technology
外资introducing foreign capital
技术与设备import technology and equipment
技术国家technology acquiring country
强制机械positive feed
强制性口管理mandatory restrictions on import
口量general imports
口额gross imports
成套引package introduction
批发货渠道channels for purchasing goods wholesale
技术technique importation
技术technical import
技术引imports of technology
技术引introducing of technology
技术引skills acquisition
技术引technology acquisition
技术引technology importation
技术引technical introduction
技术引technical acquisition
技术引technology import
技术引import of technology
投机买speculated for a rise
指令性口管理mandatory restrictions on import
指示经纪人买或卖出的命令stop order
度付款progress billing
按现货价买buying sight rate
支持购support buying
品质improve quality
型斐林溶液Benedict solution
的装置modified system
盛泽真丝纺绸improved zanza
费用improvement costs
放宽口限制ease import restrictions
斜向material drifting
旅游tourism import
普通口许可证open general import license
最后货发票价格last invoice price
最后货成本last cost
最大口量maximum imports
最大口额maximum imports
最近last invoice price
有形出口visible export and import
有形visible import
有形physical import
服装出口促理事会Apparel Export Promotion Council
机械钻速度record of penetration
根据需要行检修,依需要检修inspection and repair as necessary
检验口布料inspect imported fabrics
棉花发展促Cotton Foundation
正式口报关formal entry
调节step-by-step control
活动出三角plunger cam
海关customs entry
式扎束裁片生产方式progressive bundle unit production system
港口入管制harbor entry control
烘筒汽头rotary joint
特产special import
特别口许可证special import license
特别加工special import
特殊special import
禁止importation prohibited
禁止prohibition of import
禁止prohibitive import
禁止importation forbidden
禁止importation interdicted
禁止ban on import
禁止口国prohibited import nation
禁止商品commodity import prohibition
私人信托信用证方式private import escrow
空运口货物提单import air way bill
第三国third-country import
管制出口controlled import and export
管制口商品controlled import articles
管制口货物controlled import articles
箱板凹case plank dented
成本progressive costs
收费progressive charges
税率progressive rate of tax
计件工资progressive piece-rate wage
计件工资productivity wages
遗产税progressive inheritance tax
progressive total
口量net import
纯钻效率record of penetration
纺织Textile Progress
纺织Textile Progress (英国季刊)
《纺织展》期刊Textile Progress
《纺织展评论》期刊Review of Textile Progress
纺织品出口监督机构Textile Surveillance Body
纺织品出口监督机构Textiles Surveillance Body
纺织品口及销售咨询委员会Importer-Retailer Textile Advisory Committee
纺织品口及销售咨询委员会Importer-Retailer Textile Advisory Committee
纺织服装标准促Textile Apparel Linkage Council
纺织服装标准促Textile/Apparel Linkage Council
织物对齐送registered feed
经济economic progress
经营出口operate export and import
经营改improvement of operation
缝制衣服所必需的全cut-make trim
缩减reduced import
羊毛和粗纺毛织物出口促协会Wool and Woolens Export Promotion Council
美国纺织品口商协会United States Association of Importers of Textile And Apparel
美国纺织品口商协会United States Association of Importers of Textiles and Apparel
职业口商professional importer
联合combination import
船舶ship's entered harbor
色彩退感color advance-retreat feeling
花边口商协会Lace Importers Association
short covering
buy in
定额open to buy
计划外non-planned import
试样token import
象征性token import
货物出口合同contract for export and import of goods
货物出口量cargoes inward and outward
货物physical import
货物口税险import duty risk
purchase parts
purchasing method
的部件purchased parts
股票take stock in
贸易促trade promotion
贸易促trade drive
贸易促协会trade promotion society
贸易促协会trade promotion association
贸易促委员会trade promotion committee
贸易促措施measures of trade promotion
贸易促部门trade promotion division
资本capital import
资金引import of capital
超定额over-quota import
转运口手续transit entry
输入先技术import advanced technology
达到世界先水平come up to advanced world standard
仓取样acceptance sampling
入市场机会access to market
入市场的壁垒barriers to entry
入行业的障碍barriers to entry
口专利patent of introduction
口专营import monopoly
口分期付款deferred payment on import
口利润profit on importing
口利润profit from importation
口利润import profit
口到货单编号accepted bill number
口合格证certificate for import
口后融通post import financing
口地点point of import
口市场importing market
口成分import content
口成套设备complete set of equipment imported
口成本cost of import
口支岀import debit
口水平level of import
口津贴bounty on importation
口津贴bounty on import
口渗透率rate of import penetration
口申报import declaration
口申报declaration for import
口申报制度import declaration system
口申请notice of import
口申请application for import
口申请书notice of importation
口程序process of import
口程序procedure for importing
口税捐import duty tax
口账户import account
口账簿invoice book inwards
口货估价commodity import valuation
口货物import goods
口货物import cargo
口货物保险import goods insurance
口货物保险import cargoes insurance
口货物分类,进口商品分类classification of goods of importation
口货物清单list of import goods
口货物申报entry of goods inward
口货物过境单transit pass for imports
口货舱单inward manifest
口贷款loan for import
口贷款import credit
口贸易商import merchant
口费用import charges
口费用cost of import
口通知notice of import
口需求import requirement
口需求import demand
岀口信贷international trading credit
岀口实务practice of export and import
岀口相抵消的贸易协定compensation agreement
岀口许可证import and export license
岀口货价比率terms of trade
布口fabric loading port
布口entry slot
布机构feeding mechanism
布机架entry gantry
布装置inlet assembly
布辊infeed roller
布量控制feed control
度管理progress control
度表progress chart
度计划schedule planning
度计划明细表detail schedule
样系统sample-handing system
步流行progressive fashion
entry into port
arrival at the port
港入口port entrance
港日day of entry
港结关import clearance
港航道approach channel
港航道port approach
港航道access to the ports
港航道access channel
港道路road access
程表progress sheet
行制裁impose sanction
账参考posting reference
replenish one's stock
order entry
货决策purchase decision
货净额net purchase
货分析purchasing analysis
货单位purchasing unit
货发票簿invoice book inwards
货员purchasing agent
货回扣purchase rebate
货成本purchasing costs
货成本prime cost
货折扣purchase discount
货日记账purchase journal
货渠道channels for purchasing goods
货确认书purchase confirmation
货税purchase tax
货簿purchase diary
货簿invoice book inwards
货订单purchasing order
货账invoice book inwards
货账户purchase account
货退回簿purchase return book
货量quantity purchased
远期货long position
销表trading statement
air supply
香袋pilgrimage pouch
退回returned purchase
式捆扎单元袋置系统progressive bundle unit system
式捆扎装置progressive bundle system
通用十制分类法universal decimal classification
邮包import by parcel post
邮包商品commodity import by parcel post
重复overlapping import
重复引overlapping import
限制restricted import
限制商品commodity import ban
限额rationed import
集中购centralized purchasing
预付口设备款prepayment for imported equipment
预付口货款prepayment for imports
预备口报关单preliminary entry
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