
Terms for subject Securities containing 进行的 | all forms | in specified order only
上市公司对其股份权益有进行调查的权力power of listed corporation to investigate ownership of interests in its shares
不在交易所进行的交易over-the-counter transaction
为获取垄断权而进行的兼并mergers for monopoly power
主张进行黄金投资的人gold bug
交易厅内进行的交易floor-based trading
以借来的股票进行交易trading on borrowed stocks
停止以当事人身份进行的活动cease to act as principal
可进行卖空交易的指定证券designated securities eligible for short selling
对监管中的营业活动进行限制restriction on carrying on business in regulated activity
市场见顶时进行的交易deal written at the top of the market
押后进行的全面要约deferred general offer
按形态进行日交易的交易商pattern day-trader
按照美国 1978 年《破产改革法案》第11章条款进行的重组reorganization under Chapter 11
按衡平法规定进行的转让equitable assignment
根据信托规则进行的交易transactions subject to fiduciary rules
正在进行的发行on the run issues
股票在交易所正式交易前进行买卖的场外市场gray market
诱使股东进行不必要的交易inveigling a shareholder into a unnecessary trade
进人证券行业的障碍entry barriers in security industry
进行批量交易的证券公司wholesale house