
Terms for subject Technology containing 进行的 | all forms | in specified order only
不再进行机械加工的铸造cast to shape
从航天器进行的遥感space-borne remote sensing
分头进行的审计participatory audits
发生油污事故时在公海上进行干涉的国际公约International Convention Relating to Intervention on High Seas in Oil Spill Accident
在进行粉末冶金模具设计时经常会用到大量的通用零件和通用模架Many common parts and common mould base parts are used while the designer are designing powder metallurgy die
对未穿线的树进行穿线thread an unthread tree
已进行过的调查工作investigation work
所有的焊接需进行泄漏测试,以确保清洗机没有任何漏水All welds are subject to leak test to ensure the washer is watertight
投资者进行的项目investor project
按回购协定进行的购买业务buying operation under repurchase agreement
按已做的进行制图work as executed drawing
正在进行的工作on-going operation
正在进行中的项目on-going project
正在进行靠船作业的船只docking vessel
波的行进progress of wave
现在进行中的吹填工程reclamation works presently underway
用雾化作用进行的喷洒spray by atomizing
用雾化作用进行的喷淋spray by atomizing
筹款进行的投资investment financed
节流阀在执行元件进油路上的调速回路meter-in circuit
规划所要进行港口发展的费用cost of port development planned to take place
进入跑道的滑行道runway access taxiway
进程的运行状态running state of a process
进行中的工程work in progress
进行中的建筑工程construction work in progress
进行中的炭化作用in-service carbonation
进行中的项目going project
进行列队仪式的庙宇processional temple
进行回火的房子tempering house
进行的次序along order
进行近海潜水的常规方法normal method of carrying out offshore diving
队列行进的道路processional path
隧道中同时平行掘进的面mixed face