
Terms containing 进行的 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.一定不要大声地喝汤或嗫汤。喝汤的时候要小口地、安静地进行Never sip or slurp your tea or soup loudly. Take small, quiet little mouthfuls
gen.一种可以进行合成摄像的电子摄像机Video Scene
securit.上市公司对其股份权益有进行调查的权力power of listed corporation to investigate ownership of interests in its shares
fin.《上市公司董事进行证券交易的标准守则》Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers
tech.不再进行机械加工的铸造cast to shape
securit.不在交易所进行的交易over-the-counter transaction
commun.不在播音室内进行的播音outside broadcast
gen.不应当用冷的砂轮进行强力打磨but the wheel should be allowed to warm up slowly
gen.不应当用冷的砂轮进行强力打磨a heavy cut should not be taken with a cold abrasive wheel
avia.不进行空中加油的航程unrefuelled range
econ.许多国家进行工农业产品方面的贸易trade in industrial and agricultural products with (many countries)
gen.与N进行M方面的贸易trade in M with (N)
econ.世界市场的情况需要进行周密的分析The situation in the world market needs close analyzing
econ.为了进行上述合并,双方相互同意将公司所有的各种资产及财产予以转让或过户给乙方公司The parties agree with each other that they will convey or transfer all their corporate assets and property of every kind and description to company B in order to carry out the above-mentioned consolidation
hockey.为做实地调査而进行的旅行field trip
auto.产品或材料为制定说明书而进行的试验documentation test
econ.为履行他本人的职责,总经理可以自由和无庸争议地随时进入任何部门The general manager has free and undisputed access at all times to any department for execution of his duties
avia.为战斗机或快速攻击机进行的空中战斗巡逻combat air patrol for fighters or fast strike aircraft
proj.manag.为支付进行的计量measurement for payment
mil., air.def.为检测低截获概率信号而进行的检波前处理predetection processing to detect LPI signals
securit.为获取垄断权而进行的兼并mergers for monopoly power
securit.主张进行黄金投资的人gold bug
China, law书面提出进行审查的建议make a written proposal for review
China, law书面提出进行审查的要求make a written request for review
commer.买主要求这些细节,是为了符合本国在进口许可证、关税以及外汇管制等方面的现行规定The buyer requires these details in order to comply with the rules and regulations in force in his own country applying to such topics as import licences, customs duties and exchange restrictions
econ.交付给我公司的产品现在正在实验室中进行试验These products delivered to our company are on trial in the laboratory
securit.交易厅内进行的交易floor-based trading
UN从本国生产进行的采购procurement through national production
tech.从航天器进行的遥感space-borne remote sensing
busin.代办进口的商行import commission house
China, polit.代表国家和人民进行的具有法律效力的监督oversight with the force of law carried out on behalf of the state and the people
securit.以借来的股票进行交易trading on borrowed stocks
UN以编制预算的方法进行综合分析budgeting approach to the aggregate analysis
avia.仪表飞行规则的直线进近straight-in approach-IFR
gen.你应该向右转进入到河岸街。向前直行,特拉法尔广场就在路尽头。你不会走错的You must turn right into the Strand. Go straight on and Trafalgar Square is at end of the road. You can't miss it!
commer.使有必要进行详细的可行性研究warrant a detailed feasibility study
proj.manag.依法或依约必须进行的仲裁mandatory arbitration
proj.manag.依法或依约必须进行的仲裁obligatory arbitration
proj.manag.依法或依约必须进行的仲裁compulsory arbitration
org.name.促进和实施发展中国家间技术合作的布宜诺斯艾利斯行动计划Buenos Aires Plan of Action
org.name.促进和实施发展中国家间技术合作的布宜诺斯艾利斯行动计划Buenos Aires Plan of Action for Promoting and Implementing Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries
UN, tech.修筑不需由专门工兵特遣队进行的自卫防御工事例如小掩体、堑壕和观察哨所self-defence fortification works e.g., small shelters, trenches and observation posts not tasked to specialized engineering contingents
IMF.债券的票面价格进行交换par bond exchange debt restructuring
commer.值得进行的实验worthwhile experiment
shipb.值得进行的试验worthwhile experiment
securit.停止以当事人身份进行的活动cease to act as principal
fin.允许中国企业使用人民币进行跨境贸易结算的项目allow Chinese companies to settle cross-border trades using the renminbi
avia.先进的应用飞行设备advanced application flight equipment
avia.先进的飞行仪表系统advanced flight instrument system
space先进的飞行操纵传动系统advanced flight control actuation system
avia.先进的飞行操纵作动系统advanced flight control actuation system
econ.公司业务的全部经营情况由公司的经理进行监督The whole operation of the company's business is supervised by the company's manager
China, law共同进行诉讼的当事人party who participates in a joint action
gen.关于相关费用我会通过现金或者信用卡的形式进行支付I would like to pay for the relevant expense by cash or credit card
interntl.trade.内部进行股票交易的人inside dealer
proj.manag.冷启动恢复整个电脑并进行一个完整的自我测试A cold boot restores the whole computer and carries out a complete self-test
opt.准分子激光眼科治疗仪可以用来进行近视、远视、散光等屈光不正的矫正手术The excimer laser refractive surgical instrument can be used to correct myopia, hyperopia astigmatism diopter
tech.分头进行的审计participatory audits
danc.列队行进位中的桑巴samba walk in P.P.
auto.口语利用汽车在寒冷气候条件下多次短距离低速行驶的方法进行的机油腐蚀性试验Aunt Minnie Test
busin.利用税法漏洞进行合法逃税的人creator of tax shield
gen.加拿大建立的第一个国家公园跨越了风光无与伦比的山区,全年开放,可供游客观赏野生动物、游览和进行其他户外活动The first national park established in Canada spans a region of unparalleled mountain scenery and is open year-round for wildlife viewing, sightseeing, and other outdoor activities
sport.协助国际田联进行赛外兴奋剂检查是任何会员协会或其官员的责任It is the duty of any Member or officer of a Member to assist the IAAF in carrying out out-of-competition testing
econ.协议里没有对小件物品的数量进行限制的条款No provision in the agreement sets a limitation of the quantity of small articles
expl.即便在爆破完全封闭且岩石没有破碎的情况下、穿行在岩层的压力脉冲会继续向前进人大气Pressure pulses traveling through the rock continue onward into the atmosphere even when the blast is completely confined and the rock is not broken
telecom.双向同时进行的交互two-way-simultaneous interaction
math.反复进行的调查repeated survey
tech.发生油污事故时在公海上进行干涉的国际公约International Convention Relating to Intervention on High Seas in Oil Spill Accident
ecol.发生油污事故时在公海上进行干涉的国际公约International Convention Relating to Intervention on High Seas in Oil Spill Accidents
jewl.可依据客户要求,对宝石的产地进行鉴定origin if requested
gen.可行方向法的锯齿形前进zigzagging in feasible direction methods
securit.可进行卖空交易的指定证券designated securities eligible for short selling
econ.可随时进行清理的公司collapsible corporation
econ.史密斯先生需要进行大量实地调査以便找到产品适销的市场Mr. Smith had to do a lot of field work to find the right market for the product
commer.合同规定任何争议应由双方指定的独任的仲裁员进行仲裁The contract provides that any difference or dispute shall be referred to the arbitration of a sole arbitrator appointed by both parties
commer.合约规定任何争议应提交伦敦商会指定的人进行仲裁The contract provides that any difference or dispute shall be referred to the arbitration of a person appointed by the London Chamber of Commerce
refrig.同时进行的换热和传质过程simultaneous heat and mass transfer
gen.同时对几个摩擦面进行润滑的装置multiluber (方法)
mil.同时间进行数种问题的运算multishift operation
proj.manag.向存储器传送地址是经过一组为地址总线的并行导线进行的The address is transmitted to the memory through a set of parallel wires called an address bus
fin.向着正确的方向行进move in the right direction
econ.因为运输途中受损的货物箱太多,船主进行赔偿有很大困难The shipowner had great difficulty in arranging a redress because there were too many cases of goods damaged in transport
proj.manag.因担保形成的资产的账面价值应当在资产负债表结算日进行减值测试The book value of the asset formed by the guarantee shall be conducted a devalue test on the balance sheet date
interntl.trade.因货币贬值或升值而进行的某些货币换算调整certain translation adjustments as a result of currency depreciations and appreciations
interntl.trade.在一方当事人缺席的情况下进行的审判程序default proceedings
consult.在不确定的情况下进行财务评价financial evaluation under uncertainty
baseb.在主方赛场连续进行的比赛home stand
fin.在交易大厅进行的交易floor-based trading
interntl.trade.在仲裁程序进行中所作的非最后裁决interlocutory award
proj.manag.在你的音频处理器中打开文件、 进行背景降噪、 删除长段无声空白Open it up into your sound editor and edit out extra background noise or long periods of silence
auto.在使用条件下进行的大修field overhaul
sport.在分道内进行的所有的赛跑、每名运动员必须始终保持在指定给他的分道内进行赛跑In all races run in lanes, each competitor shall keep within his allocated lane from start to finish
UN, tech.在受核生化威胁的环境下对所有人员和人员装备进行净化行动decontamination operations for all personnel and personal equipment in a NBC threat environment
UN, tech.在受核生化威胁的环境下对所有人员和人员装备进行初步的净化行动initial decontamination operations for all personnel and personal equipment in a NBC threat environment
auto.在同等条件下进行的比赛scratch race
econ.在工程进行中,工程师可用图纸说明该项工程所需做出的变动During the progress of the work, the engineer may illustrate changes in the work to be done by means of drawings
UN在敞开的环境中进行的试验trial in the open environment
anim.husb.在槽床上进行剥皮及除内脏的方法bed dressing system
sport.在比赛的任何阶段、当运动员的行进方式违反竞走定义的规定、表现出可见的明显的腾空或膝关节弯曲时、均应给予严重警告红卡Competitors shall be given warnings red card when, by their mode of progression, they fail to comply with the Definition of Race walking by exhibiting visible loss of contact or a bent knee during any part of the competition. (注释:1. 国际田联竞走规则中较长时间使用 warning作为严重警告,因此,仍保留这种例句作为参考。2. 国际田联新规则(2006)更多使用红卡 red eard 例如,当裁判员观察到运动员表现出明显的腾空或膝关节弯曲时,裁判员须向主裁判送交一张红卡 red card)
nautic., tech.在用户工厂进行的焊接程序试验welding procedure tests in the user's works
UN在紧急情况下进行区域合作抗治东南太平洋油类及其他有害物质污染的协定的补充议定书Supplementary Protocol to the Agreement on Regional Cooperation in Combating Pollution of the South-East Pacific by Hydrocarbons and Other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency
sport.在足球场上进行的手球运动field handball
space在轨道飞行中进行的实验in-orbit experiment
expl.在过去的几十年里、人们对飞石现象进行了大量的实验研究和理论研究Much experimental and theoretical work about flyrock phenomena has been performed in the past decades
tech.在进行粉末冶金模具设计时经常会用到大量的通用零件和通用模架Many common parts and common mould base parts are used while the designer are designing powder metallurgy die
heavy.eq.增进健康的行业health -enhancement industry
el.外加的改进运行措施additional measures for improving operation
proj.manag.多媒体协处理器中包含了多个专用于多媒体处理的功能模块、 可以加速多媒体处理的进行The multimedia coprocessor consists of several modules to accelerate the processing of multimedia data
space太阳附近进行高级研究的行星际探测器interplanetary craft for advanced research in vicinity of sun (美国空间探测器)
proj.manag.如何有效地对数据进行压缩、 是一个亟待解决的问题How to efficiently compress the data is a critical problem
sport.如参赛选手人数太多、有必要进行几次分组赛、淘汰水平较低的选手、以便减少参加决赛的选手人数When there are too many competitors to compete at one time, several heats will be held to eliminate the less competent competitors from the final
proj.manag.如果您的账户有任何异常、请立即拨打账单上提供的号码进行报告Immediately report any irregularities in your accounts by dialing the number shown on your account statement
gen.如果我进行了更改,我预订的专车服务会怎么样?What happens to my chauffer bookings if I change?
sport.如果根据 3 名裁判员的意见、某一位运动员的行进方式在比赛任何阶段违反竞走定义时、这名运动员将被取消比赛资格。取消比赛资格由裁判长负责通知。When, in the opinion of three Judges, a competitor's mode of progression fails to comply with the definition of race walking during any part of the competition, the competitor shall be disqualified and informed of his disqualification by the Chief Judge
econ.如需要对已完工的项目进行检査,承包商应提供必要的便利When an examination of project already completed is needed, necessary facilities shall be furnished by the contractor
gen.妨碍…的正常进行throw M out of gear
gen.妨碍M的正常进行throw M out of gear
commer.宁可进行仔细的可行性研究prefer to make a careful feasibility study rather than make a hasty decision
avia.定期航线飞行员在完成最终进近时的目标速度target speed on short finals
econ.客商将所得利润用于在特区内进行再投资为期5年以上者,可申请减免再投资部分的利润所得税An investor who reinvests his profits in the Special Economic Zones for 5 years and longer may claim exemption of income taxation on profits from such reinvestment
gen.对 M 进行 N 的研究investigate M for (N)
interntl.trade.对价格上涨的资产进行投机hedge against inflation
interntl.trade.对公海上发生油污事故进行干涉的国际公约International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties
UN对危险废物进行无害环境管理的开罗准则和原则Cairo Guidelines and Principles for the Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes
China, polit.对国务院的工作进行监督exercise oversight the work of the State Council
fin.对国际金融体系进行必要的改革undertake necessary reform of the international financial system
econ."对外汇、贵重金属和外汇票证等进出国境的管理施行细则"Rules for the Implementation of Controls Relating to Carrying Foreign Exchange Precious Metals and Foreign Exchange Instruments into and out of China
expl.对实地数据进行分析,以确定飞石距离和爆破设计参数之间的相互关系Field data are analyzed to determine the correlation between flyrock distances and the blast design parameters
proj.manag.β 对开发阶段的软件进行的测试beta test
econ.对新规则的执行进展顺利The implementation of new rules is going on smoothly
tech.对未穿线的树进行穿线thread an unthread tree
China, polit.对法律和有关法律问题的决定的实施情况进行检查examine the implementation of laws and legal decisions
securit.对监管中的营业活动进行限制restriction on carrying on business in regulated activity
proj.manag.对确定承诺的外汇风险进行的套期、 企业可以作为现金流量套期或公允价值套期处理An enterprise may deal -with a hedging of foreign exchange risk of firm commitment as a cash flow hedging or fair value hedging
commer.对…进行最后的精加工give the last finish to
mater.sc.对…进行量测所获得的数字〔结果〕measurement on
proj.manag.嵌套泛型类型的名称必须对新引入到类型中的类型参数的数目进行编码The name of a nested generic type must encode the number of type parameters newly introduced to the type
econ.进行的业务the operation effected
tech.已进行过的调查工作investigation work
securit.市场见顶时进行的交易deal written at the top of the market
el.并通过通信网与任何人进行任何种类信息交换的通信方式whoever, whenever, wherever, whomever, whatever
sport.径赛项目是在 400 米长椭圆形的8条跑道上进行的Track events are run on eight lanes on a 400-metre oval
econ.律师着手进行为推销员回收欠款的民事诉讼程序The attorney instituted civil proceedings for the collection of debts by the salesman
gen.您认为在不久的将来电子银行还会有哪些进一步发展?What further advances do you think e-banking will make in the near future?
gen.我们进行的方式和这个差不多this is very much the pattern we follow
econ.我们具有广泛、多方面的行业经验,所以能够与你国进行大量贸易We have a wide and varied experience in the trade so we can do a lot of trade with your country
econ.我们和他们就与此交易有密切关系的一切条件进行了讨论We have talked with them all conditions germane to the transaction
econ.我们将继续进行以前的代表开始进行的业务谈判We are going to continue the business negotiations initiated by the former representatives
econ.我们应发行占公司股本的完全的实收股份来进行支付We shall issue fully paid-up shares in the capital stock of the company to make payment
econ.我们应该用我们的最好技能对该项施工进行有效监督We should supervise the work in an efficient way, using our best skill
econ.我们正在考虑对这一行业进行大规模的投资We are considering large-scale investment in this line
sport.我们的运动员为参加赛跑进行训练Our athletes trained for races.
econ.我们要在相互信任的气氛中进行谈判以修订本协议We shall talk in good faith to amend this agreement
winemak.我们采用法国AOC 体系的评级标准对酒进行分类We adopt the standard of French AOC system to classify their wine
econ.我公司正在进行一项市场调査,以便确定什么产品符合顾客的需要Our company is carrying out a market survey to determine what products come up to customer' needs
econ.我公司的业务已饱和,无法与你方进行交易Our company is fully engaged and cannot trade with you
gen.我想知道公交车行进的路线I'd like to know the route of the bus
econ.我方专门生产手工艺品,愿与贵方进行这方面的交易Being specialized in the manufacture of handicrafts, we express our desire to trade with you in this line
econ.我方从行政当局取得必要的进口许可证没有困难We have no difficulties in getting the necessary import licence from our authorities
proj.manag.所有单位信托的申请都必须在附有内容说明书的申请表格上进行All applications for unit trusts must be made on the application form accompanying the prospectus
sport.所有投掷链球的动作必须在护笼内进行、以保证观众、工作人员以及其他运动员的安全All hammer throws shall be made from a cage to ensure the safety of spectators, officials and competitors
tech.所有的焊接需进行泄漏测试,以确保清洗机没有任何漏水All welds are subject to leak test to ensure the washer is watertight
interntl.trade.执行进口限制的许可licensing to administer import restriction
interntl.trade.执行进口限制的许可licensing administer import restriction
econ.技术人员观看新的程序控制系统进行操作The technicians saw the new programme control system being demonstrated
tech.投资者进行的项目investor project
securit.押后进行的全面要约deferred general offer
nautic., tech.拆船设施应做好准备进行处理的船上可见材料有害材料清单第 III 部分中所包括者materials found on board ships that the ship recycling facility should be prepared to handle included in Part III of the inventory of hazardous materials
proj.manag.持续进行的作业项on-going activity
auto.订货人要求进行的车辆检査voluntary vehicle inspection
adv.按产品进行的销售分析sales analysis by product
busin.按会计法规进行的会计核算accounting based on legal requirements
econ.按会计法规定进行的会计核算accounting based on legal requirements
econ.按公平合理的准则进行的仲裁arbitration aequo et bono
interntl.trade.按公平合理的准则进行仲裁arbitration in equity
interntl.trade.按公平合理的准则进行仲裁arbitration aequo et bono
adv.按区域进行的销售分析sales analysis by territory
IMF.按协议进行的交易transaction by agreement
auto.按合同进行的货物运输contract haulage
tech.按回购协定进行的购买业务buying operation under repurchase agreement
econ.按定货人要求进行的试验customer-request test
tech.按已做的进行制图work as executed drawing
securit.按形态进行日交易的交易商pattern day-trader
busin.按换算假设进行的计算"if-converted" computation
securit.按照美国 1978 年《破产改革法案》第11章条款进行的重组reorganization under Chapter 11
gen.按照正常〔本身〕 的程序进行take its course
securit.按衡平法规定进行的转让equitable assignment
adv.按订货规模进行的销售分析sales analysis by order size
el.按需进行计算机支持下的协同工作CSCW on demand
adv.按顾客进行的销售分析sales analysis by customer
lat., econ., int. law.据以进行此种诉讼的契约assumpsit
econ.接受客商提供的原料,设备进行加工manufacturing for foreign concerns which provide both raw materials and equipment
mining.接着进行的测试test to follow
commer.推行新的进口自动批准制度carry out a new AAIS
polo.支配左右马的行进influence on the horse
econ.收到你方索赔的一切证件之后,我方将立即进行调査We will investigate it at once after receiving all relevant documents in substantiation of your claim
expl.改进后抛掷爆破法可减少大煤矿的电力消耗、且不需要索斗铲进行大量的剥离运动Electricity consumption on large coal mines may be reduced through improved throw blasting, requiring less overburden movement by the draglines
geophys.改进后的声波测井刻度例行程序acoustilog calibration modified routine
el.改进的逐行倒相制improved phase alternation line system
gen.〔西班牙语〕 斗牛时演奏的轻快进行曲Paso doble
proj.manag.无法通过基于 MS-DOS 的程序或MS-DOS 命令提示符进行打印You cannot print from an MS-DOS-based program or from the MS-DOS command prompt
avia.曳光弹进行的射击控制tracer control
proj.manag.有关方面就我的婚姻状况以及银行结余对我进行了长久的调查I was subjected to a lengthy inquisition into the state of my marriage and the size of my bank balance
proj.manag.有图形界面的进程在执行时、其消息循环处于等待状态When a process with a graphical interface is executing, its message loop is in a wait state
archit.有较高级视听设备和器材进行社会教育的机构audio-visual center
stat.未进行季节性调整的seasonally unadjusted
econ.本合同需两个月进行一次预防性的修订The contract needs preventive revision on a bimonthly basis
securit.根据信托规则进行的交易transactions subject to fiduciary rules
econ.根据契约进行生产的农场contract farm
earth.sc.根据极光计划进行的红外化学实验infrared chemistry experiment coordinated auroral program
el.欧洲在异步传送模式网上进行的多媒体实验European multimedia experiments in ATM environment
securit.正在进行的发行on the run issues
tech.正在进行的工作on-going operation
proj.manag.正在进行的工作work in progress
manag.正在进行的工作activity in progress
busin.正在进行的工作jobs in operation
avia.正在进行的工作work in process
manag.正在进行的操作on going operations
corp.gov.正在进行的活动on-going activity
corp.gov.正在进行的评估on-going evaluation
shipb.正在进行的项目ongoing project
econ.正在对经济性质的这一问题进行全面调査A full-scale investigation is under way into the matter of economic nature
avia.正在进行中的研究research in progress
tech.正在进行中的项目on-going project
auto.正在进行试验的汽车test vehicle
tech.正在进行靠船作业的船只docking vessel
econ.此种全国性的宣传绝对必要,且于下月进行,费用由公司承担Such national publicity is absolutely necessary and will be carried out next month at the cost of the company
gen.每位申请人,包括儿童在内,都必须要有自己的 DS-160签证申请表。在去大使馆进行面谈之前,须通过在线方式完成并提交 DS-160表Each applicant - including children - must have their own visa application, which is known as the DS-160. The DS-160 must be completed and submitted online prior to your interview at the American embassy
baseb.比赛进行中的换人on-the-fly substitution
econ.毫无疑问,你须从行政当局取得必需的进口许可证It's out of question that you should get the necessary import licence from the authorities
tech.波的行进progress of wave
expl.注砂井由贮存充填材料的砂仓和进行水砂混合的注砂室组成的充填设施storage-mixed bin
expl.注砂井由贮存充填材料的砂仓和进行水砂混合的注砂室组成的充填设施sand filling shaft
econ.派代表们去实验室,对性能测试进行昼夜不停的观察The representatives are sent to the lab for around-the-clock observation of the performance test
gen.海关官员对入境的车辆进行抽查Customs officers carry out spot check on incoming cars
ceram.淘洗的意思是经洗涤、滤除或倾析以进行净化Elutriation means purifying by washing and straining or decanting
UN, tech.特遣队可保持有限的作业储备不超过批准数量的10%,以用于迅速替换业已损失的或在战区无法进行保养的损坏车辆operational stocks up to 10 per cent of authorized quantity designed as immediate replacement for vehicles lost or damaged beyond in-theatre repair capability
China, law独立进行经济活动的自主权decision-making power in conducting independent economic activities
gen.现在济州岛的拍摄部分差不多快完成了,就要回首尔进行新的拍摄了The shooting in Jeju Island is now almost completed, and I will be returning to Seoul to start new shooting
tech.现在进行中的吹填工程reclamation works presently underway
proj.manag.现行的进度计划current programme
gen.用一般操作进行的线性网络分析linear network analysis by general operations
interntl.trade.用不抵用的票据进行交易kiting transaction
el.用升高电压法进行击穿试验的变压器flash transformer
auto.用概率计算方法进行的设计probabilistic design
tech.用雾化作用进行的喷洒spray by atomizing
tech.用雾化作用进行的喷淋spray by atomizing
expl.由于对高压气体的过早喷泄进行控制所起的限制作用、飞石飞行距离随炮泥长度的增加而递减的这种趋势是显而易见的The decreasing trend of flyrock distance with increasing stemming length is obvious from the role of confinement in controlling premature venting of high pressure gases
expl.由于岩石破碎不理想、影响到开采计划的实施、进而影响到开采成本、常用的爆破破碎模型只能对破碎曲线进行粗略分析Current blast fragmentation models tend to focus on the coarse end of the fragmentation curve because of the impact of poor fragmentation on excavation performance, and hence excavation costs
sport.由于所有成绩相等的运动员均未能跳过此高度、横杆降至 1.92 米、进行第二次试跳、以决定名次As all the competitors tying failed, the bar is lowered to 1.92m for another jump-off
econ.由于机器本身质次所造成的损坏,承租人不必对物主进行赔偿No reparation shall be made by the tenant to the owner for damages resulting from the inferior quality of the machine
gen.由于高岭土是一种疏松的土质原料,较易开采,且无须粉碎,可直接进行淘洗As kaolin is a loose raw material, it is easy to be quarried and needs no cracking so that it can be washed directly
gen.由人造卫星〔飞船〕 带进轨道后放出的飞行体subsatellite
proj.manag.由他人代理缺席业主进行的经营管理absentee management
UN, tech.由作为部队资产的专家小组代表特派团进行的specialist unit as a force asset
proj.manag.电视机进行了分屏、左边是铜陵的情况、右边是天荒坪的情况TV had a split screen, the left is the situation in Tongling, the right is the Tianhuangping situation
anim.husb.病情进行性恶化的患者病畜progressively deteriorating patient
manag.监督生产的进行production follow-up
avia.目视飞行规则的直线进近straight-in approach-VFR
commer.相互理解对业务的顺利进行是必要的Mutual understanding is essential to the smooth running of business
expl.穿孔的同时进行测量measurement while drilling
econ.等到我们获取你方按所附账单款项开具的支票后,我们再进行下一步合作We won't go to next stage of operation until we have your cheque for the amount of the enclosed statement
tech.筹款进行的投资investment financed
proj.manag.经交易所进行的卖空活动exchange-based short selling activity
interntl.trade.经纪人在场外直接进行的交易transaction on dealers’ basis
interntl.trade.经纪人在场外直接进行的交易transaction on dealer's basis
econ.经纪人在场外直接进行的交易transaction on dealers9 basis
org.name.经过修订的对执行绩效进行基于结果的管理监测系统Reformed Programming, Budgeting and Results Based Monitoring System
org.name.经过修订的对执行绩效进行基于结果的管理监测系统Revised Implementation Performance Results Based Management Monitoring System
dentist.经过根管治疗的牙齿最好进行桩冠修复保护患牙It will be helpful to insert a metal core into the tooth and make a crown after root canal therapy
expl.结合将爆破规程中列出的效果进行量化的输人数据、就能评估基本的爆破释放物和天气影响的共同作用When combined with inputs that quantify the effects of blasting specifications,the combined effect of basic blast emission and meteorological effects can be evaluated
proj.manag.网络中返回其他用户的邮件地址或允许用户对主机和服务进行定位的服务directory service
gen.肝炎患者痊愈后,仍须对其进行定期的健康检查The periodical physical examination must be given to a patient who has recuperated from hepatitis
securit.股票在交易所正式交易前进行买卖的场外市场gray market
tech.节流阀在执行元件进油路上的调速回路meter-in circuit
proj.manag.若采用实际利率法进行摊销是不切实可行的、 那么可以采用直线法进行摊销If it is not feasible to adopt the effective interest rate method for the amortization. the straight-line method may be adopted
econ.行市看涨时买进的股票long stock
interntl.trade.行情看涨时买进的股票long stock
auto.车辆动力学行进方向的保持course holding
auto.车辆动力学行进方向的偏差course deviation
auto.车辆动力学行进方向的改变course change
sport, bask.行进间的running
China, polit.被迫进行保家卫国的正义战争be compelled to wage a just war to defend the homeland
sport.裁判员负责对参赛运动员的表现进行评估The judge is responsible for evaluating the performance of competitors
sport.裁判长负责比赛规则的实施、取消犯规运动员的比赛资格、对规则中有争议的问题进行解释并作出决定、批准有正式纪录的比赛成绩Referee is responsible for enforcing the rules and disqualifying offenders, deciding on questions of interpretations of the rules and certifying record performances
expl.装有嵌人式延时雷管的连接器早在20世纪50年代已付诸使用、借此进行程序复杂的延时爆破设计Connectors with built-in delay detonators, allowing the design of complex delay shots, became available as early as the 1950s
econ.装运的准备工作正在加速进行Preparations for shipment are well under way
tech.规划所要进行港口发展的费用cost of port development planned to take place
securit.诱使股东进行不必要的交易inveigling a shareholder into a unnecessary trade
fin.诱使进行交易的虚假信息false information for inducing transactions
fin.诱使进行交易的误导性信息misleading information for inducing transactions
el., tools说明书上对冲击钻微机自动控制系统的硬件构成及软件设计进行了详细的解释The instruction pamphlet gives a detailed description of the hardware configuration and software design of the microcomputer-based automatic control system for the impact drill
gen.请将我的行李放进飞机行李厢,好吗?Will you put my baggage in the storage bin?
gen.请把超过一定高度、长度和重量的行李放进汽车行李箱Please put the luggage over special height, length, and weight in the trunk
proj.manag.请选择不超过15个字符的您可以记住的单词、此口令会用于确认某些交易或对您进行身份验证Please choose a memorable word of no more than 15 characters. This may be used to confirm certain transactions or to verify your identity
gen.贝迪荣人身测定法通过骨骼、 指纹、肤色等进行人身鉴别的方法Bertillonage
interntl.trade.贸易的顺利进行harmony of trade
econ.贸易的顺利进行the harmony of trade
gen.赴美旅游团组预约:不少于15人组成的目的相同,且共同出行的团组,可以申请特殊团组预约。如果旅行社需要反复为其他游客进行签证申请预约,可以网上创建一个“旅行协调员”账户,而不使用团组预约Groups of not fewer than 15 individuals, traveling in the U. S. together for the same purpose, may request a special group appointment. If you are a travel agency repeatedly booking appointments for other travelers, you can create a travel coordinator profile in our online system, rather than booking group appointments
interntl.trade.趁行市跌价买进的人afternoon buyer
econ.趁行市跌价买进的人an afternoon buyer
bridge.轮次的进行次序sequence of rounds
proj.manag.这个命令行工具用于关闭和删除由其他进程锁定的文件This is a command line utility to close and delete a file which is locked by another process
arts.这件龙头雕像是手工制作。这件艺术品没有粘结点,并且进行了高精细的抛光The dragon skull figurine is made by hand The artwork has no bonding and demands fine polishing
sport.这位跳高运动员严格按照教练员的指导进行训练The high jumper strictly followed the coach's instructions in training
econ.这家公司的兴旺是由于在此行业里进行了一系列成功的兼并的缘故This company's prosperity resulted from a series of successful takeovers in the trade
gen.这样,你可以在一个月以后再支付货款,不需任何额外的费用。或者,你可以选择在几个月内进行支付In this way, you can pay for purchases a month later, without any extra charge. Or you may choose to make your payments over several months
securit.进人证券行业的障碍entry barriers in security industry
space进入大气层前的飞行段pre-entry phase
textile进入行业的障碍barriers to entry
tech.进入跑道的滑行道runway access taxiway
interntl.trade.进出口贸易的例行手续routine of import and export trade
econ.进出国境旅客行李物品的监管supervision and control over personal luggage of passengers arriving and leaving the country
tech.进程的运行状态running state of a process
gen.进行… 的<#0>研究make research on
gen.进行… 的<#0>研究do research on
gen.进行… 的<#0>研究conduct research into
avia.进行中的信息information in progress
agric.进行中的农业生产ongoing agricultural production
econ.进行中的工作job in operation
fin.进行中的工作job in operation (job in process)
econ.进行中的工作jobs in operation
tech.进行中的工程work in progress
tech.进行中的建筑工程construction work in progress
tech.进行中的炭化作用in-service carbonation
busin.进行中的生产活动carrying-on activity
econ.进行中的评价ongoing evaluation
busin.进行中的诉讼pending action
interntl.trade.进行中的项目on-going project
econ.进行中的项目an ongoing project
tech.进行中的项目going project
consult.进行中的项目project in progress
busin.进行中的项目ongoing project
consult.进行中的项目on going project
China, polit.进行了前仆后继的英勇奋斗waged many successive heroic struggles (for)
China, polit.进行了长期不懈的探索和矢志不渝的奋斗had unswervingly probed into and fought (for)
tech.进行列队仪式的庙宇processional temple
China, polit.进行各种形式的经济合作enter into various forms of economic cooperation (with)
gen.进行向左、向右、向后转等的操练go through one's facings
tech.进行回火的房子tempering house
interntl.trade.进行季节调整时所用的与移动平均数相比法ratio-to-moving-average method of seasonal adjustment
China, polit.进行广泛的宣传教育do extensive publicity work
sport., med.进行性的progressive
securit.进行批量交易的证券公司wholesale house
hockey.进行掩护的后卫covering back
met.进行炼钢需要的热量heat required to run the steelmaking process
China, polit.进行爱国主义、集体主义和国际主义、共产主义的教育conduct education in patriotism and collectivism, in internationalism and communism
tech.进行的次序along order
econ.仅根据测量和罗盘进行的船位推算dead reckoning
auto.进行试验的汽车experimental vehicle (test vehicle)
auto.进行试验的汽车experimental car (test car)
econ.进行调停的机制facility for conciliation
fin.进行跨领域的谈判engage in across-the-board negotiations
econ.进行输出活动的国内企业national firm with foreign operation
tech.进行近海潜水的常规方法normal method of carrying out offshore diving
gen.进行透彻的研究a thorough study was conducted
China, law进行鉴定的期间time for making evaluation
gen.进行顺利的in working order
econ.连续进行的生产过程continuous flow production process
AI.迭代进行的囚犯两难iterated prisoner's dilemma
proj.manag.递增排序使得项目按升序进行排列的方法ascending sort
UN, tech.递增运输系数是指支付根据湿租赁制度或保养租约提供的备件和消耗品的运输递增费用的系数,即从部队派遣国内的装载港和任务区进入港之间的托运路线上800公里500英里之后起算,每行驶800公里500英里,租赁费率递增0.25%incremental transportation factor means a factor to cover the incremental costs of transportation of spare parts and consumables under the wet lease system or lease for maintenance in increments of 0.25 per cent of the leasing rate for each complete 800 kilometres 500 miles distance, beyond the first 800 kilometres 500 miles, along consignment route between the port of embarkation in the home country and the port of entry in the mission area
expl.通常在进行爆破方案设计时希望使抛掷量最大化。但是、在一些情况下并不需要达到最大抛掷量。例如当达到最大抛掷量会使得吊铲达不到最佳的工作高度时、反而造成爆后利润的降低Usually cast blast design involves maximizing the castover. However, in other situations less than maximum cast may be desired. This can occur far example if the after blast profile from maximum casting would lower the dragline elevation to the point where the machine has inadequate stacking height
earth.sc.通过业务环境卫星进行的大气热测量atmospheric thermal measurements from operational environmental satellite
el.通过语言工程进行信息检索的术语系统system of terminology for retrieval of information through language engineering
commer.造船公司派在新船上以便保证随时进行机件修整的工程师guarantee engineer
proj.manag.重新恢复数据、 即对存储单元中因读取数据而造成的数据破坏进行恢复To regenerate data in storage units where the process of reading data results in its destruction
tech.队列行进的道路processional path
sport.除标枪外、在投掷圈内进行的投掷项目不用助跑Except the javelin, there is no run-up in throwing events which take place inside a throwing circle
avia.随后要进行的绘图工作drawing action to follow
tech.隧道中同时平行掘进的面mixed face
corp.gov.项目的开始进行时间start time of a project
sport.马拉松赛跑主要是在举办城市的大街上公路上进行、但最后一圈总是在运动场跑道上进行The marathon race is mainly run on the streets roads of the host city. However, the final lap always takes place in the stadium
proj.manag.高盛表示、巴菲特50亿美元的注资将以配售永久优先股的形式进行Mr. Buffett's $5bn infusion comes in the form of a private placement of perpetual preferred stock, the company said