
Terms for subject Technology containing 进水 | all forms | in specified order only
一侧进水water entering on one side
一次进水支管primary feeder lateral
上水进闸时间upbound entry time
上游进水headwater channel (电站)
上游进水headrace conduit (电站)
上游进水upper pool pipe
下水道进入孔sewer manhole
下水道进口截污井yard trap
下水道进口截污井gulley trap
下水道进口截污井gully trap
世界先进水highest world standard
两侧进水water entering on two side
两舱进水不沉性two-compartment floodability
中心进水圆形沉淀池centre-feed circular sedimentation basin
中心进水沉淀池central sedimentation basin
主轴控制进水spindle operated penstock
二级处理后的进水post-secondary treated influent
进水well intake
井壁进水water entering from the wall of well
井底进水water entering from the bottom of well
井底井壁进水water entering from the bottom and wall of well
井渠进水条件water entering condition in wells and canals
井的进水孔口well intake
井的进水曲面cone of intake of well
人工促进降水precipitation enhancement
低压进水low-pressure intake
低压进水装置low-pressure intake device
低压进水装置low-pressure intake unit
低压进水装置low-pressure intake
低压进水设备low-pressure intake unit
低压进水设备low-pressure intake device
侧面进水side inlet
倒虹管进水inlet chamber of inverted siphon
倾斜进水inclined intake
先进废水处理技术advanced water technology
先进污水处理advanced waste water treatment (法)
先进潜水系统advanced diving system
全球性海水进退global scale of transgressions and regressions
冷却水进水cooling water inlet pipe
冷却水进出口cooling water outlet and inlet
冷却水进口结构cooling water intake structure
冷水进水cold feed pipe
冷水进口cooling water inlet
进水总量total net inflow volume
减水促进剂water-reducing accelerator
分层取水式进水multilevel intake
分段进水step input
分段进水活性污泥法step feed activated sludge process
切向非整周进水式水轮机tangential partial turbine
半球形井底进水water entering well with semi-spheric bottom
单井底水锥进模型bottom water coning model of simple well
压力水进口阀inlet valve
压力管道进水penstock intake
压力钢进水steel penstock
原水进水raw water inlet
进水double suction
反向行进水negatively progressive flow
发动机进水engine water inlet
发电隧洞进水power tunnel intake
后部进水back inlet
后部进水集水井back-inlet gulley
后部进水集水井back-inlet gully
含水层进水面积area of aquifer intake
吸水进水主干suction header
吸水进水suction header
周边进水沉淀rim-feed sedimentation basin
周边进水沉淀peripheral feed settling tank
喇叭式进水flaring inlet
喇叭形进水bell-mouth intake
喇叭形进水flared inlet
喇叭形进水bell-mouth inlet
喷射混凝土工场进水concrete-spraying yard inlet gulley
喷射混凝土街道进水concrete-spraying street inlet gulley
喷气推进水翼艇jet hydrofoil
喷水推进hydraulic jet propulsion
喷水推进器hydraulic propeller
喷水推进艇jet boat
喷水推进艇hydrojet propelled ship
喷水推进装置hydraulic propulsion unit
圆喇叭形进水circular bell mouth entrance
圆筒闸门进水cylinder gate intake
地下进水underground penstock
地下进水water inlet tunnel
地下水进水groundwater intake
地表水进口surface water inlet
地面进水floor inlet
场院篦栅进水yard gutter
坑道进水方式the inflow way of water in gallery
堕式进水drop inlet
堵塞污水进入通道blocking passage of polluted water coming in
填堵进水通道blocking and stuffing intake passage
外突式进水projecting inlet
多孔进水multiport intake
多层进水multilevel intake
多层进水竖井溢洪道multilevel outlet shaft spillway
多支进水multiport intake
套管进水回转接头casing water swivel
套管进水转座连接器casing water swivel
定量进水proportioning feeder
容许进水permissible rates of water entry
容量一进水capacity-intake ratio
射水推进hydrojet propulsion
尾水管进入井access shaft to draft tube
尾水管进入孔draft tube manhole
尾水管进入廊道draft tube access gallery
尾水管进口draft tube entrance
局部进水local inflow
山溪进水结构water intake in maintain river
岸边进水riverain intake
岸边进水构筑物shore intake
帘格式进水inlet of grate-in-gutter type
帘格式进水grate-type inlet
平台式进水口结构balcony like intake structure
平算式进水gutter grating inlet
底孔进水口拦污栅bottom intake rack
底板间接进水的矿床mineral deposit of indirect inundation from bottom layer
废水进水wastewater influent
庭院带格栅下水道进口yard gulley
庭院带格栅下水道进口yard gully
廊道式进水water intake with filter gallery
进水import water
引进建筑物的给水干管building main
进水total intake
进水total inflow
所有的焊接需进行泄漏测试,以确保清洗机没有任何漏水All welds are subject to leak test to ensure the washer is watertight
排水孔钻进drainhole drilling
排水暗沟进水blind inlet
排水管支管进口back-inlet gulley
排水管支管进口back-inlet gully
接近世界先进水approach the advanced world level
控制水库中的洪水演进推算routing in controlled reservoir
支渠进水lateral headgate (门)
收进舰首水平舵rig in bow planes
散热器进水滤清器radiator inlet strainer
散热器进水管配件radiator inlet fitting
散热器进水软管夹radiator inlet hose clamp
散热器进出水软管radiator inlet and outlet hose
整周进水式水轮机full admission turbine
斜卧管式进水inclined penstock intake
新进入淡水河的海鱼fresh run
明流进水exposed intake (口)
明渠式进水渠道channel-type race
最先进技术水平technological state-of-the-art
最先进技术水平technologic state-of-the-art
有拦污栅的进水screened intake
有格栅的下水道进口yard gulley
有格栅的下水道进口yard gully
有落底式进水口涵洞drop-inlet culvert
木箱式进水wooden box headgate
本单位历史先进水historical best cost of the entity
本单位历史先进水historic best cost of the entity
栅式进水grated inlet
栈桥进水water intake on scaffold bridge
格栅进水grated intake
格栅进水grating intake
格栅进水grating inlet
格栅进水grated inlet
格栅式进水gutter grating inlet
框架式进水framed intake
楼面进水floor inlet
进水lateral intake
进水出概念air in/water out concept
进水出设计air in/water out design
水下推进器噪声underwater propulsion noise
水下袋内浇进混凝土depositing underwater concrete in bags
水下钻进underwater drilling
水下钻进wet drilling
水下钻进underwater drill
水井钻进water-well drilling
水介质液压给进机构water hydraulic-feed mechanism
水冲式钻进wash drilling
水冲钻进wash boring (法)
水冲钻进法wash-boring method
水力冲刷钻进drilling by jetting method
水力掘进冲挖hydraulic mining
水力掘进开采hydraulic mining
水力掘进挖土hydraulic mining
水力推进器hydromotor propeller
水力推进器hydraulic propeller
水力法掘进hydraulic sluicing
水力进刀hydraulic feed
水力钻具钻进的钻孔hydrauger hole
水力钻进jet drilling
水力钻进法jet method of drilling
水力钻进设备wash boring rig
水力驱动旋转钻进hydraulic rotary drilling
水厂进水intake of water works
水压推进式钻机auger with hydraulic feed
水压钻进式钻机auger with hydraulic feed
水土保持的进展conservation progress
水套进口jacket inlet
水平钻进horizontal drilling
水平环形钻进horizontal ring drilling
水平辐射状钻孔金刚石钻进horizontal radial diamond drilling
水平运输平巷掘进horizontal drive
水平运输平巷掘进horizontal crosscut
水平进料削片机horizontal spout chipper
水平进料削片机horizontal feed chipper
水平进给horizontal feed
水库进水过程线reservoir inflow hydrograph
水推进器water propeller
水泥平衡涵洞进水cement levelling-culvert intake
水泥平衡涵洞进水cement leveling-culvert intake
水泥早强促进剂promotor of initial resistance of cement
水泵进水管口滤网pump strainer
水泵进水花管底阀suction rose
水泵进水花管底阀suction basket
水泵进水软管夹water pump inlet hose clamp
水电站进水intake of hydropower station
水的进入ingress of water
水管进孔water pipe manhole
水质改进water quality improvement
水质改进water renovation
水车进水mill race
水轮机进口阀valve at turbine inlet
水轮机进气管turbine air vent pipe
水进式层序transgressive sequence
水进韵律transgressive rhythm
水道斜坡进口mitered inlet
水面平衡涵洞进水levelling culvert intake
水面平衡涵洞进水leveling culvert intake
污水管进口sewer inlet
污水管进户线house sewer
污水进口house inlet
汽缸进水接头cylinder water inlet connection
河岸进水shore intake
河岸进水bank intake
河岸进水构筑物shore intake
河川水流演进routing of stream flow
河槽洪水演进open channel routing
河槽洪水演进routing though channel
河槽洪水演进flow routing
河水进口river water intake
河流进水stream intake
河道洪水演进channel routing
沼地螺旋推进水陆两用车marsh screw amphibian
泄水渠进口outlet entrance
泄水管进口outlet entrance
泄水道进口sluice entrance
泄水道进口outlet entrance
洪水波行进速率rate of travel of flood wave
洪水演进法routing process (of flood)
洪水演进法flood routing process
洪水演进电模拟electrical routing analogy
洪水演进电模拟electric routing analogy
洪水进入entering of flood
活动式进水floating intake
浅孔式进水high-level intake
浮船进水water intake on pontoon
浮运进水float tube
浴室内塑料进排水口plastic bathroom inlet gulley
浴室内塑料进排水口plastic bathroom inlet gully
海岸进水构筑物shore intake
海水进水seawater inlet tunnel
海水进口seawater inlet
海水进口sea inlet
海水进退规程canon of transgressions and regressions
浸没式进水submerged intake
浸没式进水submerged intake
浸没式进水submerged inlet
涵洞进水inlet of culvert
涵洞进水culvert intake
清水洗孔钻进water flush drilling
清水洗井钻进water flush drilling
清水洗井钻进water flush boring
清水洗孔钻进water flush boring
清水钻进水龙头clear water type swivel
清水钻进clear water drilling
渐缩形进水convergence entrance
渗渠进水water intake with filter gallery
渗滤进水water intake with filter
渗滤廊道进水water intake with filter gallery
渗滤式进水water intake with filter gallery
渠道进水channel inflow
湖水进入口lake intake
溢流堰进水weir inlet
滑枕水平给进式牛头刨床traverse planer
潜没式进水submerged intake
用砾石填充的进水gravel-type gully
电水锤钻进electrohydraulic drilling
竖井进水shaft intake
竖轴轴流整周进水式水轮机vertical shaft axial flow full-admission turbine
算式进水grate opening of inlet
算式进水grate-type inlet
算式进水grated inlet
箱形进水box intake
箱形进水box inlet
累积进水accumulated inflow
纬度性海水进退latitudinal transgressions and regressions
联合进水intake unification
聚乙烯浴室进水polythene bathroom inlet
聚乙烯浴室进水polyethylene bathroom inlet
腰部进水水轮breast water wheel
进水不沉船one-compartment ship
舱底进水警报系统bilge alarm system
船底进水bilge inlet
船闸进水filling culvert
船闸蝶形进水butterfly type of lock valve
船闸闸室进水总管intake main of lock chamber
莫斯金干洪水演进法Muskingum routing method
落底式进水口溢洪道drop-inlet spillway
虹吸进水syphon inlet
虹吸式进水siphonic intake
蝶形船闸进水butterfly type of lock valve
螺旋式水泥进料器cement screw feeder
进水head of approach
进水progressive flow
街沟进水格栅gutter grate
街道进水street inlet
街道侧石进水curb-opening inlet
街道侧雨水进口street inlet
设计洪水进流量design flood inflow
调压进出式潜水器pressure regulating lock-in and lock-out submersible
跌水进口涵洞式土坝drop-inlet dam
跌落式进水drop inlet
跌落式进水口涵洞drop-inlet culvert
输送引进水delivering imported water
达到世界先进水to come up to advanced world standards
intake conduit
进一步研究排水计划study on water management scheme
进水inlet (道)
进水water entrance
进水water penetration
进水water seepage
进水inflow (量)
进水inlet opening
进水inlet well
进水intake well
进水receiving well
泵站的进水suction pool
进水entrance well
进水inlet chamber (倒虹吸)
进水drainage tank
进水井盖gulley grating
进水井盖gully grating
进水intake water level
进水分流inflow splitting
进水inlet zone
进水区间bilged compartment
进水entrance well
进水inlet port
进水intake port
进水mouth of inlet
污水进水gully hole
进水water inflow
进水dinlet d
进水口帘格inlet grating
进水口帘格inlet grate
进水口挡水墙intake dam
进水口挡鱼结构intake fish baffle
进水口挡鱼隔板intake fish baffle
进水口格栅inlet grate
进水口防臭设备yard trap
进水口防臭设备gulley trap
进水口防臭设备gully trap
进水口防臭阱gulley trap
进水口防臭阱gully trap
进水intake weir
进水diversion weir
进水influent weir
进水valve tower
进水tower intake
进水头部intake header
进水孔口entrance orifice
进水receiving chamber
进水upstream chamber
进水intake chamber
进水干管intake main
进水干管water inlet main
进水干管leading collector
进水干管intake header
进水干管delivery manifold
进水底孔拦污栅bottom intake rack
进水廊道water inlet gallery
进水廊道intake gallery
进水总管service main
进水总管intake main
进水损失intake loss
进水损耗intake loss
进水接头water supply connector
进水旋塞suction cock
进水口护intake grate
进水格网intake screen
进水止回阀intake check valve
用户进水止水阀curb service box
用户进水止水阀curb cock box
进水歧管喷射manifold injection
进水水位intake water level
进水水头损失loss in head in entrance
进水水质influent water quality
进水水质指数influent water quality index
进水汇管intake manifold
进水intake basin
进水inlet channel
进水活瓣bottom clack
进水流速inflow velocity
进水流量rate of inflow
进水流量inflow discharge
进水流量曲线inflow discharge curve
进水涵洞filling culvert
进水涵管inlet culvert
进水涵管filling culvert
进水influent channel
进水intake conduit
进水intake duct
进水inflow channel (道)
进水渠道water inlet tunnel
进水渠道intake channel
进水渠道inlet channel
进水渠首intake heading
进水渡槽entrance flume
进水draining point
进水点工业point-of-entry industry
进水点装置point-of-entry system
进水点装置point-of-entry device
进水inflow rate
进水竖井intake shaft
进水筛网intake screen
进水water inlet piping
进水water inlet tube
进水water inlet tubing
进水induction pipe
进水inhalant syphon
进水intake conduit (道)
进水water inlet pipe
进水inlet tube
进水house inlet
进水admission pipe
进水管下置深度depth of water entering tube installation
进水管坑道inlet pipe gallery
进水管廊道inlet pipe gallery
进水管直径diameter of inflow tube
进水管线water inlet line
进水管线intake conduit pipeline
进水管线influent line
进水管线廊道intake pipe gallery
进水管阀门service cock
进水管阀门curb cock
进水线feeder line
进水莲蓬头inlet strainer
进水蓄水排水曲线inflow-storage-discharge curve
进水蓄水泄水曲线inflow-storage-discharge curve
进水装置intake plant
进水angle of entry
进水entrance angle
进水flooding angle
进水angle of entrance
进水设备intake facilities
进水设施inflow installation
进水调整器water-feed selector
进水调节器inlet regulator
进水软管water supply hose
进水过程线inflow hydrograph
进水选择器water supply selector
进水通道inlet passage
进水inlet duct
进水access gallery
进水配水渠inlet distribution channel
进水inflow of water
进水quantity of water intake
进水incoming flow
进水量累积曲线inflow mass curve
进水intake valve
进水full flow valve
进水隧洞intake gallery
进水隧洞headwater tunnel
进水隧道intake tunnel
进水隧道headwater tunnel
进水inlet surface
进水面积intake area
进水龙头feed cock
进港引水图approach chart
道牙进水curb inlet
道路进水road inlet
重力回水进给gravity return feed
重金属进入污水处理厂heavy metals entering sewage treatment works
钟形进水bell-mouth intake
进水drilling level (地下钻进时)
钻进用水drill water
阳台进水balcony-like intake
隧道式进水tunnel intake
集污槽进水channel gulley
集污槽进水channel gully
非整周进水式水轮机partial-admission turbine
顶板间接进水的矿床mineral deposit of indirect inundation from apical layer
预制混凝土进水precast concrete penstock
预热的钻进用水hot drilling water
高压进水high-pressure inlet
高压进水设备high-pressure intake
高进气透水石high entry porous stone
齐平式进水flush inlet
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