
Terms containing 进展 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.进展ternary expansion
securit.上市申请进展报告progress report for new listing application
tech.不全面的技术进展biased technological progress
China, polit.与我国目前的经济发展进程相适应、与国际标准趋同be compatible with the country's current state of economic development and international standard
org.name.世界交流促进发展大会World Congress on Communication for Development
IMF.21世纪统计促进发展伙伴关系PARIS21 initiative
IMF.21世纪统计促进发展伙伴关系Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century
busin.业务进展情况报告report of progress
gen.两月进展报告Bimonthly Progress Report
fin., China中国投资发展促进会China Association for the Promotion of Investment
gen.中间进展报告用于科技报告系列代号中interim progress report
dentist.乳牙的龋坏进展很快Decay of milk teeth advances very quickly
gen.事件的进展发展the march of events
gen.事情的进展the current of events
tech.进展dyadic expansion
telecom.二进制扩展binary extension
org.name.亚太区域促进发展筹资机构协会Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific
UN, polit.亚太空间技术应用促进可持续发展专家组会议Expert Group Meeting on Space Technology Applications for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific
UN, polit.亚太经社会/国贸中心/贸发会议/PRODEC亚洲发展中国家进口管理讨论会ESCAP/ITC/UNCTAD/PRODEC Seminar on Import Management for Developing Asian Countries
UN, polit.亚太经社会技术促进发展行动计划ESCAP Plan of Action on Technology for Development
org.name.亚洲农民促进可持续农村发展协会Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development
UN, polit.亚洲区域通过回购安排促进工业合作和贸易扩展讲习班Asian Regional Workshop on Industrial Cooperation and Trade Expansion through Buy-back Arrangements
UN, polit.亚洲及太平洋技术促进发展东京方案Tokyo Programme on Technology for Development in Asia and the Pacific
UN, polit.亚洲及太平洋空间应用促进发展部长级会议Ministerial Conference on Space Applications for Development in Asia and the Pacific
econ.今年我们同该公司的交易毫无进展Our business with the company this year has seen zero growth
econ.他们在扩展业务上取得很大进展They've gained much headway in expanding their business
gen.他工作没有进展he is getting no place in his work because he is going at it wrong
sport., med.任务进展task progression
agric.休眠进展progression of dormancy
tech.作业进展略图progress sketch
econ.你方减价,我们方能取得进展If your price is reduced, we can make progress
gen.使… 有进展make head with
UN使妇女进入发展的主流mainstreaming women in development
China, polit.促进世界和平与发展的崇高事业advance the lofty cause of world peace and development
fin.促进世界经济发展promote the development of the world economy
fin.促进世界经济持续发展promote sustainable growth of the world economy
commer.促进两国友好关系的发展give an impulse to the development of the friendly relations between the two countries
China, polit.促进产业发展promote industrial development
UN促进农村发展环境卫生原则专家协商Expert Consultation on Environment Health Principles for Rural Development
econ.促进农村综合发展promoting integrated rural development
China, polit.促进区域协调发展promote balanced development among regions
China, polit.促进区域协调发展promote the coordinated development of all regions
China, polit.促进协调发展promote the coordinated development (of)
interntl.trade.促进发展中国家间合作的部门中心sectoral center for co-operation among developing countries
org.name.促进可持续农业和农村发展的国际合作方案纲领International Cooperative Programme Framework for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development
UN促进可持续发展国际环境法专家组Expert Group on International Environmental Law Aiming at Sustainable Development
UN促进可持续发展国际环境法专家组讲习班Expert Group Workshop on International Environmental Law Aiming at Sustainable Development
UN, cartogr.促进可持续发展的区域空间应用方案regional space applications programme for sustainable development
org.name.促进可持续性农业和农村发展的国际合作方案纲领International Cooperative Programme Framework for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development
China, polit.促进各民族共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展encourage all ethnic groups to join hands and work together for common prosperity and development
org.name.促进和实施发展中国家间技术合作的布宜诺斯艾利斯行动计划Buenos Aires Plan of Action
org.name.促进和实施发展中国家间技术合作的布宜诺斯艾利斯行动计划Buenos Aires Plan of Action for Promoting and Implementing Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries
China, polit.促进国民经济又好又快发展promote sound and fast economic development
China, polit.促进国民经济又好又快发展promote sound and rapid development of the national economy
China, polit.促进国民经济又好又快发展promote sound and fast development of the Chinese economy
org.name.促进妇女参与渔业发展非洲区域研讨会African Regional Workshop on Enhanced Women's Participationin Fisheries Development
fin.促进对外贸易平衡发展promote the balanced development of foreign trade
commer.促进当地经济的发展stimulate the development of local economy
econ.促进新能源和可再生能源的发展和利用政府间委员会Inter-Governmental Committee on the Development and Utilization of New and Renewable Sources of Energy
stat.促进村发展的农业知识及信息系统agriculture knowledge and information system for rural development
org.name.促进研究和发展的办公室Office of Research Promotion and Development
China, polit.促进社会事业发展promote development of social undertakings
econ.促进科学发展develop a science
econ.促进科学发展advance a science
econ.促进经济发展的财政制度fiscal institutions accelerating economic growth
fin.促进经济均衡发展promote balanced economic development
fin.促进经济平稳较快发展spur steady and rapid economic development
fin.促进经济持续健康发展promote sustained and sound economic development
China, polit.促进经济社会全面协调可持续发展promote comprehensive, balanced and sustainable economic and social development
fin.促进经济社会发展advance economic and social development
fin.促进经济长期平稳较快发展strive for sustained, stable and fast economic development
fin.促进经济长期平稳较快发展promote long-term, steady and rapid economic development
fin.促进经济长远发展promote long-term economic development
UN, afr.促进联合国在政府间一级对非洲和平、安全与发展这些相互关联的问题作出协调一致的反应coordinated and coherent United Nations response
securit.促进贷款发展nursery finance
fin.促进资本市场稳定健康发展promote steady and healthy development of the capital market
oil.proc.催化技术进展advances in catalytic technologies
el.先进产品研究发展实验室Advanced Products Research and Development Laboratory (Motorola 公司)
avia.先进传感器发展计划advance sensor development program
el.先进元件技术进展progress in advanced component technology
avia.先进发展计划advanced development plans
avia.先进发展计划advanced development plan
space先进可展开数字成像系统advanced deployable digital imagery system
space先进合成孔径雷达系统展开处理站Asars Deployable Processing Station (美国空军)
gen.先进工业技术发展规划Program for Advanced Industrial Technology
shipb.先进技术发展advanced technology development
avia.先进技术发展中心advanced technology development centre
space先进激光敏感器发展计划advanced laser sensor development (美国空间攻防对抗项目)
textile先进的发展中国家advanced developing countries
space先进的发展目标advanced development objective
space先进的发展计划advanced development plan
el.先进造型功能扩展advanced modeling extension
UN全球环境和人类采取措施促进可持续发展会议Conference on the Global Environment and Human Response toward Sustainable Development
UN, polit.公私合作促进基础设施发展咨询机制Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility
UN关于特别是在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地区发展和保护沿海和海洋环境的非洲进程的开普敦宣言Cape Town Declaration on an African Process for the Development and Protection of the Coastal and Marine Environment, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa
cryptogr.内嵌式进展时间in-line TTP
el.内部进展报告internal progress report
gen.内部进展报告用于科技报告系列代号中internal progress report
agric.农业进展agricultural development
agric.农业进展agricultural progress
agric.农业进展agricultural evolution
agric.农业研究进展advances in farm research
econ.农业研究促进发展agricultural research for development
org.name.农业研究促进发展国际合作中心International Cooperation Centre of Agricultural Research for Development
UN, ecol.农业研究促进发展国际合作中心Agricultural Research Centre for International Development
agric.农学进展advances in agronomy
avia.冲压式发动机的发展/演进evolution of ramjet
IMF.减贫战略文件进展情况报告Annual PRSP Progress Report IMF, World Bank-IDA
IMF.减贫战略文件进展情况报告PRSP Progress Report
dril.分支井技术进展technology advancement of multilaterals
ecol.前沿进展advanced progress
genet.前进发展progressive development
danc.前进式分展步step of advanced opening out movement
gen.化学进展年报杂志名Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry
gen.化学进展年报,A 辑:"无机化学"Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section A: "Inorganic Chemistry"
gen.化学进展年报,B 辑:"有机化学"Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section B: "Organic Chemistry"
gen.化学进展年报,C 辑:"物理化学"Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section C: "Physical Chemistry"
gen.化学进展记录美国杂志名Record of Chemical Progress
chem.刊名,美国化学工程进展Chemical Engineering Progress
chem.化学工程进展Chemical Engineering ProgressCEP
gen.化学工程进展美国杂志名Chemical Engineering Progress
gen.半年技术进展报告semi-annual technical progress report
gen.半年综合进展报告用在科技报告系列代号中Consolidated Semiannual Progress Report
UN, polit.南盟七姐妹:区域发展协调和改进扶贫项目设计SAARC Seven Sisters: District Development Coordination and Improved Poverty Project Design
gen.南非科学发展促进协会South Africa Association for the Advancement of Science
UN, polit.印度支那促进妇女参与经济发展讨论会Indo-China Seminar on Promoting Women's Participation in Economic Development
bridg.constr.历史进展historical development
interntl.trade.发展中的进口国家developing importing country
shipb.发展中的进口国家developing import country
UN发展援助和技术合作促进发展中国家的洁净生产Development Assistance and Technology Cooperation for Cleaner Production in Developing Countries
econ.发展生产力以促进繁荣prosperity through productivity
UN, polit.发展筹资审议进程Financing for Development process
UN, polit.发展筹资审议进程FfD process
textile发展进口融资便利development import finance facility
econ.发展进程development process
China, polit.取得进展make progress
China, polit.取得明显进展make headway
China, polit.取得明显进展make substantial progress
sport.取得进展make headway
fin.取得令人满意的进展make satisfactory progress
fin.取得具体进展make concrete progress
fin.取得实质性进展make substantive progress
agric.取得有限进展make finite progress
fin.取得重大进展achieve new breakthroughs
China, polit.各方面工作都取得新的进展make further advances in all fields of endeavor
org.name.合作社促进与发展委员会Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives
org.name.合作社促进和发展委员会Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives
avia.呼叫进展call progress
multimed.呼叫进展信号call progress signal
telecom.呼叫进展拨号音,回铃音,忙音,…call progress tone
tech.喷气技术进展jet progress
genet.国别进展情况报告country progress report
org.name.国际农业知识、科学和技术促进发展评估International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development
org.name.国际合作促进发展和团结协会International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity
market.国际市场进人和发展战略international market entry and development strategies
gen.方面有很大进展go a long distance in (+ ing)
el.进展on the move
UN在发展中国家增进环境意识和设立环境机构的活动的技术合作信托基金Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for Activities in Developing Countries on Environmental Awareness and Machinery
cosmet.在提高香水质量和研制香水香型方面已取得巨大进展Great performances have been achieved in improving perfume quality and developing new odor types of perfume
gen.M 在M方面取得进展extend progress in
econ.在美展出或贸易展销会进口货物普通许可证general license
earth.sc.地球物理勘查进展recent advances in exploration geophysics
geophys.地球物理学进展Advances in Geophysics
earth.sc.地面沉陷进展progress of ground settlement
UN坎帕拉环境促进发展宣言Kampala Declaration on the Environment for Development
gen.塑料进展加拿大杂志名Progressive Plastics
gen.多少取得一点儿进展get anywhere
commer.如有进展,请立即电告我方In case of development, cable us immediately
telecom.特种文献季度进展报告Quarterly Progress Report
earth.sc.季度进展报告特种文献quarterly progress report
tech.季度进展报告quarterly progress report
el.季度技术进展报告quarterly technical progress report
China, polit.完善发展民主政治、保障公民权利、推进社会事业、健全社会保障、规范社会组织、加强社会管理等方面的法律法规strengthen the social safety net
China, polit.完善发展民主政治、保障公民权利、推进社会事业、健全社会保障、规范社会组织、加强社会管理等方面的法律法规standardize people's organizations and improve public administration
China, polit.完善发展民主政治、保障公民权利、推进社会事业、健全社会保障、规范社会组织、加强社会管理等方面的法律法规improve legislation to develop democratic politics, guarantee the rights of citizens, promote social programs
gen.定期进展报告periodical progress report
gen.定期进展报告用于科技报告系列代号Periodical Progress Report
commer.密切合作有助于促进贸易的发展Close cooperation is conducive to the promotion of business
econ.对新规则的执行进展顺利The implementation of new rules is going on smoothly
rugb.展开进攻open play
rugb.展开进政open play
econ.工业进展industrial progress
commer.工业技术的发展在于科学的进步Technology flourishes on accumulated scientific capital
textile工作进展progress of work
textile工作进展图表progress chart
interntl.trade.工作情况进展报告progress report
tech.工作进展报告progress report
tech.工作进展报告advice of works in progress
proj.manag.工程进展与执行报告project progress and performance report
earth.sc.工程进展记录engineering news record
proj.manag.工程计划进展program with progress
gen.工程软件进展Advances in Engineering Software
earth.sc.工艺进展研究research of technical progress
econ.市场不振影响业务的进展The inactivity of the market has influenced further business
UN2000年大会第二十四届特别会议关于社会发展的进一步倡议Further Initiatives for Social Development of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly 2000
busin.年度进展情况报告yearly progress report
telecom.特种文献年度进展报告Annual Progress Report
corp.gov.年度进展报告缩写为APRannual progress report
earth.sc.年度进展报告特种文献annual progress report
tech.年度进展报告annual progress report
shipb.年度进展报告yearly progress report
IMF.年度减贫战略文件进展情况报告Annual PRSP Progress Report IMF, World Bank-IDA
IMF.年度减贫战略文件进展情况报告PRSP Progress Report
econ.年度技术进展报告annual technical progress report
gen.应用数学进展Advances in Applied Mathematics
gen.应用概率论进展Advances in Applied Probability
org.name.应用科学和技术促进亚洲发展大会Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to the Development of Asia
org.name.应用科学和技术促进拉丁美洲发展大会Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to the Development of Latin America
org.name.应用科学和技术促进非洲发展大会Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to the Development of Africa
org.name.应用科学技术促进进展咨询委员会Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development
org.name.应用科学技术促进发展咨询委员会Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development
econ.建筑公司同意让业主经常了解有关施工的进展情况The building company agrees to keep the owner informed of any developments relating to the construction
gen.您认为在不久的将来电子银行还会有哪些进一步发展?What further advances do you think e-banking will make in the near future?
econ.惊人的进展breakthrough point
polym.慢裂纹进展slow crack growth
econ.我们将报道磋商的进展情况We shall report on the progress of the negotiations
commer.所以对你方报盘未能取得任何进展We cannot make any headway with your offer because other competitors are underselling you
telecom.扩展二进制fat binary
el.扩展步进法extended step-by-step method
el.扩展进程名extended process name
tech.技术进展technical development
econ.技术进展半年报告semiannual technical progress report
busin.技术进展报告technical progress report
telecom.特种文献技术进展报告technical progress report
earth.sc.技术进展报告特种文献technical progress report
gen.技术进展报告用于科技报告系列代号中technical progress report
busin.技术进展计划technology advancement program
tech.技术引进与发展technology acquisition and development
interntl.trade.技术引进和发展technology acquiring and development
interntl.trade.技术引进和发展technology acquisition and development
UN, ecol.投资委员会和商会促进工业发展和迁移网Network of Boards of Investment and Chambers for promoting industrial development and relocation
gen.报告到当时为止的进展情况report progress
org.name.拉丁美洲促进发展筹资机构协会Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions
China, polit.推动世界和平、发展和进步事业promote world peace, development and progress
China, polit.推动人大各项工作取得新的进展make continued progress in the work of the NPC
commer.推进企业发展carry forward an enterprise
telecom.操作进展operation progress
interntl.trade.改进扩展工作improved extension
gen.数学进展Advances in Mathematics
agric.进展new progress
UN旅行社促进可持续旅游发展倡议Tour Operators Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development
tech.进展daily advance
el.日本国际先进材料与加工工程科学研讨会暨展览会Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition
oil最新进展recent development
el.最终进展报告final progress report
gen.最终进展报告用于科技报告系列代号中Final Progress Report
busin.月度进展报告monthly progress report
gen.进展get ahead
gen.获得进展gain ground
gen.在…方面进展get (with)
gen.进展gain ground
gen.进展go ahead
China, polit.有关促进产业发展的法律laws to promote industrial development
econ.未来进展方向future thrust
gen.材料科学进展Progress in Materials Science
org.name.林业促进当地社区发展特别行动计划Special Action Programme in Forestry for Local Community Development
org.name.林业促进当地社区发展计划Forestry for Local Community Development Programme
UN柏林宣言: 全球合作促进城镇无害环境发展的基础Berlin Declaration: Foundations for Global Cooperation to Promote Environmentally Sound Development in Town and Cities
gen.柴油机进展北美版Diesel Progress North American Edition (美)
gen.柴油机进展国际版Diesel Progress International Edition (美)
textile棉花发展促进会Cotton Foundation
tech.模型化进展evolution of modelling
tech.模型化进展evolution of modeling
China, polit.每年向全国人大报告节能减排的进展情况make annual reports on the progress made in saving energy and reducing emissions to the NPC
gen.每月一次的中间进展报告monthly interim progress report
gen.每月进展报告monthly report of progress
gen.每月进展报告monthly progress report
org.name.水产养殖促进当地社区发展计划Aquaculture for Local Community Development Programme
tech.水土保持的进展conservation progress
expl.波阵面进展wavefront progression
avia.洛克希德飞机公司先进的战术飞机发展中心Lockheed Advanced Tactical Fighter Development Center
econ.海外销售部经理向上司扼要报告了其部门当年进展情况The overseas sales manager briefed his superior on annual progress of his department
tech.海岸进展shore progress
tech.海岸进展coastal progress
earth.sc.海洋学进展progress in oceanography
navig.海洋设备发展促进公司Sea Equipment Advancement Corporate
tech.海滨进展shore progress
busin.进展开解asymptotic expansion solution
eng.geol.渐进发展progressive development
gen.澳大利亚与新西兰科学发展促进协会Australian and New Zealand Association for Advancement of Science
gen.焊接研究所进展报告WRC Welding Research Council Progress Reports
proj.manag.燃煤减少对环境保护来说不失为一个好消息、然而又是经济发展崎岖维艰的进一步佐证The reduction in coal burning is good news for an environment, but a further indication of a spluttering economy
expl.爆破进展情况动态屏幕可视化dynamic on-screen visualization of the progression of a blast
gen.物理学进展英译俄刊Physics-Uspekhi (英)
gen.物理学进展Advances in Physics
gen.物理学进展报告Reports on Progress in Physics
UN, police犯罪预防和控制方面联合国活动进展报告Progress report on United Nations activities in crime prevention and control
busin.环境进展Environmental Progress
el.瑞典与发展中国家合作研究促进会Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries
commer.生产进展production progress
econ.由于资金缺乏,进展不大Owing to lack of funds, little headway has been made
securit.申请核准进展情况公司上市progress of application
telecom.刊名,美国电工与电子工程师协会进展Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
sport.男子 110 米栏跨栏技术的发展和改进与栏架变革、科技进步及竞争激烈密切相关The development of male 110-meter hurdle race technique is closely related with the reform of the hurdle, scientific progress and fierce competition
China, polit.相互促进,共同发展stimulate one another for common development
fin.着力推进循环发展endeavor to promote circular development
telecom.刊名,印度石油与化学工业进展Petroleum & Chemical Industry Development
oil石油科学进展development in petroleum science
econ.石油进口和发展中国家Oil Importing and Developing Countries
sol.pow.研究进展research progress
ecol.研究进展study progress
ecol.研究进展research advancement
tech.研究方法的进展advanced in methodology for research
fin.破解发展进程中的难题crack the problem of the development process
UN种子倡议 -支持企业家促进环境与发展Seed Initiative - Supporting Entrepreneurs for Environment and Development
tech.科学进展scientific progress
tech.科学进展scientific advance
gen.科学进展报告用于科技报告系列代号中Scientific Progress Report
UN, ecol.科学促进可持续性发展science for sustainable development
UN科学促进无害环境可持续发展工作队Working Party on Science for Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development
gen.科学发展促进协会Association for Advancement of Science
org.name.科技促进发展中心Commission on Science and Technology for Development
avia.空军制造进展报告air force manufacturing progress report
UN, polit.空间应用促进可持续发展区域方案Regional Space Applications Programme for Sustainable Development
UN空间技术促进发展专题讨论会Symposium on Space Technology for Development
China, polit.突飞猛进发展advance by leaps and bounds
gen.管理及科学进展报告Administrative and Scientific Progress Report
econ., geogr.粮食净进口发展中国家net food-importing developing countries
econ., geogr.粮食净进口发展中国家net food-importing developing country
econ., geogr.粮食进口发展中国家food-importing developing country
gen.系统进展分析程序systems development analysis program
textile纺织进展Textile Progress (英国季刊)
textile纺织进展Textile Progress
textile《纺织进展期刊Textile Progress
textile《纺织进展评论》期刊Review of Textile Progress
agric.细胞遗传学进展advances in cytogenetics
textile经济进展economic progress
busin.经济进展economic advance
busin.经济进展的最终渗透说filter-down theory of economic progress
earth.sc.经济发展促进中心Economic Development Promotion Center
China, polit.维护世界和平,促进共同发展safeguard world peace and promote common development
China, polit.维护世界和平,促进共同发展maintain world peace and promote common development
fin.维护和促进可持续发展safeguard and promote the sustainable development
gen.综合进展报告用于报告系列代号中Consolidated Progress Report
UN, polit.绿化发展进程问题知名人士会议Meeting of Eminent Persons on Greening the Development Process
gen.美国科学发展促进协会会员Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science
econ.联合进展报告joint progress report
org.name.联合国科学和技术促进发展筹资系统United Nations Financing System for Science and Technology for Development
org.name.联合国科学和技术促进发展筹资系统特设政府间全体小组Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group on the United Nations Financing System for Science and Technology for Development
UN, polit.能源促进可持续发展高级别区域会议High-Level Regional Meeting on Energy for Sustainable Development
dril.获得进展gain ground
gen.获得进展get on
plast.surg.获得性进展型淋巴管瘤acquired progressive lymphangioma
gen.表面科学进展Progress in Surface Science
tech.规划所要进行港口发展的费用cost of port development planned to take place
avia.设备定义进展equipment definition evolution sheet
securit.证监会核准进展情况progress of approval by the securities regulatory commission
econ.该主任的报告总结了上月他那个部门的工作进展情况The report of the director summarized the progress of his department last month
commer.谈判进展缓慢Negotiations are proceeding slowly
busin.谈判微小进展bargaining creep
interntl.trade.财政状况的进展development of the financial situation
gen.质量进展Quality Progress
space质量进展报告quality progress report
oil近期进展recent development
proj.manag.这些成果是慈善和政府活动的结果、促进了私营企业的发展These outcomes were the result of philanthropic and state action, which facilitated private enterprise
tech.进一步发展further development
fin.进一步实质性进展further, substantive progress
bridg.constr.进一步的发展further development
genet.进化式发展progressive development
interntl.trade.进口石油的低收入发展中国家的国际收支资金融通balance of payments financing of low income oil-importing developing countries
gen.进展come along with
gen.获得进展come on
tech.进展make progress
gen.进展go ahead
agric.进展go forward
gen.进展make out
gen.进展come along
gen.进展不顺利frame badly
consult.进展与实际process and reality
tech.进展和现状报告progress and status reporting
exhib.进展progress graph
el.进展progress chart
tech.进展性故障evolving fault
tech.进展性沉降progressive settlement
tech.进展性点蚀progressive pitting
tech.进展性破坏progressive failure
gen.进展总结报告progress summary report
econ.进展情况年度报吿yearly progress report
interntl.trade.进展情况年度报告yearly progress report
econ.进展情况报告progress report
securit.进展情况报告公司上市progress report
gen.进展情况良好do well
IMF.进展报告status report
IMF.进展报告progress report
earth.sc.进展报告特种文献progress reports
earth.sc.进展报告特种文献progress report
social.进展指标progress indicator
telecom.进展指示符progress indicator
el.进展月报monthly report of progress
tech.进展progressive stage
agric.进展演替progression of succession
desert.进展演替progressive succession
tech.进展的沙丘marching dune
commer.进展缓慢make tardy progress
desert.进展荒漠化progressive desertification (指荒漠进一步的恶化或退化)
exhib.进展progress graph
earth.sc.进展规划advancement planning
el.进展评审技术progress evaluation and review technique
oil进展速度advance rate
tech.进展速度rate of progress
econ.事情进展顺利shape up well
gen.进展顺利frame well
busin.进度展望报告scheduled outlook report
anim.husb.选择进展selective advance
genet.选择进展的不对称性asymmetry of selection gain
gen.逐渐进展jog (on, along)
tech.道路工程进展road engineering progress
anim.husb.遗传进展genetic gain
anim.husb.遗传进展genetic improvement
anim.husb.遗传进展genetic progress
genet.遗传进展genetic trend
anim.husb.遗传进展genetic change
anim.husb.遗传进展genetic advance
gen.遗传进展进度genetic advance
O&G. tech., tech.钻井技术进一步发展,已能适应油井作业的特殊环节,比如深井固井和水平井固井Well drilling technique has been developed to adapt to the special process of well operation such as deep well cementation and horizontal well cementation
tech.钻孔进展图表boring performance diagram
UN非政府组织资源动力促进社会发展联盟Coalition of Non-Governmental Organizations in Resources Dynamics for Social Development COAL'99
UN, afr.非洲境内冲突起因和促进持久和平与可持续发展大会不限成员名额特设工作组open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group of the General Assembly on the Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa
ecol.非洲气象学应用促进发展中心African Center of Metrological Application Development
corp.gov.项目进展progress of project
avia.项目进展project progress
proj.manag.项目进展情况报告project status report
commer.项目进展project schedule
gen.顺利进展run smooth
gen.顺利的进展plain smooth sailing
earth.sc.预期进展报告advance development report
gen.飞机核动力推进发展计划美; NEPA Project 的继续,1951〜1961Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Project Program
avia.飞行进展情况flight progress