
Terms for subject International trade containing 进口 | all forms | in specified order only
不准进口importation prohibited
不准进口importation forbidden
不准进口商品单negative list
不准进口商品货单negative list
不结汇进口import without exchange settlement
不结汇进口import without foreign exchange settlement
专门进口special import
严格的进口限制severe rationing of imports
中国五金矿产进出口公司China National Metals and Minerals Import and Export Corporation
中国化工进出口公司China National Chemical Import and Export Corporation
中国图书进口公司China Publications Import Corporation
中国土产畜产进出口公司China National Native Produce and Animal Byproducts Import and Export
中国技术进口总公司China National Technical Import Corporation
中国机械进出口公司China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation
中国粮油食品进出口公司China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation
中国纺织品进出口公司China National Textiles Import and Export Corporation
中国轻工业品进出口公司China National Light Industrial Products Import and Export Corporation
中美洲进口捐税平衡协定Central American Agreement on the Equalization of Import Charges
临时进口ATA Carnet
临时许可进口admission temporaire
为保护本国产品的进口货所征收的税countervailing duty
主管进口经理import manager
从价进口ad valorem import duty
代替进口import substitution
以美元支付的进口dollar import
以领到进口许可证为生效subject to import licence obtainable
以领得进口许可证为准的报价offer subject to import license
优惠进口管理与控制制度system of administration and control of preferential imports
依赖进口dependence on import
保护进口protective import duty
保护性进口protective import duty
催提进口货清单undelivered cargo list
免税进口free imports
免税进口free import
免税进口admission temporaire
免税进口申报单free entry
免税进口tax free imports
免税进口free imports
免税品进口报关单transhipment free entry
免税货物进口报单entry of free goods
免税货物进口报单entry for free goods
全球进口配额global import quotas
全球进口限额global import quotas
I.L. 公开一般进口许可证open general import license
公开限期进口许可证open-end import license
关于商业公路车辆暂进口的海关协定Customs Convention on Temporary Importation of Commercial Vehicles
关栈进口bond entry
关键进口项目critical imported items
关键的进口投入物critical imported inputs
进口reimport reimportation
进口net import
准许进口的货单positive list
减去商品及劳务的进口less imports of goods and services
减少进口对经济活动的影响effect of lessened imports on economic activity
分批进口许可证sub-covering license
到岸价格加进口关税价成本、保险费、运费加进口关税价C.I.F. duty paid
加工进口贸易improvement trade for import
加拿大进口贸易商协会Canadian Importer's and Trader's Association
劳力进口labor-importing countries
包含进口关税在内的 C.I.F 条件C.I.F. duty paid
区域进口配额制regional quota
华盛顿进出口银行Export-import Bank of Washington
单边进口unilateral import
单边进口配额unilateral import quota
卖方交纳进口税的交货条件duty paid terms
原装进口imported with original packaging
参加开发进口develop-and-import scheme
双边进口配额bilateral import quotas
发展中的进口国家developing importing country
取代进口货的工业import -substituting
取代进口货的工业import substituting industry
受外国同业进口商品竞争的工业unsheltered industries
只限于进口confine... to imports
各类进口净额net grain imports
各进出口点进出国境point of entry and exit
后补进口手续post entry
后补进口手续书post entry
商业进口总值value of merchandise imports
商品进口duties on imported goods
商品的有条件免税进口conditional duty-free importation
国家进出口公司national import and export corporation
国际储备对进口的比率rate of international reserves imports
外国进口订货車inward indents
外国进口货物清单inward foreign manifest
外货进口报单application for import of foreign goods
多线进口multiline entry
季节进口限制seasonal import restriction
实施进 口限制apply import restriction
实际进口趋向real import propensity
进口 货抽税lay duties on imports
工业化的进口importing industrial country
差价进口variable import levy
平均进口倾向average propensity to import
应付进口汇票科目import bill payable a/c
应纳税商品进口报单entry for dutiable goods
开入…进口<#0>lift the embargo on
开发进口develop-and-import scheme
征收商品进口put a tax on imports
征收的紧急进口emergency import duties imposed
进口general imports
进口general import
总的进口水平level of total imports
总进出口general trade
或有进口contingent import duty
执行进口限制licensing to administer import restriction
执行进口限制的许可licensing to administer import restriction
执行进口限制的许可licensing administer import restriction
扩大进出口贸易widen import and export trade
批准进口approval of import
报关进口port of entry
按进出口时间计付工资法portal-to-portal pay
估计涨价提前进口anticipated import
无外汇进口no-draft import
无外汇进口import without foreign exchange
无形进口invisible import
无形出口和无形进口invisible exports and imports
普通进口货品general imports
暂时进口temporary import
暂时免税进口temporary free importation
暂时批准进口temporary admission
进口成分的产品product with import content
有形进出口商品进出口visible exports and imports
有条件的免税进口conditionally duty free importation
有限制进口limit entry
未提进 口货物科目undeliverable import goods a/c
未提进口货物科目undeliverable import goods a/c
正式进口formal entry
正式消费进口formal consumption entry
泛美出口贸易促进中心Inter-American Export Promotion Center
洋货进口import foreign goods
海关进口手续customs entry
海关进口税则customs import tariff
海关进口税缴纳证import duty memo
海关进口税缴纳证交税单import duty memo
海关临时免税进口对再出口货物temporary admission
海关再进口凭证customs re-entry permit
海关进出口税则the customs import and export tariff
海港进口 货物量import cargoes at all harbors
特种进口许可证specific license
申报进口entry of goods inward
石油进口oil importers
石油净进口net imports of oil
石油净进口net import of oil
禁止进口prohibited importation
禁止进口prohibited importations
禁止进口import prohibition
禁止进口prohibit entry
禁止进口import embargo
禁止性进口prohibitive import duties
私运进口smuggle goods into a port
积极的进口商品表positive list
空箱进口imported empty
空运进口货物提单import airway bill
绝对进口供应额absolute availabilities of imports
综合进口物价指数composite import price index
缩减进口import curtailment
美国进口商全国委员会National Council of American Imports
美国进出口银行Export-Import Bank of Washington
美国进出口银行U.S. Export-Import Bank
美国进出口银行Export Import Bank of USA
职业进出口商professional importer and exporter
自动进口配额制automatic import quota system
自动进口配额制automatic import quotas system
自由进口free imports
自由进口free import
自由进口条件condition of free entry
船舶进口报关vessel entry
船舶进口报单declaration for ship’s entry
补偿性进口资金供应办法stabilizing import capacity
设备产品进出口plant product export and import
边际进 口倾向marginal propensity to import
边际进口倾向marginal propensity to import
过境进口intransit entries
净值net import export value
进 口商品结构composition of import commodity
进 口外汇import exchange
进 口汇票import bill
进 口科开发信用状申请书Inward Bills Division
进 口税捐import duty and taxed
进 口货物import goods
进出 口 不平衡unbalance in foreign trade
进出 口 连锁制import-export link system
进出 口总额total export-import volume
进出 口货物cargoes imported and exported
进出 口银行export-import bank
进出口业务import and export business
进出口之差额trade gap
进出口交换比价指进出口货价之间的比率terms of trade
进出口价格弹性price elasticity of import and export
进出口价格指数index number of unit value, imports or exports
进出口公司Import and Export Corporation
进出口商ex-im firm
进出口商export-import firms
进出口商业公会importers and exporters association
进出口商品检验工作细则rules governing the inspection of export and import commodities
进出口商品比价指数index of terms of trade
进出口商品结构composition of import export commodities
进出口商品结构composition of import-export commodities
进出口商品结构composition of exports and imports
进出口商品结构commodity composition of import and export
进出口商联合会importers and exporters association
进出口商行名簿directory of importers and exporters
进出口差损补偿制度compensation system
进出口平衡balance between imports and exports
进出口总额total export-import volume
进出口指数index number of imports and exports
进出口数额sum of imports and exports
进出口比价terms of trade
进出口比率export-import cover ratio
进出口结合贸易combination deal trade
进出口营业export import operation
进出口裁货清单manifest import and export
进出口许可证import-export license
进出口许可证制import -export license system
进出口货物cargoes imported and exported
进出口货物指数index number of imports and exports
进出口货物许可证制度import and export license system
进出口贸易值value of import and export
进出口贸易商用规则commercial rules for import and export trade
进出口贸易的例行手续routine of import and export trade
进出口贸易量指数index number of quantum, imports or exports
进出口贸易额value of import & export
进出口贸易额value of import and export
进出口贸易额指数index number of value, imports or exports
进出口连锁制link system
进出口邮递物品over inward or outward postal parcels
进出口配额制import -export quota system
进口仓单inward manifest
进口代办行indent house
进口代办行import commission house
进口代办行importer commission
进口代理人imports' agent
进口代理商import commission house
进口代理商import agent
进口代理商import agent
进口估价valuation of import
进口保证率import license bond rate
进口保证金数额import deposit rate
进口信用状import credit (L/C)
进口 信用证import letter of credit
进口信用证import letter of credit
进口信用证import credit (L/C)
进口信用证书import credit (L/C)
进口import value
进口倾向propensity to import
进口关税咨询委员会Import Duties Advisory Committee
进口关税险contingent import duty
进口关税风险import duty risks
进口净值net import value
进口准单import permit
进口/出口运费率import-export tariff
进口劳务费,税金和保险费imported labor, tax and insurance
进口卡特尔import cartel
进口厂商声明保证书importers statement and guarantee bond
进口厂商声明及保证书importers statement and guarantee bond
进口取代import substitution
进口import desk
进口同业联盟import cartels
进口品联营joint pooling of imports
进口品采购import procurement
进口品采购政策import procurement policy
进口import merchant; importer
进口import merchant
进口商协会importer's association
进口商品import commodity
进口商经纪人代表importer-broker representatives
进口商行import house
进口国内指定地点交货,关税已付delivered... named place of destination in the country of importation, duty paid
进口在先import first
进口声明书import declaration
进口外国货import foreign goods
进口外汇import exchange
进口存款制import deposit scheme
进口定货单import order
进口定额quantitative regulation of imports
进口差价税variable import levies
进口差额税variable import levies
进口总值gross import value
进口总数gross imports
进口总额total import
进口总额gross imports
进口手续process of import
进口 批发商importing wholesaler
进口批发商import wholesaler
进口承诺import commitment
进口护照import permit
进口报关customs entry
进口报关单import entry
进口报单home use entry
进口报单declaration for importation
进口报单entrance notice
进口报单import declaration
进口报单declaration for import (importation)
进口报单consumption entry
进口报告书report of entry
进口 报告单entry for consumption
进口报告单entry for consumption
进口押汇inward documentary bills
进口押金import deposit
进口押金制import deposit scheme
进口押金办法import deposit scheme
进口招标import tender
进口日期date of arrival
进口替代工业import substitution industries
进口材料imported permanent material
进口水陆运费inward freight and cartage
进口汇率bank's selling rate
进口汇票inward bill
进口 渗透率rate of import penetration
进口port of import
进口申报declaration for import (importation)
进口申请书inward entry
进口登记import entry
进口登记制declaration system
进口登记证明书registration certificate of import
进口石油的低收入发展中国家的国际收支资金融通balance of payments financing of low income oil-importing developing countries
进口external taxes
进口税则import tariff
进口税率import rate
进口税率import tariff
进口签证更改import amendment
进口签证更改imports amendment
进口签证许可制import licensing system
进口管制import control
进口结汇保证金及其它项目净额presentment requirements for imports and other items
进口统一税率uniform rate of import duty
海关进口统计表import list
进口自由化liberalization of imports
进口舱单import manifest
进口船只importing vessel
进口import house
进口补报post entry
进口解禁take off the embargo
进口记录inward entry
进口许可licensing of import
进口许可import license
进口许可证import permit
进口 许可证import license
进口 许可证import licensing system
进口 许可证certificate of import license
进口许可证certificate of import license
进口许可证制import license system
进口许可证及交货检验制度ICDV import certificates and delivery verification system
进口设备的付款payment for imported plant
进口import permit
进口证明certificate of import license
进口imported goods
进口货估价表import valuation list
进口货清单inward manifest
进口货物inward cargo
进口货物import cargoes
进口货物估价表import valuation list
进口货物国别价值value of imports by country of origin
进口货物清单inward manifest
进口贸易import trade
进口贸易票据import trade bill
进口entrance fee
进口费用cost of imports
进口资金筹措import financing
进口跟单汇票documentary import bill
进口跟单汇票inward documentary bills
进口过境单transit pass for imports
进口运输import traffic
进口违禁品contraband of import
进口通知notice of importation
进口通知import announcement
进口import department
进口配额import quota
进口 配额制Import quota system
进口配额制import quota system
进口采购政策import procurement policy
进口volume of imports
进口import volume
进口import quantum
进口 闭锁enclave import
进口附加税primage duty
进口附加税import surtaxes
进口附加费import surcharge
进口限制restriction of import
进口限制import restraints
进口限额import ban
进口限额import quota
进口value of import
进申口加工区free trade zones
退回超额进口税证书over entry certificate
退还进口duty drawback
途中报关进口immediate transportation entry
闭锁的进 口企业enclave import industries
限制进口商品表negative list
限制性进口关税prohibitive import duties
限制进出口restraint on export and import
集中进口制度centralized importation system
非法进口contraband of import
非洲石油进口国阿拉伯特别基金会Special Arab Fund for Africal Oil Importers
非空箱进口not imported empty
预备进口preliminary entry
预缴进口保证金prior import deposit
预计进口anticipatory import