
Terms for subject Agriculture containing 进口 | all forms | in specified order only
中国茶叶进出口公司China National Tea Import and Export Corporation
促进出口promotion of exports
进口net imports
出口和进口export / import
进口gross imports
有隔网进风口mesh inlet
木材进口贸易timber import trade
植物检疫进口规定plant quarantine import requirements
粮食进口cereals importing country
花园进口garden entrance
谷物进口grain-importing country
谷物进口cereals importing country
谷物进口费用cereal import bill
超配额进口over-quota imports
进口entrance (enterantia)
进口冻结suspension of imports
进口冻结import freeze
进口办事处import agency
进口加工方案欧洲经济共同体inward processing scheme EEC
进口大米imported rice
进口报关custom entry
进口木材imported timber
进口importation (importatio)
进口import (复)
进口需要量import requirements
进水窗口inlet port
选材进口运材水路sorting gap
限制进口restriction on imports