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我想要买些绣花桌布来搭配条挂毯I prefer to buy some embroidered tablecloths to match the tapestry
我把个极其贵重的古花瓶置于玻璃盒子里珍藏起来I encased the priceless antique vase in glass to preserve it
个奖杯表面有一层漂亮的绿锈The trophy has a beautiful green patina
个有着细密纹理的红木餐桌肯定很贵The fine-grained mahogany table must be very expensive
个耶稣护身吊坠工艺精湛,寓意吉祥The Jesus talismanic pendant is marked by its delicate craftsmanship and is considered auspicious
个镀锌花瓶可以说是一款后现代风格的金色花架The galvanized vase is a post-modernity gold flower arranging stand
个颜色艳丽的雕塑表面怎么样?How is the flamboyant sculpture's surface?
些彩色石雕作品均为一块完整的石材雕刻而成These chromatic stone carvings are all made from a whole piece of stone
件龙头雕像是手工制作。这件艺术品没有粘结点,并且进行了高精细的抛光The dragon skull figurine is made by hand The artwork has no bonding and demands fine polishing
批收藏品是零卖还是一起卖?Is the collection going to be divided up or sold as a whole?
款用进口不锈钢和木材制成的哈哈镜深受孩子们喜爱The distorting mirror made of imported stainless steel and wood is popular with the kids
款镀金佛教卡片可用作俱乐部卡、优惠卡、贵宾卡、酒店宿卡和会员卡The gold plated card for Buddhism applies to club cards, loyalty cards, VIP cards, hotel cards, and membership cards
种人造球心花饰仿真度高,价格合理。它能提供一个美丽的环境,可用于节日、婚礼、家庭、办公室和酒店装饰等The artificial ball-flower has high simulation and a reasonable price. It offers a beautiful environment and can be used to festival, wedding, home, office, hotel decoration and so on
里有一些做工精致的产品。看看这个3D紫檀木制纪念品,既高贵又豪华。相信您会以拥有我们的产品为傲We've got some fine workmanship here Just look at the 3D souvenir padauk. It looks both noble and magnificent. I m sure you'll be very proud to have them
那些植物现在通过染色工艺被加到了布料中,然后些布料再被加工成服装和床上用品The plants are now being added to cloth during the dyeing process before it is made into clothes and sheets