
Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology containing | all forms
不管是雌性麝香鹿或是香水制造商对种气味都同样难以抗拒Female musk deer and perfume makers alike find the scent to be irresistible
你想告诉我是你亲手做成些香水的吗?You mean to tell me that you made this perfume from scratch?
奇怪得很,种黏稠且奇臭的油脂竟被用来制作优质香水Strangely enough, this greasy, ill-smelling product is used in making fine perfumes
她买了一牌子的化妆品只是因为其所赠送的优惠券比其他牌子的要多She bought the make-up of this brand just because it contains more coupons than others
如果你醒来觉得脸有点肿胀,种爽肤水是你最好的选择。它可以镇静和收紧你的皮肤If you ever wake up feeling like your face is a little puffy, this toner is your best bet for calming and tightening your skin
我们有种玫瑰色,还有各种浓淡的浅褐色We have this rose color. We also have different shades of beige
我只放了一小撮个,一些那个东西,那边的一点点东西,就做成了香水I just threw in a pinch of this, some of that, a little bit of that over there and voila, I ended up with the perfume
我向您推荐种迷你刷头的睫毛膏I recommend this mini-brush mascara to you
我是在为中国的连锁店采购香水。它们对几个品牌的法国香水很感兴趣I’m buying for chain stores in China. They are also interested in these brands of French perfumes
我确定我们的价格已经是最优惠的了。在其他地方,个品牌的新款香水价格近几年来涨了不少I am sure our prices are the most favorable. Elsewhere prices for brand new perfumes have gone up tremendously in recent years
我给你推荐个牌子吧,个品牌有一款面霜对淡化雀斑很有效I recommend a brand to you. This brand has a face cream which is effective on fading freckles
我觉得种颜色的口红很配你的肤色I think the color of this lipstick looks good with your skin tone
款花香味香水怎么样?How about this Isawell’s flowery perfume? Isawell
个品牌的香水是我们的畅销货。我们产品的价格会根据国际市场需求的变化而变化。价格可以商议,尤其是针对大订单The perfumes of the brand are our best-selling lines. The prices of our products will fluctuate according to the international market demand. And we are always open to negotiate, especially on larger orders
个眼霜可以缓解你眼圈浮肿的问题This eye cream can release the puffy problem of your eyes
些哺乳动物分泌的黏稠、淡黄色、有麝香味的液体,可用于香水的制作The thick, yellowish, musky fluid secreted by these mammals is used in the manufacture of perfumes
款抗皱乳霜能促进皮肤年轻态This anti-wrinkle cream promotes a youthful appearance
款泡沫洁面霜可以缩小毛孔、减少油光且没有紧绷感This foaming cream cleanser could minimize the pores and control shine without feeling tight
种香水真的很新奇,你们公司在哪里采购到这种独特香水的?This perfume is pretty funky. Where did your company find it?