
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
买主急需些商品以应付季节性购买热潮Buyers need the commodities badly to cope with the seasonal rush
买主要求些细节,是为了符合本国在进口许可证、关税以及外汇管制等方面的现行规定The buyer requires these details in order to comply with the rules and regulations in force in his own country applying to such topics as import licences, customs duties and exchange restrictions
从经济方面考虑一问题consider it in the economic bearing
他们从笔销售中赚钱不多They netted only a little from the sale
他们认为些价格无法成交They entertain the idea that the prices are not workable
他将要为一笔交易支付20,000美兀For this transaction he will disburse US $20,000
估计台机器价值10,000美元value the machine at US $10,000
你方为推销类商品付出的努力将获得成功Your efforts to promote this line will be rewarded by success
你方在一方面的进一步支援将使我方不胜感激Your further support in this respect will be much appreciated
修建条公路包括建造几座桥梁Building this road will involve the construction of several bridges
关于个问题我方以后还要再谈We'll recur to the subject later on
包装方面的一改变对我们相当不便It is rather inconvenient for us to make such a change in packing
双方当事人把一事件交由仲裁法庭裁决The both parties committed the matter to the arbitration tribunal
可胜任一工作be qualified for doing the work
当中in this
方面in that connection
方面in this respect
方面我们不能答应你方要求We regret to say that we cannot oblige you in this respect
方面我方主张无法与你方一致We cannot reconcile out position with yours in this respect
种情况下In this case the buyer's interest is not compatible with ours
在代理人促销下些货物畅销于市场These goods met with a good sale on the strength of the agent's promotion
大家都同意些条款All agreed on the terms
如所约定,我方已将一批货物按发票金额加成10%投保综合险As agreed, we have covered insurance on these goods for 10% over the invoice value against all risks
如果你方信用证本月底不能抵达,我们将被迫取消一定单If your L/C fails to arrive at the end of this month, we shall be compelled to cancel the order
如果天气条件好,条船将于星期五傍晩抵达孟买Given good weather, the ship will reach Bombay Friday evening
安装套大型机器代价很高,但长远来看还是会赚钱的It has been rather costly to install the machinery, but it should pay off in the long run
对所有些商品,我们一律给予2%佣金For all these items, we allow a flat rate of commission of 2%
属于一类型be of this type
属于种类型be of this type
我们一定注意包装好批货物We'll see to it that goods are properly packed
我们不能承担些附加费用We cannot assume these additional charges
我们不能承担起事故的责任We cannot assume the responsibility for this accident
我们喜爱坎佩乐尼一品牌是因为它的高格调和永恒的现代奢华感We love the brand Cappellini because of its classy style, timelessly modern look, and extravagance
我们将另函处理一问题We'll deal with the subject in our next letter
我们已将笔金额记入你们的贷方We have placed the sum to your credit
我们希望今后继续向你方订购类商品We hope to place further orders with you in this line
我们希望你方努力推销一新产品We hope that you will direct your efforts to the promotion of this new product
我们希望在推销一新行业商品方面你方将密切与我方合作We hope you'll closely cooperate with us in promoting this new line
我们必须把些货物分两船装运We have to make two loads of the cargoes
我们无法承担所有些费用We can't absorb all these charges
我们相信一销售计划可以实现We trust this marketing plan can be realized
我劝你买些货物,不会吃亏I can safely advise you to buy the goods
我方不经营一行We are not engaged in this line of business
我方坚持认为两个问题应分别予以处理We maintain that these two problems should be dealt with separately
我方将向有关方提出一问题We'll take up the matter with the party concerned
我方已另空邮一商品的三个样品We've forwarded you by separate airmail three samples for this article
我方希望些订货不久获得批准We hope these purchases will soon be licensed
我方希望你方首先在你方市场推销一新产品We hope you'll take the lead in introducing this new product to your market
我方想了解你方是否可以为一商品找到销路We'd like to know whether you can find outlets for this commodity
我方正在寻购些商品We are in the market for these goods
我方相信一安排将对双方有利We believe that this arrangement will be conducive to our mutual benefit
我方非常感激你方在方面的合作I'm greatly indebted to you for your cooperation in this respect
所有些商品目前暂时无货可供All these items are unavailable for the time being
本保险在任何情况下不负责捕获、逮捕、禁制或拘留海盗行为除外以及些行动的后果或这方面的企图造成的损失和费用In no case shall this insurance cover loss, damage or expense caused by capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment piracy excepted, and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat
本函的主旨是澄清双方对一问题的看法The purport of our letter is a clarification of both partie' views on this issue
法院保管些文件作为证据The court impounded the documents to use as evidence
现寄上种料子的剪样We're sending you herewith a sample cutting of this material
由买方支付些费用These expenses are to be covered by the buyers
由于易于损坏,件仪器应用棉胎包装Because of its delicacy, the instrument should be packed in cotton batting
目前在我处销售些货物相当困难It is rather difficult for us to sell these goods in our place at present
目前我方无力供应些货物We're not in a position to offer these goods at present
禁止某人进口些货物inhibit sb. from importing the goods
解决一争议的关键在于密切合作The key to the settlement of the dispute lies in close cooperation
该规则不适用于件事The rule is inapplicable to this case
请告知你方买主是否赞同些图案Please advised us whether your buyers approve of these designs
请告知你方是否对些商品感兴趣Please advise us whether you're interested in these articles
请把份文件复制五份Please do five copies of this document
请核对些数字Please check check up, check up on the figures
一争议不应成为我们双方业务发展的障碍The dispute should not be the obstacle to the development of our business
一价格是我方精确核算出来的The price has been so closely figured out that we cannot even shade it
一协议对双方都有利This arrangement is beneficial to the both parties
一商品仅有很窄的销路There is only a narrow outlet for this article
一商品在同类商品中具有代表性This article is typical of its kind
一商品定价太高This article is priced too high
一商品每打售价至少50美元This article will fetch us at least US $50 per dozen
一安排对双方有利This arrangement will be mutually beneficial
一待遇只适用老客户This treatment only applies to old customers
一批货令人满意Taken in lump the this consignment is satisfactory
一批货由二百包组成The consignment consists of 200 packages
一报盘不符合买主要求This offer does not comply with the buyer's requirement
一法规不适用于这一情况The regulation is not applicable to this case
一证书一经证明人撤销即告无效The certificate ceases to be binding if it is revoked by the certifier
一货物与你方样品最为接近This is the closest match to your sample
一贸易术语可作两种解释The trade term is capable of two interpretations
不可作为先例加以援引It can't be quoted as a precedent
不过是股票的票面价值It's only the nominal value of shares
与质量有直接关系It has a direct bearing upon the quality
两家银行因共有股权而联系密切The two banks were affiliated by a common ownership of stock
两种商品定价相同These two items are identically priced
两种式样几乎完全相同These two designs are almost identical
个商人在上季的棉花岀口中净赚8,000英镑The merchant cleared £ stg. 8,000 on his cotton exports last season
个国家工业正在蓬勃发展The country is having a great boom in industry
些产品来自加拿大These products originate from Canada
些修改由多种因素造成These revisions are attributable to a variety of factors
些商品上的标签搞混了The price tags on these commodities are mixed
些商品与标准样品不符These articles don't assort with the type samples
些商品以高价出售These articles are sold at a high rate
些商品在冬季很昂贵These articles are dear in winter
些商品在国际市场上供应紧张These articles are in tight supply in the world market
些商品属我方经营的范畴These articles fall under the category of our business line
些商品按等级出售These articles are sold in grades
些商品按重量分级These articles are graded by weight
些图案正在流行之中These designs are in vogue
些料子不适合我方市场These materials do not suit our market
些是典型的中国传统图案These are typical of Chinese traditional designs
些是当前流行的式样These patterns are the vogue of the day
些是正本单据These are original documents
些条款与国际惯例相抵触These terms collide with international practices
些结果不合算These results were not worthwhile
些货物供应不足These goods are in short supply
些货物在市场上获得畅销These articles command a ready sale in the market
些货物已投保爆炸险The goods are covered against explosion
些货物并非供应充足,相反却快要售完了These goods are not in plentiful supply, on the contrary, they are running short
些货物必须妥当地加上标签These goods must be properly label led
些货物必须由有冷藏设备的船只装运These cargoes must be shipped on a steamer with cold storage
些货物是为老客户保留的These goods are retained for our old customers
些货物被海关当局扣押The goods were seized by customs authorities
些货物销售量很大These goods have a large circulation
些购置均用现金支付The purchases were paid for with cash
些资料对我们的实验很有价值These data will be of great value to us in our experiment
些附加条件是无关紧要的The additional terms are immaterial
份发票是替代以前开岀的那份发票This is to take the place of the previous invoice
似乎把该事件言过其实了It appears to be an exaggerated account of the incident
位不诚实的财务主任私吞公司公款The dishonest treasurer diverted funds from the company's treasury
使原估计增加1,000美元This brought an addition of US $1,000 to the original estimate
使金融界的情绪骤然发生变化It caused a sudden change of feeling in financial circles
几个小订单将并在一起装岀These small orders will be lumped into one shipment
台仪器由大约5,000个部件构成The instrument is composed of about 5,000 parts
合同再继续有效一年the contract stands good for another year
-商品广受欢迎This article has gained wide popularity
—— 型号与那一型号质量相同This type is identical in quality with to that one
家厂子抵押了一大笔押金The factory was encumbered with a heavy mortgage
家商店关闭了The business was closed up
家大银行与世界各大城市都有商务关系This big bank has correspondents in all the large cities in the world
家百货商店有很多种电视机可供选择This department store has a good selection of television sets
家餐馆供应的饭菜不错This restaurant serves nice food
导致价格上涨It caused an advance in price
座工厂将建在我市The new factory is to be located in our city
张支票见票即付The cheque is payable to bearer
批货与合同规定不符The shipment does not conform to the contracted specifications
批货包括花生和葵花籽各1,000公吨The shipment is composed of 1,000 M/T each peanuts and sunflower seeds
批货将按时到达你处The shipment will reach you in due course
批货将由英雄号轮运出The shipment will go forward per S.S. HERO
批货物的装船样品令人满意The shipment sample is quite satisfactory
-报告将使贵方清楚了解该市场的情况The report will give you a clear idea of the market situations
时候on upon this
是众所公认的This obtains with most people
是因为你方在合同中的规定不清所致This is due to your failure to be explicit in your stipulations in the contract
是我方可以得到的最好价格This is the best price we can obtain
是我方所能接受的最大数量This is the maximum quantity we can accept
是我方暂时所能报的最大数量That's the maximum quantity we can offer for the time being
是目前唯一可供应货物This is the only stock available at present
是继我本月二十日函的续函This is a follow-up to our letter of the 20th inst
条船与一石油货轮相撞后沉没The ship sank through a collision with an oil tanker
条船受租船契约的约束The ship is under charter
条船已宣布失踪The vessel has been posted as missing
条船搁浅了The vessel took the bottom
条船昨天结关后离港驶往纽约The ship cleared for New York yesterday
条船载重二万吨The ship has a tonnage of 30,000
架飞机可以包租The plane is available for charter
桥造价大大超岀他们的预料The cost of building the bridge was much more than they had bargained for (on)
种商品可大量供应The goods are in free supply
种布料保证是纯棉的This material is warranted to be pure cotton
种报酬方式是为能对代理人起激励作用This method of remuneration is intended to operate as an incentive for the agent
种衣服适合老年妇女This dress becomes an old lady
种装置的式样已落伍了This type of fixture went out of style and is now a drug on the market
种货币平价兑换This currency exchanges at par
种货物有各种不同质量可以供应The goods are available in various qualities
种载重汽车在同类型中是最好的This heavy-duty truck is rated among the best of its kind
笔汇款是支付迄今为止欠你方的佣金The remittance is in payment of all commissions due to you up to date
笔订货数量太小This order is too small to be worth the expense of establishing a letter of credit for
笔销售净得20,000美兀The sale netted US $20,000
笔长期未清的账目必须偿付This long outstanding account must be settled without further delay
类事件再度发生可能会损害双方的业务关系The recurrence of this incident may deteriorate the business relations between us
类商品值得一试To embark on this line is well worthwhile
类货物只保水渍险是不足的,请加保偷盗提货不着险WPA coverage is too narrow for these goods, the coverage should be extended to include TPND
艘船载重排水量三万吨the ship has a tonnage of 30,000
部机器是第一流的This machine is a first-rater
项安排对我方销售几乎没有帮助This arrangement will be of little help to our sales
项投资可使我方获取5%盈利The investment brings us in 5 percent interest
项法律主要施行于英国This enactment operates mainly in the United Kingdom
项法规仍然有效This regulation is still in effect
通过条运河transit the canal
鉴于关系友好,向买方作岀一通融extend to the buyer the accommodation in view of friendly relations
销售些货物看来没有什么困难There appears to be no difficulty in marketing these goods