
Terms for subject Dentistry containing | all forms
一天内轻轻涂擦种油膏几次Please rub this ointment gently several times in a day
为了保留颗牙,根管清洗和消毒是很重要的It is important to clean and disinfect the root canal in order to save the tooth
义齿非常适合您,是样的吗?The denture fits perfectly, doesn't it?
今天就That's all for today
今天牙神经已被切断,可能会使您感觉有点痛Today the nerve has been cut, so you may feel a little painful
以前有过样的疼痛吗?Did it ever hurt before?
以前有过样的疼痛吗?Have you ever had a pain like this before?
样把牙线绕在中指上Wrap the floss around your middle fingers like this
即使我们保留颗牙齿,它也没什么功能了Even if we keep it in your mouth, the tooth won't work properly any more
即使我们治疗好了颗牙齿,它也不会保留多长时间的Even if we treat it, it won't work for long
因为是个小的龋洞,所以我用树脂充填As it is a small cavity, I will put a resin filling
如果我们保留颗牙,脓肿会影响恒牙的形成If we leave it, the infection pus might influence the formation of the following permanent tooth
很不幸,由于颗牙根尖有脓肿,所以我们不能保留它Unfortunately, I can't conserve this tooth because of the abscess around the root tip
很抱歉,让您等了么久I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long
您什么时候肿成样的?When did you become swollen up like this?
您以前来过儿吗?Have you been here before?
您准备在里呆多久?How long do you intend to stay here?
您在里做什么工作?What is your work here?
您曾有过样的疼痛吗?Have you ever had a pain like this before?
您第一次发现种情况是什么时候?When did the symptom start?
您第一次发现种情况是什么时候?How and when did your illness begin?
您第一次发现种情况是什么时候?When did you first notice anything wrong?
您第一次发现种情况是什么时候?When did you first notice such conditions?
您能紧咬个木棍吗?Could you bite firmly on this wood stick?
我将对颗牙做牙髓活力测试I will do a pulp test on this tooth
我将放些氟化物在个海绵上,你把它含在嘴里约三分钟I will place some fluoride on this sponge and hold it in your mouth for three minutes
我将用树脂材料来封闭些窝沟,使他们容易清洁I'll seal these grooves with this white plastic material to make them easy to be cleaned
我必须拔除颗乳牙I have to pull this milk tooth out
我想给颗牙进行牙髓活力测试,看看牙髓是否正常I'll do a pulp test on the tooth to find out whether the pulp is healthy
我想通过 X 线片来看看颗牙齿的一些细节情况I want to examine the tooth in detail by an X -ray
根管治疗可以保留颗牙Root canal treatment will probably save that tooth
每次您来挂号时,请出示张卡Please show this card at the registration desk every time you come
颗牙暂封A temporary filling will be placed on the tooth
请像我样把牙刷放在牙龈与牙齿的联合部位Place the toothbrush at the junction of the gums and the teeth like this
请填写张记录卡Please fill out this record card
请您坐个牙椅Please sit down in this chair
请把您的姓名和出生日写在张卡上Please write your name and date of birth on this card
请摘下眼镜,取出义齿,把它们放到Please take off your glasses, take out your denture, and place them here
请用两侧同时咬张红纸Please bite this red paper on both sides together
请看张线片Please look at this X-ray film
谁介绍您来里的?Who introduced this clinic to you?
个义齿可以修理This denture can be repaired
个仪器对牙髓有点刺激This instrument will stimulate pulp a little bit
个龋洞并不深,很容易被充填It is not a deep cavity, and can be filled easily
些对预防龋病非常重要So, it is important to prevent tooth decay
些腐败的东西必须用牙钻清理干净,牙齿需要充填The decay has to be cleaned out by drilling and the tooth has to be filled
张 X 线片显示有个龋洞The X-ray shows a cavity
是为您在美国的健康保险开的证明书This is the diagnosis for your American Health Insurance
是喷水枪This is the water spray
是您找回的 50 元钱Here's 50 RMB change
是您的处方,请到药房拿药This is a prescription, Take it to the pharmacy
是您的挂号证。请不要遗失,每次来时带着它This is your registration card, Please don't lose it and bring it here whenever you come
是您的收据。我将给您治疗的账单I'll send you the bill of your treatment
是您的牙。您愿意保留它么?This is your pulled out tooth, Would you like to keep your tooth?
是您第一次到口腔门诊吗?Is this your first visit to this dental clinic?
是您第一次戴义齿吗?Is this the first time you have a denture?
是收据和找回的钱Here is your receipt and change
是给大学附属医院的介绍信This is a letter of introduction to the university hospital
是镇痛药These are pain killers
样可以预防感染The purpose is to prevent infections
次您想用什么材料?This time, what kind of material do you prefer?
次,我将用个别托盘为您取模This time I'll take an impression of your mouth by sing this individual tray
种情况持续多长时间了?How long have you had this condition?
种椅位,您感觉舒服吗?Are you comfortable in this position?
说明有些地方您没刷到This shows where you have not brushed properly
颗智齿与上颌牙并没有好的咬合关系This wisdom tooth doesn't work in proper occlusion with the upper tooth
颗牙什么时候开始痛的?When did the tooth start to hurt?
颗牙可能会使您有异样的感觉You may feel a strange sensation in your teeth
颗牙需要重新治疗The tooth is in need of retreatment
颗牙齿最好拔除This tooth had better be pulled out
颗牙齿的牙根已断为两片The root of this tooth is fractured into two pieces
通过个小眼可以使脓液引出This opening in the tooth will let the infection drain