
Terms containing | all forms
gen.一个 任何一个,再(另)一个样的阀门any such valve
gen.一个 任何一个,再(另)一个样的阀门another such valve
gen.一个 任何一个,再(另)一个样的阀门one such valve
gen.一个机翼上的几个螺母松了。样的事常发生,不必担心It seems there are some loose bolts on one of the wings. It happens all the time. No need to worry
gen.一个棕色的小箱子,是我的行李票It's a small brown bag and here is my claim tag
gen.一旦出院手续办好后,收费处会出具一张出院清单,张清单要交给您所在病房的护士Once the discharge formalities completed, the cashier will issue a list which be presented to the nurse on your unit
gen.万一有的衣服洗坏了,我想知道你们酒店是否有如何处理方面问题的规定What if there is any laundry damage? I wonder if your hotel has a policy on dealing with it
gen.上下班高峰时的交通更加拥堵不堪,时乘坐公共汽车简直是一场可怕的折磨啊The congestion is so bad during rush hour that even taking a bus proves to be a dreaded ordeal now!
gen.下个月的今天我们安装套设备we shall be installing the equipment this day month
gen.下次来纽约我肯定还会来家酒店I will definitely come to this hotel next time I am in New York
gen.不再谈let it go at that
gen.不好意思,能帮忙拍个照吗?只要按个按键就好Excuse me. Do you mind taking us pictures? You can just press the button here
gen.不是…到这样程度not so... as all that
gen.不,没有。不过离儿不远。我把车开到旅馆门口了No, there aren't any buses. But it is not far. And I have my car at the door of the hotel!
gen.不胜任项工作be unequal to the task
gen.不要改动些字let the words stand
gen.个问题无关do not regard the question
gen.专为个题目所列的参考文献the literature proper to this subject
gen.专门有一章来研究种混合物We shall devote a separate chapter to the mixture
gen.业内人士分析,一事件将会影响古驰在内地市场的扩张Industry insiders said the event will impede Gucci's expansion in the mainland
gen.两个当中个好得多this is much the better of the two
gen.中国申请人有亲戚在国外或者正申请移民是很常见的。类情况不会妨碍你获得批准It is common in China for an applicant to have relatives in other countries or a petition to immigrate on file. These factors by themselves will not necessarily prevent approval of your application
gen.一目的而安排的ad hoc
gen.个目的toward this end
gen.个目的to this end
gen.为了个缘故on that account
gen.为了个缘故on this account
gen.为了方便起见,我们是样划分时间的,即一天有24小时,一小时有60分,一分有60秒for convenience we divide time in such a way that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute
gen.为了方便起见,我们是样划分时间的,即一天有24小时,一小时有60分,一分有60秒,承包有关电力系统的电力生产、分配及应用等各方面的整套综合装置的安装及启用for convenience we divide time in such a way that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute
gen.为了证实件事的诚意in faith where of
gen.为了配条领带,他特意买了一个领带夹He bought a tie clip especially in order to match the tie
gen.为了预防天花或白喉病,会给身体接种小量毒素,然后你的身体会针对些毒素产生免疫力To protect you against small pox or diphtheria, you are vaccinated with a small amount of the toxin, and then your body develops immunity against that toxin
gen.为什么法国人么喜欢海鳗汤?Why people in France like moray soup so much?
gen.为什么玛格内特岛么有名?Why is the Magnetic Island so famous?
gen.为对付种疼痛,最容易的选择就是非处方止痛药,例如阿司匹林或退热净。To deal with the pain, your easiest option is an over-the-counter painkiller such as aspirin or acetaminophen (小贴士:在国外挂急诊,费用可能会很高,由于国内外医疗体制不同,在国外看病需要注意以下4点:1 •小毛病尽量自己看,出国前多带非处方药;2•选择保险公司指定的医院;3. 牢记该国急救电话,如美国是911, 韩国是119等; 4. 费用可以讨价还价。在美国,很多医疗账单可以打7折。)
gen.也是as much as that
gen.估计部发电机的发电量为 30 万千瓦put the capacity of the generator at 300,000 kW
gen.还只是问题的一半but this is only half the story
gen.但愿上帝不容许发生样的事情God forfend
gen.但愿上帝会阻止但愿不会发生样的事情God forbid
gen.作为样的人或物as such
gen.现在有时间看本书吗?have you time to read this book?
gen.别致的小帽子在哪儿买的?真漂亮啊!Where did you get this chic little hat? It looks so lovely!
gen.样做我很感激It's very kind of you to do so
gen.样做时,会感到体内,尤其是躯干,有种轻微的晕眩。You will feel a slight dizzy sensation inside you as you do this, specifically in your upper torso (小贴士:美国的医院不负责售药,只负责开方子。但只有凭医院处方,才能在药店购买处方药。美国看病贵,主要是因为美国实行医疗保险制度,大多数人都有保险。换言之,如果没有保险, 是很难看得起病的。在美国,大多数人看病都是通过雇主或自行购买的医疗保险。生病后到医疗服务机构就医,医疗费用主要由医疗保险机构向医疗服务机构支付,病人只需承担医疗费的一小部分。)
gen.趟旅行的目的是什么?你想要申请哪种类型的签证?What's your purpose of your visit? What type of visa do you want to apply for?
gen.你一共申请了多少所大学?有几所录取了你?为什么选择所大学?How many universities have you applied for? How many of them admitted you? Why do you want to study in this university?
gen.你一旦了解个规则以后once you understand this rule...
gen.你为什么么喜欢河内?Why do you love Hanoi so much?
gen.你为什么么喜欢马丘比丘?Why do you like Machu Picchu so much?
gen.你今天怎么么容易生气?Why are you so cross today?
gen.你们里怎么能把价格压得这么低?But how can you lower the price so much?
gen.你们里收旅行支票吗?Do you accept traveler's checks?
gen.你可以从些螺栓中任取十个you may take any ten of these bolts
gen.你可以向我介绍介绍血肠种食物吗?Could you tell me something about black pudding?
gen.你可以在对面那条街的药店买到种药You can get some at the pharmacy across the street
gen.你在里坐,我去拿食物You sit here and I'll go and get the food
gen.你好,从儿到华尔街站该怎么坐车?Excuse me, how do I get to Wall Street station from here?
gen.你好!请问你以前来过个国家吗?Hello, have you ever been to this country before?
gen.你将在停留多长时间?How long do you intend to stay here?
gen.你得先做个实验才能得出结论'you ought to make this experiment before you come to a conclusion
gen.你怎么能拒绝我对你的道歉呢?是不礼貌的How can you refuse my apology to you? This is rude
gen.你想在里停留多久?How long do you plan to stay?
gen.你戴顶钟形帽特别合适The cloche looks very becoming on you
gen.你来里做什么?What is the purpose of your visit?
gen.你没有读过本书吗haven't you read the book
gen.你的票上写的是直飞伦敦。不必转机,但得在停大约一小时Your ticket shows that the flight will fly directly to London. You don't have to change flights, but you do have to stop over here for about 1 hour
gen.你知道实验是什么时候开始的开始的准确日期do you know the exact date when the experiment began
gen.你竟然样想it is strange that you should think so
gen.你能告诉我款手表的售后服务有哪些吗?Can you tell me something about the after sales service of this watch?
gen.你觉得台车床怎么样how do you like this lathe
gen.你让他人或者代理机构帮你填写份申请表格了吗?Have you used an agent or representative to complete this application?
gen.你需要为些商品付税You have to pay duty on these items
gen.使台机器再运转起来get the machine to run again
gen.使辆卡车开动起来get the truck rolling
gen.使有必要对一问题作一详细的研究warrant a detailed study of the question
gen.只要使点劲,你便能把螺母拧松try hard, and you will work the nut loose
gen.使读者为理解而作好准备prepare readers for understanding this
gen.假定导线是沿其长度方向剖开的picture the wire sliced along its length
gen.事只有一种方法there's only one way to do it
gen.工作的适当工具the proper tool for the job
gen.先生,你好! 我的外公想要去澳大利亚玩,但是他不会说英语。我能帮他填写张申请表吗?Hello, Sir, my grandpa wants to visit Australia, but he doesn't speak English. May I assist him with his visa application?
gen.先生,您早先预定了穆斯林餐。是您的餐,请享用Sir, you've ordered Muslim meals earlier. Here is your meal. Enjoy it, please
gen.先生,我们的价格可能比您原本想的略高,样没事吧?Sir, our room prices are slightly higher than you may have thought. Will that be okay?
gen.先生,请将您的国籍写在Could you please put your nationality there, sir?
gen.关于一点so far as it goes
gen.关于一点in this context
gen.关于一点in that regard
gen.关于一点in this regard
gen.关于一点quoad hoc
gen.关于一点as far as it goes
gen.关于一点我们的意见是不一致的here we differ
gen.关于一点,没有任何疑问there is no doubt whatever about it
gen.M 关于M就讲么多SO much for
gen.M 关于M就讲到SO much for
gen.么贪杯,让我们先玩玩飞盘吧Don't be such a bear hog. Why not play some frisbee first?
gen.样,你就让点儿价吧Come on, give me a break on this
gen.样,要勇敢面对自己Don't be like this. You should be brave to yourself
gen.别再做种事情了never do the like again
gen.个程度范围insofar <> insofar as
gen.为止quoad hoc
gen.by this
gen.样的程度以致于to such a degree that
gen.种程度为止so far
gen.程度thus much
gen.程度so much
gen.程度以致…so much so that
gen.里为止thus much
gen.里为止as far
gen.到下一个即将来到的一个五一节为止的两年间two years come May Day
gen.医生们不得不立刻为位病人手术Surgeons have to operate on this patient immediately
gen.单就一点来说quoad hoc
gen.听说别家的个东西在大减价I heard other stores were having great discount on this item
gen.噢,很不幸。您想要改签到什么时候呢?Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. When would you like to reschedule it for?
gen.噢!是个很烦琐的申请过程。你要记住所有问题都需要用英语来回答。还需要上传一张近六个月之内拍的照片Oh, that is a detailed application! You should remember that all questions must be answered in English. Besides, you are required to upload a photograph taken within the last six months
gen.一带around here
gen.一或那一时间at one time or another
gen.一次on this occasion
gen.一点上quoad hoc
gen.一近似程度上to this degree approximation
gen.个世界上here below
gen.个名义上as such
gen.个国家内within these shores
gen.个地区没有煤,而有石油in this area there is no coal but, instead oil
gen.个意义上in this context
gen.个时候on this occasion
gen.个时候at this juncture
gen.个条件下on this understanding
gen.个标题下under this heading
gen.个背景历史条件against this background
gen.个走廊尽头左边,走下楼梯,你就会在你的右手边找到洗手间On the left side of this hallway s end. Go downstairs and you'll find the room on your right
gen.事件中in the present case
gen.情况下in the circumstances
gen.情况下under the circumstances
gen.些书当中的某几本中in some of these books
gen.些部件中他们没发现任何缺陷no defects did they find in these parts
gen.以前up to this point
gen.以前before this
gen.以前before now
gen.几年中through the years
gen.几年中over the years
gen.场合in which case
gen.建筑物的前部比较:in front of the building 在这建筑物的前面(前方某地)in the front of the building
gen.情况下in so doing
gen.情况下in doing so
gen.拮据的时期,路易・威登和卡地亚要做好"过冬"的准备了Louis Vuitton and Cartier should perhaps be bracing themselves for leaner times
gen.方面for that matter
gen.方面for the matter of that
gen.方面in this context
gen.方面in that regard
gen.方面in this regard
gen.方面in this connection
gen.方面做了许多工作much has been done in this field
gen.时以前by this
gen.时候时刻in this
gen.时候时刻at this
gen.期间in the mean time
gen.样的情况下that being the case
gen.样的情况下such being the case
gen.样的范围内条件下to the extent that
gen.M 在Min point of
gen.点上in that
gen.点上in this respect
gen.点上我们的意见大致相同we are much at one on this point
gen.种情况下in this instance
gen.种情况下in this context
gen.种情况下in doing so
gen.种情况下in which case
gen.种情况下in such a state of affairs
gen.种情况下in so doing
gen.种情况下in the circumstances
gen.紧急关头in this exigence
gen.over here
gen.here it is
gen.over here
gen.in this context
gen.里吃还是外带?Will this be for here or to go?
gen.里吃还是打包带走?Is this dine-in or take-out?
gen.里您只需花很少的钱就能享受这辆车You can enjoy it with little money here
gen.里打车不需要给小费Taking a taxi here means there is no need for tip at all
gen.里通常我们不给小费,但是如果你要给也可以People don't usually tip here, but you can
gen.在一栋楼房的花园里有一场街舞音乐会,在里他遇见了这三名青年He met this trio at a hip hop concert staged in the garden of a mansion
gen.在今天个时代in this day and age
gen.在你使用咳嗽糖浆之前,试试些天然疗法的其中之一吧Before you reach for the cough syrup, try one of these natural remedies
gen.在你做个的同时while you are about it
gen.在做个的过程中in doing this
gen.在整整个世纪中across the century
gen.在有些情况下,些检查项目甚至可以预防癌症从原位蔓延恶化In some cases, these tests can even prevent cancer from developing in the first place
gen.在美国和加拿大,人们利用感恩节个节日来表达感激之情Thanksgiving is a holiday in the USA and Canada when people give thanks
gen.在…这个义上to the extent that
gen.在…这方来说to the extent that
gen.在饭馆吃饭点很多菜是一项传统习惯。要知道,过去人们可不像现在样什么都能吃得起Ordering a lot of food at restaurants is just a tradition. You know, in the past, people could not afford to eat out like they can today
gen.填好份海关行李申报单Fill in the customs baggage declaration form
gen.复活节兔子在复活节一天为孩子们送去礼物,但它只是人们想象出来的一只兔子Easter Bunny is an imaginary rabbit said to bring gifts to children at Easter
gen.多备几瓶阿司匹林和其他成药,样就够我们用一年的了。Store up more bottles of aspirin and other common over-the-counter drugs that we all tend to use from time to time throughout the year (小贴士: Drug 和 medicine 都是药的意思,但我们说 take the medicine, 不说 take the drug。drug 一词,特别是当用作复数形式即 drugs 时,可以当“毒品”讲,而 medicine 则没有这个含义。“药店”不是 drugstore, 而应该是 pharmacy。)
gen.大体就是么回事that's about the size of it
gen.大多数纺织品建议采用平铺储存的方式,使整件纺织品都受到支撑Flat storage is recommended for most textiles because it provides support for the entire textiles
gen.大家都到儿了Everyone else is here already
gen.大洋路坐落在墨尔本,是一个你需要去见识一下的令人难以置信的地方The Great Ocean Road, which locates in Melbourne, is a so incredible site you should have a look
gen.太精美了,款手镯很闪亮,突显了你手腕的纤细It is so stunning! This sparkling bangle lends your wrist a delicate touch
gen.套装陶制餐具可以安全地存放食物。种材料无毒无味,且抗热The earthenware dinner sets are safe for food. The materials are non-toxic, odorless and heat-resistant
gen.她现在不在里。请稍等好吗?She's not here right now. Could you hold a moment, please?
gen.她的精彩表演使场音乐会免遭彻底失败Her brilliant performance redeemed the concert from complete failure
gen.她给我们买了一些贝壳手镯,是一座沿海城市的纪念品She bought us some shell bangles as souvenirs from a coastal city
gen.好,款相机有30G的硬盘,1700万像素,还有一个三英尺的显示屏OK, this one has a 30 GB hard disc, 17, 000, 000 pixels and a 3-inch LCD screen
gen.好了,现在保持冷静吧。那辆车的司机过来了。你听我的,就一次OK, keep calm now. Here comes the driver of the other car. Take my advice, please, for once
gen.好像是so it seems
gen.好,就么定了,给你钱OK. That is it. Here is the money
gen.好的,是您的取物牌OK, here is your tag
gen.好的,麻烦你。是我的登机牌Yes, please. Here is my boarding pass
gen.孢着种目的with this end in view
gen.一次for this once
gen.一次for this once
gen.一点而论as such
gen.么些thus much
gen.么些so much
gen.么办it's a deal
gen.么办that's a deal
gen.么多thus much
gen.样吧be it so
gen.样吧leave it at that
gen.样好了leave it at that
gen.点而论as such
gen.就只么些so much
gen.就在里!这里很疼!Right here! It hurts right here!
gen.就是么回事,所以他们越来越不耐烦That's the way it is, so they become more and more impatient
gen.就是such as it is
gen.…就是这些SO much for
gen.尽管很艰难,但是我们都挺了过来Although it was tough, we still get through from this
gen.尽管even now
gen.尽管for all this
gen.尽管for all that
gen.尽管孩子们非常喜欢吃肯德基炸鸡,但实际上类食物并不利于我们的健康Though children like KFC, this kind of food is not good to our health
gen.属于…这样类的be such as to (+ inf.)
gen.带有种意思to this effect
gen.开动操纵台机器run the machine
gen.开始做件工作begin to do the job
gen.开始做件工作begin doing the job
gen.弹性是物体的样一种性质elasticity is that property of a body which enables it to resist deformation and to recover after removal of the deforming force
gen.弹性是物体的样一种性质,它使物体抵抗变形,并在变形力消除之后恢复原状elasticity is that property of a body which enables it to resist deformation and to recover after removal of the deforming force
gen.一类come under this category
gen.当心别让些货物淋到雨take care not to let these goods be rained on
gen.当我们试图解决问题时when we tried to solve the problem we came on contradictions
gen.当我开车进入城市时,我感到一种奇特的超脱感When I drove into the city I had a sense of strange detachment
gen.当然,方面你可以咨询儿科医师Of course, you can always consult your pediatrician for advice in this area
gen.当然,照相馆也提供扫描、刻盘、打印样的服务Of course you can. A photography studio usually provides such service as scanning, disc burning and printing
gen.当耶稣降临到人间之时,些星星便是宣告其出生的标志,并帮助指引智者寻找到耶稣The star announced the birth of Jesus and guided the wise men to find Him
gen.怎么么辣?都呛得我流眼泪了How can it be so spicy? I am tearing up!
gen.怎么会样?那一定是材料没达到要求,或者签证官觉得你目的不纯How could that happen? You must have failed to meet the requirements or the officer believed your purpose is not genuine
gen.恐怕我们酒店不能接受种货币I'm afraid this currency is not accepted in our hotel
gen.恰是very much so
gen.意大利人为什么么喜欢比萨?Why people in Italy like pizza so much?
gen.感谢您的服务,是给您的小费Thanks for your service. Here is your tip, please
gen.个礼拜六晚上想订张桌位I’ d like to make a reservation for this Saturday evening
gen.些马克杯是超市给的赠品I got these mugs as freebies at the supermarket
gen.我一个人来儿旅行I'm traveling alone
gen.我一共申请了 2所大学,其中一所录取了我。选择所大学是因为该大学在电脑科技领域成绩卓著I have applied 2 universities and one of them accepted me. I choose this university because I think it is an excellent university in computer science
gen.我三天前为一位外国客人预订了一个房间,但现在位外国客人不能来了,所以我恐怕不得不取消预订I reserved a room for a foreign guest three days ago, but now the foreign guest won't be able to come, so I'm afraid I have to cancel the reservation
gen.我不介意轿车的装备。我只是想确定辆车开着舒服I'm not so concerned about how the car is equipped. I just want to make sure it is comfortable to drive
gen.我不怀疑数据是可靠的I do not doubt but what the data is reliable
gen.我不想说些,但是这是我吃过的最难吃的食物I hate to say this, but this is the worst food I've had
gen.我不知道工具是做什么用的I don't know what this tool is used for
gen.我不知道是谁的笔记本I wonder whose notebook this is
gen.我不知道可疑的是; 这取决于材料的刚度是否够大I it is doubtful whether the material is stiff enough
gen.我不知道可疑的是; 这取决于材料的刚度是否够大I it depends upon whether the material is stiff enough
gen.我不知道可疑的是; 这取决于材料的刚度是否够大I wonder whether the material is stiff enough
gen.我专程来里为我对你们无意所做的一切表示道歉I'm here to apologize to you for everything I've accidentally done to you
gen.我乐意分摊,样才不会总感到欠人情1 prefer to pay my own way so that I'll not feel indebted at all
gen.我也不想给你说些,但我们认为有必要告诉你I dont like to have to bring this up, but we found that this is necessary
gen.我也是。我在里的这段时间你们很照顾我。我都不知道怎么感谢你们才好Me too. You ve given me so much help during my stay here. How can I thank you enough?
gen.我从未见过样的服务I've never seen any service like this
gen.我从未遇到样的服务I've never seen any service like this
gen.我从来没见过么无耻的人。一公里的路程竟然要我一百美兀I have never seen such a shameless guy. He asked me for 100 dollars for only a one kilometer's ride!
gen.我们儿有许多不同种类的经典中国工艺品,比如景泰蓝、瓷器、漆器、玉器、竹器和中国画We've got different kinds of typical Chinese arts and crafts, such as cloisonne, lacquerware, jadeware, bamboo carvings and China painting
gen.我们儿的鱼不错。有鲤鱼。来一条中等的鲤鱼?We have good fish here - carp. What about medium sized carp?
gen.我们款眼影还有滋润皮肤的功效Our eye shadow is especially designed to moisturize the skin
gen.我们里所有的车子都配有音响,而且是标准配备All our cars have stereos in them. It's all standard with us
gen.我们面临碰到样一种情况we are presented with a situation where...
gen.我们只能兑换外汇牌上的些外币,其他外币您可以去银行兑换We can only change the foreign currencies listed on the foreign currency board. If you have other currencies to change, please go to the bank
gen.我们在里停留多久?How long will we stop here?
gen.我们将尽力去掉块污迹,但我们不能保证肯定可以去掉We will do our best to remove the stain, but we cannot guarantee the result
gen.我们希望按时完成项工作we wish the work to be finished in time
gen.我们庆祝伊历新年是为了纪念穆罕默德和穆斯林教徒们迁徙到麦地那一历史事件.We celebrate Islamic New Year to commemorate the historical event that Mohammed and Muslims migrated to Medina
gen.我们得把点考虑进去we have to have this in view
gen.我们必须査明些螺丝中是哪一个松了we must find out which of these screws has worked loose
gen.我们恐怕不能接受类货币I'm afraid this currency is not accepted in our hotel
gen.我们承兑张支票的透支额只有5美元We honored the check as the overdraft was only 5 dollars
gen.我们把些数据抄下来we shall write down these data so that we may not forget them
gen.我们招一辆出租车好吗?样就不用这么晚还乘地铁Let's hail a cab, so we don't have to ride the subway so late
gen.我们接到通知,由于机械故障本次航班已取消。我们将在里过夜,请拿好随身物品准备下飞机We have just been informed that this flight has been cancelled due to a mechanical problem. We'll have to stay here overnight. Please take your belongings and prepare to disembark
gen.我们本应做完了不定式we ought to have done it
gen.我们沉浸于场假面舞会中We're lost in this masquerade
gen.我们要把个炉子洗干净,然后再生火We have to clean the grill before we start a fire
gen.我们要检查批瓷器,看是否有破损We should inspect this batch of porcelain ware to see if there is any breakage
gen.我们认为样做是错的we think it wrong to do so
gen.我们认为有必要把试验再重复一次we consider it necessary that we should repeat the test once more
gen.我们进行的方式和个差不多this is very much the pattern we follow
gen.我们首先要知道条线应画在那里we must first know whereabouts the line should be drawn
gen.我可以凭张票转车吗?Can I transfer by this ticket?
gen.我可以带着个小提包吗?May I carry this satchel?
gen.我可以把三张支票分别换成面值100美元的现金吗?我想那就够了Well, may I cash these three checks for 100 dollars each? I think that will be enough
gen.我可以肯定,您下次来不会样了I promise it won't be like this again, if you come next time
gen.我吃完了,请端走些东西I'm through. Please take these things away
gen.我向你保证确是upon my word
gen.我向你保证确是my word upon it
gen.我向你保证确是I give you my word for it
gen.我向您保证不会发生种情况。我们的货物只有在符合出口标准后,相关部门才会放行I assure you that is not likely to happen. Our goods must be up to export standards before the Department concerned releases them
gen.我喜欢个旋律,这首歌可以获奥斯卡奖了I also like the rhythms. It' s worth an Academy Award
gen.我喜欢件,它很配我的紧身牛仔裤I like this one. It goes with my skinny jeans
gen.我喜欢双棕色的鞋子,这是真牛皮做的吗?I like these brown shoes. Are they real cowhide?
gen.我喜欢套西服的设计,但是衣服的质地不够软,这款能改做吗?I like the design of this suit. But the texture is not so soft. Can you do any change for me?
gen.我喜欢座城市,很漂亮且充满活力I love this city. It's beautiful and full of vitality
gen.我喜欢条挂毯,因为它非常艺术性的对称I loved this tapestry because it had perfect symmetry of art
gen.我喜欢顶鸭舌帽,可以试戴一下吗?I like this peaked cap. May I try it on?
gen.我喜欢首歌的歌词,它可以很自然地引起你的共鸣I like the lyrics because they can naturally arouse your feelings
gen.我喜欢春绿色,种颜色让人赏心悦目I like spring green, which is pleasing
gen.我在儿住得很开心I really enjoy my stay here
gen.我在泰国买了只手镯,你觉得怎么样?I bought the bangle in Thailand. What do you think of it?
gen.我坚持顿饭AA制I insist that we pay this meal respectively
gen.我太太一定会非常喜欢条镶玉的项链My wife will love this jade necklace
gen.我宁愿您别动些东西I prefer you don't move them
gen.我对儿的一切都很满意I am pleased with everything here
gen.我将在里呆三天I shall be here for three days
gen.我将留在里一直到六点钟I'll stay here until six o'clock
gen.我已被美国学校录取,并有 I-20 表格。难道不够颁发学生签证的条件吗?I have been accepted by a U. S. school and issued an I-20. Isn't that enough for a student visa issuance?
gen.我带了一些需要付关税的商品。我应该怎么计算些关税呢?还有我应该怎么支付它们呢?I am carrying some items that will require paying a customs duty. How should I calculate the approximate duty and where should I pay the customs duty?
gen.我强烈推荐您买种马克杯I strongly recommend you the mugs
gen.我彳艮喜欢个东西,但是价钱不太合适I'm very interested in this except the price
gen.我很喜欢乘船游览个湖I enjoyed the row on the lake very much
gen.我得没收些新鲜水果。请把申报单交给出口的服务员。祝您旅途愉快!I have to confiscate these fresh fruit. Give your declaration form to the attendant at the exit. And have a nice day
gen.我怕现金不够付些费用了,我用信用卡吧I'm afraid the cash is not enough to cover the amount. I' d use the credit card
gen.我想件毛衣应放在冷水中用手洗,否则它会缩水的I'd like this sweater to be washed by hand in cold water, it might shrink otherwise
gen.我想买瓶科隆香水,但是找不到我的皮夹了,里面有美国运通卡和护照I'd like this eau de cologne, but I can't find my wallet. I had my American Express Card and passport in it
gen.我想咨询关于外国入境者的居留权问题,您能给我讲讲方面的知识吗?I want to ask about the right of residency a foreigner has in another country. Could you give me some information about it?
gen.我想把个寄放在你这儿,袋子里没有贵重或易碎物品I'd like to leave this with you, and there is not anything valuable or breakable
gen.我想把些旅行支票换成现金I would like to cash these traveler? s checks, please
gen.我想把张票换成头等舱I' d like to change this ticket to the first-class
gen.我想把张纸币换成硬币I'd like some coins for this note
gen.我想换房间,间房间太潮湿了I' d like to change rooms. The room is too damp
gen.我想洗手,里有洗手间吗?I want to wash my hands. Is there a room where I can wash my hands?
gen.我想知道是否可以让我在多住两天I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for two more days
gen.我想知道是否有人捡到护照交到里了I was wondering if anyone has turned in a passport
gen.我想知道能否在兑换支票# I'd like to know whether I can cash a cheque here
gen.我愿意向您推荐道菜I would recommend this dish to you
gen.我把包放在,但是回来就不见了I left my bag here, but it was gone when I came back
gen.我昨天在贵店买了条皮带,你能帮我在皮带上打个新孔吗?I bought this belt here yesterday. Can you punch a new hole in the belt for me?
gen.我是奥迪公司的销售经理,是我们公司最新的高科技汽车I’m the sales manager of Audi. This is one of our newest hi-tech vehicles
gen.我是来做度假的I' m here on vacation
gen.我是来做生意的I' m here on business
gen.我有一件行李找不到了,是我的提取牌One piece of my luggage is missing. Here is my claim tag
gen.我有五个,我再要么些五个I have five, I should like as many more
gen.我期待个假期能出国I'm hoping to go abroad during the break
gen.我来演示如何让台新的洗衣机搅动衣服I will demonstrate how to make the new washing machine agitate the clothes
gen.我没带现金,所以必须得用信用卡结账了。是90美元,剩下的做小费I don't have any cash with me. So I'll have to put it on credit. Here's 90 dollars. Please keep the change
gen.我猜想卡萨布兰卡有很多破碎的心I guess there are many broken hearts in Casablanca
gen.我的车在停车区,请边走。我来帮你拿行李My car is in the parking lot. Let s go this way. Let me help you with your bags
gen.我真是迫不及待地想要购买种操纵灵活的小轿车了I could not wait until I could really purchase such kind of very manoeuvrable car
gen.我真的需要个行李箱。我的衣服都在里面呢I really need this suitcase. All my clothes are in it
gen.我知道东西值多少钱I know what this is worth
gen.我知道是真的I know it for a fact
gen.我确信个书柜有各种你所要的特征I’m really positive that this bookcase has all the features you have always wanted
gen.我纳闷些杂质是从哪里来的I wonder where the impurities came from
gen.我考虑一下,然后尽快打电话给你,具体讨论件事I'll think about it and call you back to discuss it to some details soon
gen.我能在里买到纽约时报吗?Can I get a copy of the New York Times here?
gen.我能在里抽烟吗?May I smoke here?
gen.我能把刚买的瓶水带上飞机吗?Can I bring the bottle of water I just bought?
gen.我能把行李放在儿下午走时再来取吗?Can I leave my luggage here until I'm ready to leave this afternoon?
gen.我能把行李放在儿吗?Can I put my baggage here?
gen.我能随携带个旅行袋吗?Can I take this traveling bag as a carry-on?
gen.我能随身携带个旅行袋吗?Can I take this traveling bag as a carry-on?
gen.我花了大价钱买双凉鞋These sandals cost me an arm and a leg
gen.我要买黄色的I will take the yellow one
gen.我要去市中心,但是迷路了,往个方向走对吗?I' m going downtown, but couldn't find the way. Is it right for me to go in this direction?
gen.我要怎么填张表呢?How do I fill out this form?
gen.我要退张票I'd like a refund on this ticket
gen.我觉得条泪滴状的项链会让你更有魅力。你应该戴上它And I believe this teardrop necklace would make you more attractive. You should put it on
gen.我觉得我的英语水平能够满足次旅行需要I think my English is sufficient for this trip
gen.我解不出个方程式I can't make this equation come out
gen.我计划放大张照片I planned to enlarge this picture
gen.我认为是很可能的I think it to be probable
gen.所有些泵当中of all the pumps this one is the newest
gen.才能排除系统中的故障a question arose as to what we should do to debug the system
gen.打扰一下,里是 AM231航班的取行李处吗?Excuse me, is this the baggage claim area from AM231?
gen.打扰一下,我原以为是“直飞航班”。飞机为什么停在这儿了?Excuse me, I thought it was a unon-stop flight".Why did the plane stop here?
gen.词的本来意义in the proper sense of the word
gen.按照传统,些礼物会匿名送出,但现在我们更倾向注明发出者的姓名Traditionally these were sent anonymously, but nowadays we often make it clear who is sending each "Valentine"
gen.按照传统,情人节一天也预示着春天的来临,小鸟们会在这个时候选择它们的伴侣。在英国的苏塞克斯郡,人们称情人节为“百鸟成婚节”Traditionally, spring begins on St. Valentine's Day February 14th , the day on which birds chose their mates. In parts of Sussex, Valentine's Day was called “the Birds,Wedding Day”
gen.按照传统,烤火鸡道菜是圣诞节餐桌必不可少的食物The traditional Christmas table is always crowned with a roast turkey
gen.振作点!对你的病要有信心,只不过是个小手术而已Come on! Be confident about your case. It is just a small surgery
gen.据说事情就是样的so the story runs
gen.收费是按体重来算的。上个秤,看看吧!It depends on your weight. Come on to the scale, please!
gen.明天星期一以前完成工作finish the work by Monday
gen.明天星期一以前完成工作finish the work by tomorrow
gen.明天要开会,那时我将谈自己对问题的看法a meeting will take place tomorrow, when I shall express my views on the subject
gen.昨天检修台透平的是第二组it was group two that overhauled the turbine yesterday
gen.F是么大不怎么大的一个力F is not so great a force
gen.样吗is it so
gen.晚上好,先生。是菜单。您是否要点开胃酒呢?Good evening, gentlemen. Here are the menus. Would you like to order an aperitif?
gen.晚上好,先生。您对里的饭菜和服务满意吗?Good evening, sir. Is everything to your satisfaction?
gen.晚上好,萨姆先生。里是总机,有位陈小姐来电,请问您接听吗?Good evening. Mr. Sam. This is the operator speaking. Here is a call by Miss Chen. Would you like to receive it?
gen.月亮比其他任何星球离我们都近得多,就是为什么它看上去那么大the moon is much close to us than any other star, that is why it looks so big
gen.么一个时期…there comes a time when...
gen.有人看见辆汽车过桥正在过桥the car was seen to was seen crossing the bridge
gen.有人看见辆汽车过桥正在过桥the car was seen to cross the bridge
gen.有人要素食汉堡吗?肉饼在Anyone needs a veggie burger? Here is the patty
gen.有什么能帮忙的吗?我们里有各种各样的车供您选择Can I help you? We have all kinds of cars here
gen.有很多类似不起眼的传统,从装饰圣诞树到槲寄生树下亲吻,然后交换礼物,一切都是如此有趣There are lots of little traditions like this, from decorating the Christmas tree to kissing under the mistletoe, to exchanging gifts. That is a lot of fun
gen.有条河穿过平原a river cuts the plain
gen.来点种浓郁、强烈,但有些甜的酒吧I recommend this kind of full-bodied wine with a hint of sweetness
gen.来点儿酱吧,炸鸡蘸上种酱特别好吃Do try some sauce. It tastes yummy with fried chicken
gen.杨,儿有公共汽车去你家吗?Is there a bus from here to your house, Young?
gen.杰克知道莉莉从不愿掏钱,所以次他提议各付各的Jack knew Lily never offered to pick up the bill, so he suggested go halves this time
gen.根据个原理around this principle
gen.根据个条件on this understanding
gen.桌上有么多餐具。我要先用哪些餐具?There are so many eating utensils on the table. Which ones do I use first?
gen.正是just so
gen.正是exactly thus
gen.正是right here
gen.浅色床单比黄褐色、红棕色些秋季色彩的床单更流行Pale color bed sheets are much more in vogue than autumnal bronzes and coppers
gen.灯光变暗,幕布拉起,我们往后靠坐着来欣赏出戏剧The lights dimmed, the curtain went up, and we settled back to enjoy the play
gen.after this manner
gen.in this manner
gen.as such
gen.as such
gen.样做do it like this
gen.样做…do... so fashion
gen.牛肉很嫩,我很喜欢。但是也太辣了,我舌头都麻了I love the tender beef, but it's far too spicy. I can't feel my tongue
gen.甚至在种情况下even then
gen.个意思to this effect
gen.样的方式the way
gen.样的方式in such a manner
gen.种或那种方法by some means (or other)
gen.种料子做一套衣服要多少钱?How much would a suit made of this material cost?
gen.metals"用"合金"个词来表示"金属的混合物"by the word"alloy" we mean "mixture of
gen.用四来约个分数cancel four out of that fraction
gen.由于个原因for which reason
gen.由于个原因for this reason
gen.由于个原因for that reason
gen.由于个原因in this context
gen.由于些原因for these reasons
gen.由于不小心我打碎了个杯子,我会赔偿的The glass is broken due to my carelessness. I will pay for it
gen.电可以在相隔一段距离的地方显示各种测量结果,在许多场合都是很重要的electricity permits indication of measurements at a distance, which is very important in many fields
gen.看,是我的影集Look, this is my photo album
gen.汤,上面漂着一只苍蝇Look at the soup. There is a fly floating over it
gen.看到马丘比丘的第一眼,就感到里不可思议The first sight of Machu Picchu is almost magical
gen.看来不像是么一回事it appears not
gen.真的假的?怎么可能呢?你一定要再申请一次!Are you serious? How is this possible? You have to reapply!
gen.研究个问题go into the question
gen.研究人员注意到,超重人的生存时间和瘦人的一样长,但是却患有多种慢性疾病,些疾病要花费高昂的治疗费用The researchers noted that overweight people tend to live as long as the thin, but with far more chronic diseases that are costly to treat
gen.考虑一目的with this end in view
gen.而要让砂轮慢慢变热but the wheel should be allowed to warm up slowly
gen.而要让砂轮慢慢变热a heavy cut should not be taken with a cold abrasive wheel
gen.航班延误,我不觉得心烦。正好利用个时间去免税店购物A delayed flight doesn't bother me. I use the free time to shop in the duty-free shops
gen.药理学家们正在认真研究种药的过敏反应Pharmacologists are studying up on allergic reaction of this medicine
gen.虽然be that as it may
gen.虽然杯子与碟子仍然是陶瓷的主要用途,但些日常用品能够做得十分艺术Though cups and plates remain the primary field of ceramic use, these common utensils can be very artistic
gen.DS-160表格完成后,会生成标有字母加数字格式的条形码确认页。打印一页即可。The completed DS-160 application form will generate an alpha-numeric barcode confirmation page. Print this page.
gen.西伯利亚和贝加尔湖就位于些山岭的北方North of these mountains lies Siberia and Lake Baikal
gen.谢谢您的称赞。我们很高兴您喜欢里的饭菜和服务Thank you for your compliments. We're pleased that you like our service and food
gen.购买家纺用品时,要清楚它们的填充物是什么。对健康很重要When you buy home textiles, you should be clear about the fillers which is very important for your health
gen.轻轻地将啤酒搓擦进布料,样污渍就会消失Rub the beer lightly into the material, and the stain should disappear
gen.适用于种情况reach the case
gen.通常就是as is often, usually the case
gen.通常就是as is usually the case
gen.遇到样的好天气,乘船旅行总是使人惬意的A sea trip is always enjoyable in fine weather like this
gen.除去承认点以外except to recognize this
gen.除…这点就不not a thing but what changes
gen.样做不可the emergency requires that it should be done
gen.非常感谢段时间以来你给我们的帮助It's very kind of you to give us much of your time
gen.非常抱歉,我们会尽力尽快帮您找回来。请把您的签条号码填在张申报单上I' m terribly sorry. We'll do our best to get it back to you as soon as possible. Please fill out this claim form with your tag number
gen.顺着条街一直走约两个街区,然后左转Head straight up the street about two blocks, then turn left
gen.餐厅承认,一位店员误将一把金属汤匙混入碎冰机里,然后将份漂浮有金属碎屑的冰沙卖给了顾客The restaurant admitted that a clerk mistakenly put a metal spoon into the ice crusher, and then the ice shavings with floating bits of crushed metal were sold to customers
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