
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
借新novation securities settlement systems
refunding repayment
repayment period Paris Club, Debt Guide, 1993
期限maturity period Paris Club
未偿债务retirement of outstanding debt
能力repayment capacity
规则rules for repurchase
部分欠款而了结债务的协议composition agreement
部分欠款而了结债务的协议creditors' arrangement
部分欠款而了结债务的协议composition of creditors bankruptcy
分期偿debt amortization
分期偿的信贷installment credit
分期偿的信贷installment loan
分期偿的借款installment credit
分期偿的借款installment loan
发行分期分批偿的债券serial bond issue
可用其他币种偿的债券currency option bond
可自行本付息self-liquidating projects
款期末大额偿付的贷款balloon loan
外债偿debt service ratio
已发行尚未偿的债券、证券outstanding securities
已发行尚未偿的债券、证券outstanding bonds
已拨付未偿债务debt disbursed and outstanding
延期偿债务payments standstill
延期偿债务debt standstill
延期偿债务debt moratorium London Club
强制性提前款条款mandatory prepayment clause London Club
总支出和贷款减去total expenditure and lending minus repayments
按经济类别分类的支出和贷款减去expenditure and lending minus repayments by economic type
提前debt prepayment
提前prepayment of debt
提前偿advance repurchase
提前偿advance repayment
提前偿early repurchase
提前偿advance redemption
debt amortization
期末一次性本付息的贷款bullet loan
未偿amount outstanding
没有成本的同日借特别提款权的安排same-day, no cost SDR loan
没有成本的同日借特别提款权的安排SDR same-day facility
没有成本的同日借特别提款权的安排same-day loan and repayment in SDRs
没有成本的同日借特别提款权的安排SDR Facility
没有成本的同日借特别提款权的安排same-day borrowing/repayment of SDRs
没有成本的同日借特别提款权的安排same-day loan facility review of quotas
没有成本的同日借特别提款权的安排SDR loan arrangement
没有成本的同日借特别提款权的安排SDR loan facility
职能分类的贷款减lending minus repayments by function
自愿偿voluntary repayment
要求call in debt
讨价价的地位bargaining position
讨价价的能力bargaining power
货款减lending minus repayments
本付息debt servicing
本付息service payment
本付息debt service
本付息debt service payment
本付息与出口的比率debt service-to-exports ratio HIPC Initiative
本付息与出口的比率debt service-to-export ratio
款安排amortization profile
款期repayment period Paris Club, Debt Guide, 1993
款能力repayment capacity
款表repayment schedule
款表amortization profile
退手续费refund of charges
退黄金restitution of gold