
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一个往运行one round trip
三级回系统three-level return system
回临界点point of no-return (指航线临界点)
回状态non-return state
手柄non-return handle
不可回点point of no-return
中断return from interrupt
中断回指令interrupted return instruction
中断回控制字interrupted return control word
中途midway return operation
中途折midway return operation
中间折interim reversion station
二次repair for secondary time
井口无泥浆loss of returns
交错alternate return
产品product buyback
从冻结钻孔中回的盐水return brine
从子程序return from subroutine
从密封return from seal
信号往时间滞后signal roundtrip time delay
光束回透镜beam reversing lens
全部full return (冲洗液)
冲洗液流速度upward fluid velocity
凹面光镜concave mirror
出售后sale and leaseback
出错error return
出错回地址error return address
列车折turn-back of train
列车折train reverse operation
列车折train reversal
动态本期dynamical payoff period
动态本期dynamic payoff period
劳务人员的遣repatriation of labour
单折线single turn-back track
单线送电大地回电路earth return circuit
卧式往工作台平面磨床horizontal reciprocating-table surface grinder
双折线double turn-back track
双程往观测two-way observation
变址回符index return character
命令command rollback
坑线run-around ramp
对流return convection
抑制reversal inhibition
re-entry module
闪流return streamer
闪流return stroke
闪流main stroke
土壤盐作用salt return of soil
地槽回阶段geosynclinal inversion stage
地面ground return
多重回路径multiple return path
天然气gas return
子程序subroutine return
定期往交通控制shuttle oneway traffic control
定期往班船shuttle ship
射流回指令break-point order
尽头折线dead-end turn-back track
岩屑上速度cuttings returning rate
工作台向轧头table reversing dogs
平均回波平衡回损耗mean echo balance return loss
应急航发动机take home engine
废品和scope and rework
异常abnormal return
弹簧回式卸粮管spring-backed discharge spout
互换加热器reciprocating heater
周期round-trip cycle
延迟round-trip delay
式皮带运输机shuttle conveyer
擦洗double rub
旅行round trip
时间turn round time
时间trip time
机制shuttle mechanism
back-and-forward method
back-and-forth method
测较差difference of forward and backward observation
round-trip ticket
租用契约round strip lease contract
航次round trip
航次时间turnaround time
航次船租合同round-trip charter party
航次船租合同return trip C/P
航程round trip
航程船租合同round-trip charter party
航程船租合同return trip C/P
行程时间round-trip cycle
观测back-and-forward observation
货运cargo shipped to and fro
运动shuttling motion
运输out and back haul
铲刮blade back and forth (用平地机)
飞行round-trip flight
回分析程序fast-back parser
回算法fast-back algorithm
回自顶向下分析fast-back top-down analysis
快速quick return
快速rapid return
快速fast return
快速回控制fast return control (器)
快速回行程rapid return stroke
快速回运动rapid return motion
托架回符号carriage return character
rereeled silk
rereeling machine
投资回率rate of return
投资本年限法payout time
三角线turnaround wye
三角线wye track
三角线triangular track
三角线triangle track
三角线reserving triangle
坑线zigzag ramp
时间reverse time
back-turning section
环线reverse loop
switching depot
turnaround depot
turnaround station
transfer depot
switchback station
servicing terminal
turn-back station
station for head-end operation
reversing station
线turnaround line
线turn-back track
线reverse track
线有效长度effective length of turn-back track
能力turn-back capability
能力reverse capacity
reversing track
间隔时间reverse interval
绳索pullback line
控制return of control
提升气体回口lift gas return
无人驾驶自动折driverless reversal operation
无调头的往动输no-turn shuttle hauling
最大回信号maximum return signal
机务折locomotive turnaround point
机务折locomotive turnaround depot
机车折turnaround system
机车折turnaround engine house
机车折turnaround point
机车折locomotive changing point
机车折线turn-back track
标量回寄存器scalar-return register
每天往运行次数trip per day (货车)
水泥return top of slurry
汽车运输往truck turn-around
沿原路回的航线retrace course
泥浆return of drilling mud
演播室送电路studio foldback circuit
环状空间流速度annular return velocity
环行折线loop turn-back track
航向true homing
短程往交通shuttle service
碎玻璃回量returned quantity of broken glass
机构breakback mechanism
空中短程往服务air shuttle service
立即折quick turnaround system
立式往工作磨床vertical spindle reciprocating table grinding machine
站前折reverse in front of the station according to the proceeding direction
站前折reverse after moving back out of the station
站后折reverse behind station according to the proceeding direction
站后折reverse after moving forward out of the station
粗粉回管outlet duct for tailings
经常性往出行commuter trip
继电器回系数drop-off to pickup ratio
式沉积取芯器boomerang sediment corer
自动回机构automatic return mechanism
自动快速automatic fast return
自动折driverless reversing of train
自动折功能automatic reverse function
蒸汽回管道steam return line
调用过程的回点return point in calling procedure
资金还价值reversion value
资金还系数reversion factor
继电器step-back relay
继电器reset relay
车底折turn-back station of passenger train stock
辙叉回原位return of points
运动的return of movement
after service
修品reprocessed products
修品products sent back for repair
修服务after-sale service
修率percentage of products sent back for repair
向弯管return bend
loop back
向最近检査点roll back
向主要记忆设备roll in
复原指令return command
return code
码寄存器return code register
回信号inverse signal
回信号backward signal
回信号强度return signal strength
回值说明returned value specification
回函数return function
回函数率rate of return function
回后退付pay on return
回地址指令return address instruction
回地址连接return address link
回地球的路程journey back to the earth
回基准记录法return-to-reference recording
回填充料return filler
回填补fill backward
回子程序return subroutine
回子程序backspace subroutine
回宏指令return macro
回定位restoring to normal position
回射束return beam
回废钢revert scrap
回废钢recirculating scrap
回折叠grooved seam
回指令link order
回指令break-point order
回按钮return push-button
回挡return catch
回数值的特性characteristics of returned value
回机构return mechanism
回检查echo checking
回检查echo check
回次序back order
回泥浆return mud
回流槽return launcher
回港口put back to port
回溶液rework solution
回状态return state
回电流return current
回电缆return cable
回电路return circuit
回的水return water
回的液体return fluid
回租赁wrap-around lease
回租赁all-inclusive trust deed
回系数drop-off to pickup ratio
回线路return line
回线路line of return
回结束回答echoing end reply
回缓冲器return buffer
回缩减律law of diminishing returns
回行程reversing stroke
回行程时间return-stroke time
回访问backward reference
回贷款wrap-around loan
回跳转return jump
回连接return link
回通道return channel
回通道backward channel
厂内回钢home scrap
回零位return-to-zero position
回鱼类homing fishes
fill backward
填土earth covering
复滚轴return roller
reversed run
do poorly done work over again
工单位数reworked units
工和浪费rejection and waste
工成本rework cost
工损失率rate of rework losses
工费用rework cost
扩散back diffusion
扯强度strength of salt return
提取back extraction
return material
home scrap
料叶片return plate
料带mill apron
料皮带return conveyer
本期法payoff period method
back board
水挡条back board
水管return pipe
回,反射,反向back wave
波式磁控管backward-wave magnetron
波振荡backward-wave oscillation
波正交场放大管backward-wave crossed-field amplifier
洗液废水出口backwash waste outlet
洗液控制器backwash controller
back streaming
reverse measurement
reversal run
测导线back traverse
混流反应器backmix-flow reactor
inward bound
get damp
焰灼烧reverberatory burning
焰炉reverberating furnace
焰炉reverberatory burner
焰炉reverberatory roaster
焰炉reverberating burner
焰炉double flame furnace
焰焙烧reverberatory roasting
焰煅烧reverberatory calcination
焰煅烧炉reverberatory calciner
uprise of salt
accumulation of salt in the surface soil
盐期salt return period
盐过程process of salt return
counter offer
accumulation of salt in the surface soil
sale and leaseback
chartered back
程周期flyback time
程周期flyback period
程装运return shipment
pig skin
homeward voyage (航次)
return journey
return trip
homeward sailing
航航次homebound voyage
航航程inward voyage
航货物homeward cargo
计还原gross up
运货物returned cargo
还保证书counter letter
还差价款giving state subsidies for price differential
还排污费water pollution charge refund
还票据surrender of bills
还系数release factor
退地址return address
return selling
销粮resold grain
陆过程land fall
turn green
recovery from transplanting
青作用reviving action
连续往航次租船合同consecutive return trip charter party
逆行retrograde return
道岔自动automatic return of points
cost of repatriation
re-entry (大气层)
井口regaining contact with the well
井口装置well-head retrieval apparatus (海洋钻井水下钻具)
井口装置well-head reentry apparatus (海洋钻井水下钻具)
大气通信re-entry communication
现象re-entry phenomenon
系统re-entry system
钻探冲洗液drilling returns
钻杆环空drill pipe annular return velocity
钻铤环空collar annular return velocity
错误回地址error return address
阀球回弹簧ball return spring
队列回链queue back chain
隐蔽航路线return route concealment
静态本期static payoff period
预计回时间expected time of return
预计回时间estimated time of return
高频回散射high-frequency backscatter
齿轮gear rework