
Terms for subject Technology containing 运 程 | all forms | in specified order only
一般运输方程general transport equation
不加费运程free haul
不可压缩黏性流体运动方程Navier-Stokes equation
不耦联运动方程uncoupled equation of motion
二程运费secondary carrier's freight
交通运输工程traffic engineering
全程多种方式联运through multimode transport
全程水运all water transportation
全程运输through shipment
内河航运工程inland navigation projects
出土运程muck haulage (土方工程)
出渣运程muck haulage
分子运动方程式molecular kinetic equation
分形布朗运动过程fractional Brownian motion process
分洪运用程序sequence of flood diversion operation
列车运行监督及最终程序train movement monitoring programme
列车运行监督及最终程序train movement monitoring program
列车运行里程mileage of train runs
运程overhaul distance
区域运行程序domain operator
去程运费out freight
受摄运动方程perturbed equation of motion
可编程序运算放大器programmable mable operational amplifier
各态历程运动ergodic motion
吊运车行程trolley travel
吊运车行程trolly travel
回程装运return shipment
回程货运价homeward rate
回程运费return freight
回程运费inbound freight
回程运输用圆筒backhaul drum
在运输过程中拌和mixing-in-transit (混凝土)
地下水运动基本微分方程governing differential equation of groundwater movement
均匀流运动方程motion equation for uniform flow
增量运动方程increment equation of motion
实际运行程序数据区actual runtime data area
客运站技术作业过程technological process of trains at passenger station
客运站技术作业过程technologic process of trains at passenger station
客运里程seat mile (以一人一英里为单位)
尖轨运程throw at end of points
尖轨运程movement of switch points
平均运程average haul (distance, 土石方的)
抽运过程pumping process
拉格朗日运动方程Lagrange's kinematic equation
拉格朗日运动方程Lagrange's equation of motion
拉格朗日运动方程Lagrangian equation of motion
搬运装卸过程transportation and handling procedure
新构造运动活跃程度mobile level of new tectogenesis
材料储运工程material engineering
构造运动程式process of tectonic movement
柯西运动方程Cauchy's equation of motion
标准运行程序standard operation procedure
水利工程运行hydraulic project operation
水运工程water transport engineering (学)
水运工程maritime engineering (学)
水运工程marine traffic engineering (学)
水运工程决算final accounts of maritime engineering
水运工程协会Association of Maritime Engineering
水运工程学会Society of Maritime Engineering
水运工程定额maritime engineering rating
水运工程概算maritime engineering estimate
水运工程网络network of maritime engineering
水运工程网络规划network programming of maritime engineering
水运工程规划maritime engineering programming
水运工程设计maritime engineering design
水运工程质量验收标准quality acceptance standard of maritime engineering
水运工程预算maritime engineering budget
汽车运输里程时间换算图表motor transport distance and time conversion chart
沿海短程运输small coasting trade
沿海短程运输limited coasting trade
波尔兹曼输运方程Boltzmann's transport equation
流体运动方程fluid motion equation
浮点十进制运算子程序floating-point decimal subroutine
浮点运算程序floating-point arithmetic routine
海上短程运输short-sea trade
海上运输工程marine transportation engineering
海里程运费distance freight
源程序运算source programme operation
源程序运算source program operation
溶质运移方程solute transport equation
牛顿运动方程Newton's equation of motion
物料搬运工程师materials handling engineer
物资调运的全过程through distribution
目的程序运行阶段target phase
相对运动行程distance of relative movement
短程海运船舶short traffic ocean carrier
短程线运动geodesic motion
短程航运shorter haul
短程运输机short-range transport
程序运行方式programme run mode
程序运行方式program run mode
空运里程测量计air mileage unit
系统运行程序system log
联运货物路程单interline waybill
联运输程运输through carriage
航运开发工程shipping development project
航运开发工程marine development project
航运水工工程hydraulic structure for water borne traffic
节点运行程序node operator
营运章程operating rule
营运里程operating kilometre
角运动方程equation of angular motion
角运动方程equation of angular motion
计程仪运速轮log governor
试运转过程breaking-in process
货物平均运程average transportation distance of goods
货物平均运程average haul of goods
货物运价里程transport distance for calculating tariff
超程运费overhaul charges
超程运费cost of overhaul
输运平均自由程transport mean free path
达西标度活性物质运移方程Darcy scale reactive transport equation
达西标度非活性物质运移方程Darcy scale non-reactive transport equation
运价里程tariff mileage
运价里程tariff kilometerage
运动方程kinetic equation
运动方程equation governing the motion
运动方程式equation of kinetics
运料工程师material handling crane
运河工程canal engineering
运河工程canal construction
运用程序operating schedule
运用程序operating procedure
运程length of run
运程haul distance
运算子程序arithmetical subroutine
运算子程序arithmetic subroutine
运算方程式working equations
运算方程式operational equation
运算方程式【计】machine equation
运算流程图operational flowchart
运算程序operating programme
运算程序operational sequence
运算程序operator routine
运算程序running programme
运算程序running program
运算程序operating program
运算程序operating procedure
运算程序块operating block
运算程序控制operation sequence control
运算程序表operational sequence diagram
运营公里里程operating kilometrage
运营里程railway operating length of railway
运行中的程序active programme
运行中的程序active program
运行子程序runtime subroutine
运行工程师plant engineer
运行工程师operating engineer
运行时管理程序runtime administration routine
运行流程operational sheet
运行流程operational scheme
运行程序文件run programme file
运行程序文件run program file
运行程序语言running programme language
运行结束例行程序end-of-run routine
运行规程operating rule
运行规程operating standard
运行规程operating instruction
运行轨道高程travelling runways level
运行轨道高程traveling runways level
运行过程operational process
运行里程operation mileage
运行里程operation kilometrage
运转程序running programme
运转程序running program
运输和装卸过程transportation and handling procedure
运输安全系统工程safety system engineering of traffic
运输工程transportation engineering (学)
运输工程师transportation engineer
运输控制程序shipping control procedures
运输机回程皮带惰轮return idle
运输流程图transport flowchart
运输环境工程学transport ergonomics
运输规程traffic regulation
运输过程transportation process
运输过程中搅拌in transit mixing
运阶介段和过程stage and progress of migration
返程装运return shipment
进料运程feed travel
进程的运行状态running state of a process
远程挖土运输机long-range excavator conveyor
远程挖土运输机long-range excavator conveyer
远程运送long haulage
远程运送long haul
造山运动过程mountain-making process
重复运行程序rerun routine
重新运行例行程序roll-back routine
重新运行例行程序rerun routine
铁路运程average distance of freight transportation
铁路客运运价里程表railway passenger tariff kilometrage table
铁路运输规程railway transportation regulation
铁道工程运料车push car
随着里程递远递减的运价tapering rate
随着里程递远递减的运价mileage scale rate
非线性耦联微分运动方程non-linear coupled differential equation of motion
饱气带水分运移测试工程testing project for moisture transporting in aeration zone
黏性流体运动方程viscous equation of motion
黏滞运动方程viscous equation of motion