
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
上述承人应当对旅客、托运人或者收货人承担连带责任These carriers shall be jointly and severally liable to the passenger or to the shipper or consignee
不足拒收货 物拍卖后的back freight
交货搬free carrier
人际关系human relations movement
从价ad valorem freight
保险费加cost, insurance and freight
修复一营一移交Rehabilitate—Operate—Transfer (ROT)
修复一拥有一Rehabilitate—Own―Operate (ROO)
免收费定价法freight-absorption pricing
全息网是一个银河系范围的通信网、 作起来有点像电视和互联网The HoloNet is a galaxy-wide communications network that works somewhat like television and the Internet
全程统一费率freight all kind rate
区段试行证书section commissioning certificate
卡车装设备trucking equipment
单据shipment document
只要物理算符到达其数据流的结尾、此计数器就增加一Whenever a physical operator reaches the end of its data stream, this counter is incremented by one
可靠性试reliability run
地机场交货价FOB airport
现金cash in transit
基本base freight rate
增氧健身动爱好者aerobic enthusiasts
处理布尔值的算符Boolean operator
对…货物实行禁运put an embargo on
用资本employed capital
小甜饼fortune cookie
的是、中国 1.9 万亿美元的外汇储备仍在继续增长、虽说增幅有所放慢Happily, its $1,900 bn of reserves are still growing, even if the pace of reserve accretion is slowing
建设一营一移交或转让Build-Operate-Transfer BOT
建设一拥有一营一移交Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT)
建设一拥有一营一维护Build-Own-Operate-Maintain (BOOM)
建设一拥有一营一补贴一移交Build-Own-Operate-Subsidize-Transfer (BOOST)
建设一移交一Build-Transfer-Operate (BTO)
当发生致命错误时、公共语言行库默认将被禁用When a fatal error occurs, the common language runtime is disabled by default
形势筹学Game Theory
提单received for shipment B/L
必须行服务器服务才能运行安装程序。请检查此服务是否已经启动、然后重新运行安装程序The Server service must be running in order to run Setup. Verify that the service is started, and rerun Setup
总空人息total aircraft income
总空利润total aircraft profit
总航人息total shipping income
总航利润total shipping profit
成本、保险费、费加佣金cost, insurance, freight and commission
成本、保险费、费加卸货费cost, insurance, freight, landed
成本、保险费、费加吊钩下交货价cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle
成本、保险费、费加战争险价cost, insurance, freight and war-risks
成本、保险费、费加班轮条件cost, insurance, freight, liner terms
成本、保险费、费加船舱底交货cost, insurance, freight, ex-ship's hold
成本、保险费加insurance and freight costs
成本、保险费加insurance and freight cost
成本加costs and freight
我们称第一种价值类型为作卓越型call the first value discipline operational excellence
我们通过用多种不同的学习体制发现并定位每个员工的长处来激发和加强员工的能力We empower our people through a diverse learning organization to capture the best from everyone
我这是来给你送复印机货I've brought you the delivery note for the duplicator
户外动爱好者outdoor enthusiasts
人抬头to the order of shipper
transportation carrier
承包商设备输险contractor's equipment floater
投人go into operation
指定启发货named departure point
搅拌料车mixer truck
收讫代提单received for shipment B/L
新艺术Art Nouveau
无论是资源配给过剩还是不足、都将使应用有效性降低、并且使企业营风险相对增加No matter how much the deficiency of resources, utilization efficiency will be decreased and operation risk be increased
易搬计算机transportable computer
PLC 是一种固态电子装置、 它利用已存入的程序来控制机器的行或工艺的工序PLC is a solid-state device used to control machine motion or process operation by means of a stored program
来自营现金流funds from operations
waterborne traffic
水陆联提单overland bill of landing
公会shipping conference
公司ocean carrier
包装sea-worthy packing
提货单ocean bill of lading
海洋输货物保险ocean marine cargo transportation insurance
物资储charge for storage and freight of goods
现在、 您就可以开始行向导了、 它将帮助您设置数据收集过程You are now ready to run the wizard that assists you with setting up the data collection process
现场搬handling in field
PDA 用户希望能够行新的应用程序、存储数据并以后再使用这些程序和数据PDA users want to be able to run new applications, store data, and play around
电脑被设计用来储存信息和算复杂问题Computers have been designed to store information and compute complex problems
码头至码头quay-to-quay transportation
离岸成本加cost and freight
税后营收人after tax operating income
税后营收入是多少?What is After Tax Operating Income?
一切险aircraft all risk
aircraft insurance
air risk
经济膨胀和紧缩交替用的政策stop-go policy
统一费定价法uniform delivered pricing
综合multimodal transport
联合输单据combine transport documents
自订open freight
航空货air freight
艺术与手工艺the Arts & Crafts Movement
净收人net operating income
利润率operating margin
协议operating agreement
基金trading fund
开支operating expenses
开支operating expenditure
收人operating revenue
收人operating income
服务账目operating services account
杠杆operating leverage
比率operating ratio
现金流operating cash flow
资本收益return on capital employed
付款cash on shipment (COS)
shipment port
行拼写和语法检查器、请单击"工具"菜单上的"拼写和语法"To run the spelling and grammar checker, click Spelling and Grammar on the Tools menu
要消除操作系统文件碎片问题、请定期行可用的磁盘碎片整理实用程序之一To eliminate operating system file fragmentation problems, periodically run one of the available disk de fragmentation utilities
计算机启动时自动行的程序bootstrap loader
设计一建造一营一移交Design-Build-Operate-Transfer (DBOT)
start up
行和移交commission and handover
行规范commissioning codes
行证书commissioning certificate
行费用commissioning costs
详尽与准确的销售资料将有助于减少存货、 以降低营成本Detailed and accurate sales data can help to reduce stock level and thus the operating cost
单证cargo paper
合同contract of carriage
唛头shipping mark
唛头cargo mark
提单cargo document
货交承指定地点free carrier... named point FCA
货币市场money market operation
货物输险cargo insurance
货物发费用freight forward cost
资金employment of funds
超程输险over carriage risk
越野输车off-highway vehicle
作成本operating cost
作管理水平operational excellence
动图像 JPEG 标准motion JPEG
动图像专家组moving pictures experts group
水泥的卡车cement truck
水车water truck
营及维护手册operation and maintenance manuals
营及维护承包商operation and maintenance contractor
营及维护计划operation and maintenance plan
营成本operation cost
营服务operation service
营服务最终支付证书final payment certificate operation service
营服务期operation service period
营管理体系operation management system
营管理要求operation management requirement
营维修合同operation and maintenance contract
营许可证operating license
营阶段operation phase
行常proper operation
行服务器端进程无须超级用户特权Process server running without superuser privileges
行检验performance test
行检验operational test
费付至…carriage paid to
费保险费付至freight or carriage insurance paid to
费保险费付至carriage & insurance paid to
费、保险费付至carriage and insurance paid to
费到付freight to be paid
费到付freight to be paid at destination
费到付payment of freight at destination
费到付express collect
费审查freight audit
费待付carriage forward
费由提货人支付freight forward
费由提货人支付freight collect
代理forwarding agency
输代理人提单house B/L
输保险marine insurance
输保险insurance in transit
输单据documentary of carriage
输合约contract of affreightment
输工具transportation carrier
输承运人的索赔transportation cameras claim
输方式transportation modes
输服务traffic services
输计划transportation planning
输费用transportation cost
输费用shipping expenses
输距离haul distance
输车辆保险vehicle insurance
送材料delivery of materials
这个应用程序允许你增加监听程序、 并在行时通报事件The app allows you to add listeners and notify them of events at run time
这个程序可以在行时调整控件和窗体的大小All the functions to resize your controls and forms at runtime
这将为系统支持和营促成一个共同平台、从而提高效率并保持一个安全可靠的系统This will facilitate a common platform for system support and operations, thus improving efficiency and maintaining a reliable and secure system
费率joint rate
连续行日running days
通常业务ordinary course of business
可到达的地点overland common point
非菅营现金流non-operating cash flows
非营资产non-performing assets
非营资产non-operating asset
非营资产是对业务持续运作并非必需的资产Non-operating assets are assets that are unnecessary to the ongoing operations of a business
项目project operation