
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
fixture一line dolly 搬夹具-------生产线用车handing
一次使用载器expendable launch vehicle
一次使用载火箭expendable launch vehicle
一次性使用的载火箭expendable launch vehicle
三度空间three dimensional motion
下降的载工具descent vehicle
不定期空中输勤务nonscheduled air services
不稳定unstable motion
不稳定unstable operation
不载兵员的飞行travel without troops
专机空special assignment airlift
专用航空special air transport
世界空货物分类法worldwide air cargo commodity classification
世界航空技术营术语航空公司行业标准world airline technical operations glossary airline industry standard
世界航空技术营术语World Airlines Technical Operations Glossary (Airline Industry Standard, 航空公司行业标准)
世界航空货公司universal air freight corporation
世界航空货组织World Air Cargo Organization
世界航空货货物分类worldwide air cargo commodity classification
业务行系统service operation system
两栖作战输能力amphibious warfare lift capability
中国国际货航空有限公司China Cargo
中国扬子江快航空公司Yangtze River Express Co. Ltd
中国航空货代理公司Sinotrans airfreight forwarding company
中国货航空有限公司China Cargo Airlines
中国银河国际货航空有限公司Grandstar Cargo Int'l Airlines Co., Ltd
中国飞行行评审委员会Flight Operations Evaluation Board
中国香港快航空公司Hong Kong Express Airways
中型输直升机medium transport helicopter
中型先进短距起落输机advanced STOL transport (medium)
中欧管道输系统Central European pipeline system
中程medium haul
中程输机medium-range transport
dominant motion
major operation
主管行检查员Principal Operations Inspector
主要货档案master freight file
主轴转率spindle running rate
乘员太空输系统crew space transportation system
伞兵输机bailment aircraft
伤病员空后送medical evacuation
低于安全行极限below safe operating limits
低噪声短程输机quiet short haul
低成本空中巡逻载器low cost loitering carrier
低空输雷达low level transportable radar
低翼型输机low profile transfer vehicle
低超声速输机low supersonic transport
作好准备的可行飞机aircraft prepared for service
作战物资空任务combat cargo mission
偏二甲肼铁路油槽输车UDMH railway tank transporter
先进输技术任务分析advanced transport technology mission analysis
先进输操作系统advanced transport operating system
先进输操作系统advanced transport operating systems
先进输机技术任务分析advanced transport technology mission analysis
先进中型中短距起降advanced medium STOL transport
先进中程输机advanced medium transport
先进乘员载工具advanced crew transportation vehicle
先进乘员输系统advanced crew transportation system
先进军用输机advanced military transport
先进军用短距起落输机advance military STOL transport
先进加油/货飞机advanced tanker/cargo aircraft
先进国际军用短距起落输机advanced international military STOL airlifter
先进地面动导引与控制系统advanced surface movement guidance and control systems
先进战术输任务分析advanced tactical transport mission analysis
先进战术输机advanced tactical transport
先进战术输机任务分析advanced tactical transport mission analysis
先进技术输机advanced technology transport
先进技术实验输机advanced technology experimental transport
先进技术战术输机advanced technology tactical transport
先进的可空中加油货飞机advanced tanker/cargo aircraft
先进的空间输系统advanced space transportation system
先进的空间综合输系统composites for advanced space transportation system
先进的超声速输机advanced supersonic transport (aircraft)
先进的通用航空输机试验advanced general aviation transport experiments
先进空间输计划advanced space transportation program
先进航空输技术advanced aviation transportation technology
先进货advanced cargo aircraft
先进超声速输机advanced supersonic transport (aircraft)
“先锋”号载火箭vanguard launch vehicle
免费交free delivery
免费空free air delivered
动指示器full indicator movement
行能力full operational capability
全国海外空中货枢纽站national overseas air cargo terminal (美国海军)
全国航空输公司协会National Air Carrier Association (美国)
全国航空输协会National Air Transportation Association
全国航空输协调委员会National Air Transport Coordinating Committee (美国)
全国货中心National Freight Corporation
全程through rate
全空业务all services
全部营业务total operations
分子动论kinetic molecular theory
分子输molecular transport
分子输过程molecular transport process
创新的未来空系统innovative future air transport system
初始行试验和评价initial operational test & evaluation
利用多物体动学multibody dynamics
前区空中输操作中心forward-air transport operations center
前区空中输支援forward-air transport support
前后动信号fore-and-aft motion signal
前向forward movement
包装、搬、储存与运输packaging, handling, storage and transportation
包装,搬,储存和运输Packaging, Handling, Storage, and Transportation
区别价率differential rate
区域快速输支援rapid area transportation support
医疗空后送medical air evacuation
elevation angle
单位载荷载器具unit load device
单级入轨载器single-stage vehicle
南非输协调委员会South Africa Transportation Coordinating Commission
博纳载火箭Thor-Burner (美国)
卢森堡国际货航空公司Cargolux Airlines International S.A. (Cargo)
后勤空logistics airlift
向下动的研究downwash study
向海上的航空母舰空carrier-on-board delivery
航空港Port of Aerial Embarkation
吸气式载火箭air breathing launch vehicle
售主装文件vendor shipping document
有效载营控制中心payload operations control center
商业营与支援节约倡议commercial operational and support savings initiative
商业commercial transport
商业输开发公司commercial transport development corporation
商业和转航空系统business and commuter aviation system
商业空业务business air transport service
商务和转航空系统business and commuter aviation system
商用实验输器commercial experiment transporter
商用实验输机commercial experiment transporter
商用空服务business air transport service
商用空间输局office of commercial space transportation
商用航空commercial air transport
商用航空commercial air movements
商用轨道输业务commercial orbital transportation services
圆锥动分析程序coning motion analysis program
土星载火箭Saturn (美国)
地区local area transport
地方航空输公司协会Association of Local Transport Airlines (美国)
地球同步卫星载火箭geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle
地球静止轨道行的环境卫星geostationary operational environmental satellite
地面作汇流条ground handling bus
地面动控制ground movement control
地面动目标指示器ground moving target indicator
地面动目标识别ground moving target identification
地面动目标跟踪ground moving target track
地面输业务trunk service
地面输管制机构ground movement control (管理空军部队地面运输的军事单位)
地面输系统surface transportation system
地面输设备ground transport equipment
地面区域动管理surface area movement management
地面搬操纵设备ground handing equipment
地面效应载工具ground-effect machine
地面装设备ground handling equipment (用于大部件,如机身、机翼等在地面移动的设备)
地面设备搬装卸handling ground equipment
场内搬internal transfer vehicle
均衡equilibrium operating
复合combined motion
货物outbound cargo
外国航空输公司foreign air carrier (在国外注册的航空运输公司。跨国航空运输公司在没有合作关系的国家属于外国运输公司)
多业务营商multiple service operator
多个multiple run
多个有效载荷输器multiple payload carrier (美国)
多功能输器multiple purpose carrier
多功能加油输机multirole tanker transport
多用途输机multirole transport aircraft
多轮空multiple lift
夜间输机着陆训练器night carrier landing trainer
夜间观察武装输机night observation gunship system (直升机)
两次大修间转小时数飞机发动机的time between overhauls
大型输机large transport airplane
大型输机large transport aircraft
大型输机lager transport airplane
大型输机large transport
大型货物large cargo freighter
大西洋渡组织Atlantic ferry organization
天顶号载火箭zenit launch vehicle
太平洋海协会Pacific Maritime Association
载工具daughter vehicle
存储器作性能memory operating characteristics
小型输工具系统miniature vehicle system
小型飞机输系统small aircraft transportation system
小行星行序列asteroid tour sequence
尾部aft movement
带式皮带输机belt conveyer
带式皮带输机ribbon conveyer
带故障行的fail operational/fail-operation
常规营范围normal operating range
开环动脐unlooped umbilical
引人附加设备call attached facility run
弹体目标相对动仿真器missile-target relative movement simulator
当前行模式present mode of operation
输吨•英里total traffic ton-miles
总装线行测试FAL operational test
总装线行测试会议FAL operational test meeting
总装线行试验FAL operational testing
意大利航空输公司Aero Transport Italian
成本、保险费、费和手续费cost, insurance, freight, and commission
成本、保险费、费和捐税cost, insurance, freight, and charges
成本保险费加费价cost, insurance and freight
成本和营效益分析cost and operational effectiveness analysis
战术输直升机tactical transport helicopter
战术空中心tactical airlift center
战术空中队tactical airlift squadron
战术空大队tactical aircraft group
战术空大队tactical airlift group
战术突击供应输机tactical assault supply transport
战术部队的tactical troop transport
战略空strategic airlift
战略空strategic air transport
战略空临时解决方案strategic airlift interim solution
战略空伤病员strategic aeromedical evacuation
战略空路线trunk route
所有营人员通告all operations circular
invoice value
持续转发动机sustained motor
按小时计的间接转费用hourly indirect operating cost
按重量计的weight charge
保持handling instruction
夹具handing fixture hoist tool
夹具handling fixture
夹具-生产线-拖棒handing fixture-line-tower bar
夹具——生产线附件handing fixture—line accessory
用机械设备transportation mechanical equipment (地面装置,用于厂内搬运)
用机械设备transportation mechanical equipment
说明handing instruction
摄影机俯仰camera tilt
pendulum motion
支援输机support transport aircraft
支线local area transport
收费客revenue passenger transport
改进型一次性载火箭evolved expendable launch vehicle
政府货单government bill of lading
最低行性能minimum operational characteristics
最低行性能标准minimum operational performance standard
最低行性能要求minimum operational performance requirements
最低行性能规范minimum operational performance specifications
最大行限制速度maximum operation limit speed
最终行能力final operational capability
有效载荷转payload transfer
美国航天飞机上的有机颗粒蒸发输实验physical vapour transport of organic solids
未来国际中间空future international medium airlifter
未来大型输机future large airlifter
未来大型输机future large aircraft (欧洲 Euroflag 集团研制中的货机)
未来超声速输机avion de transport supersonique future
机动牟空中队motor vehicle squadron
机动空中队mobile air movements squadron
机动车motor transport
机场动区安全系统airport movement area safety system
机场行最低标准aerodrome operating minimum
机场行设施aerodrome operating facility
机场行通信airport operational communications
机场营中心airport operations center
机场营通信airport operational communications
机械mechanical transport
机械输驾驶员mechanical transport driver
机翼摇晃wing-rock motion
机载算和通信系统airborne computing and communication system
机载计算机算程序airborne operation computer program
材料吊系统material handling system
标准行指令standard operating instruction
标准件托费用unit handling cost
标准空军需品集装箱standard air munitions package
桨叶挥舞blade flapping
系统或装置的模拟dry squeeze
横滚roll motion
欧洲载器开发组织European launcher Development Organization
欧洲输部长会议European conference of ministers of transport
欧洲输部长会议Conference Europeenne des Ministres des Transports
旨在反对美国 SDI 计划的欧洲核裁军European Nuclear Disarmament
欧洲直升机承人委员会European Helicopter Operators' Committee
欧洲空中心European Airlift Center
欧洲空协调室European Airlift Coordination Cell
欧洲空European Air Transport Service
欧洲航空输协调会议Conference on Coordination of Air Transport in Europe
欧洲航空输管理系统European air traffic management system
欧洲货航空公司European Air Transport (Cargo)
欧洲超声速输飞行器European Hypersonic Transport Vehicle
欧洲通用战术输机系统European utility tactical transport aircraft system
正式可行净空formal operational clearance
武器载工具weapons carrier
武器载机weapons carrier
武器armament trolley
武器输技术weapons carriage technology
武器分离动分析系统weapon separation motion analysis system
民用输开发公司Civil Transport Development Corporation
民用输机civil transport
民用航空civil air movements
民用航空输有限公司civil air transport company ltd
民航输机队civil transport aircraft
民航货commercial air freight movement
气体分子动论Kinetic theory of gas
气垫设备输系统air cushion equipment transportation system
气球载balloon borne
水上载工具marine vehicle
活动面动制导和控制系统surface movement guidance and control system
活动面动导引和控制系统Surface Movement Guidance and Control System
活性武器外稳定系统active-arm external-load stabilization system
活的动物输规则live animals regulations
流体movement of fluid
流体动方程flow equation
流动空医疗中转机构mobile aeromedical staging facility
流动空mobile air movements team
测试行控制中心test operations control center
测试设备转test facility transfer
飞行ferry flight
飞行ferry flight
牛顿动第二定律Newton's second law of motion
生产行管理系统operational management system for production
生产行维护系统operational maintenance system for production
生产用搬夹具handing fixture-production
生产管理production control operation
用航空母舰carrier onboard delivery
电动机motor operation
电子electron motion
电子材料装要求electronic material shipment request
电子束抽半导体激光器electron beam pumped semiconductor laser
电子输electron transport
真实动防撞系统true-motion anti-collision system
程序行时间program running time
程网络行中心engineering network operations center T.
稳态steady-state operation
第三体third body motion
等待awaking transportation
紧急停emergency stop
繁忙heavy traffic
网上货跟踪cargo portal service
联合输委员会joint transportation board
联合国保存和用资源科学会议United Nations scientific conference on the conservation and utilization of resources
联合空勤务Joint Air Transportation Service
联合空试验intermodal air cargo test
联合航空输公司Joint Air Transport Establishment
联合航空输公司joint air transport establishment
联合重型输机joint heavy lift
航务flight operation
航天飞机驮shuttle carrier aircraft (美国波音747运输机改装而成)
航班输机飞行员执照airline transport pilot's licence
航班系统行中心system operation center
航空air way bill
航空行控制aeronautical operational control
航空载器airborne craft
航空air service
航空输会议air transport conference
航空输作业中心air transport operations center
航空输信息室office of air transport information
航空输公司机械师协会air carrier mechanic association
航空输办公室air transport office
航空输协会Air Transport Association
航空输协会标准表格ATA reference form
航空输协会采购air transport association procurement
航空输和旅游工业培训局air transport and travel industry training board
航空输和旅游工业训练局air transport and travel industry training board (英国)
航空输咨询委员会Air Transport Advisory Council (英国)
航空输国际研讨会air transportation research international forum
航空输增压装置air transport pressurizing unit
航空输声波通讯air transportable acoustic communication
航空输委员会air transportation board
航空输委员会air transport bureau
航空输委员会air transport committee
航空输委员会Air Transport Board (美国)
航空输学会institute of air transport
航空输安全处air transport security section (英国空军)
航空输报告air transport report
航空输无线电台air transport radio
航空输机指示器air transport indicator
航空输机航空涡轮燃油aviation carrier air turbine fuel
航空输架air transport racking
航空输港air transportable dock
航空输用户委员会Air Transport Users Committee
航空输用户委员会Air Transport Users Committee
航空输系统部air transport systems division
航空输量air traffic passenger and cargo
航空输量air traffic passenger & cargo
航空公司营程序airline operational procedure
航空公司营管理学会Airline Operational Control Society: (中国主要航空公司如下:①中国航空集团,总部北京,②中国南方航空集团,总部广州,③中国东方航空集团,总部上海,④国泰航空公司,总部香港,⑤中华航空公司,总部台北,⑥厦门航空有限公司,总部厦门,⑦上海航空股份有限公司,总部上海,⑧海南航空集团,总部海口,⑨深圳航空有限责任公司,总部深圳,⑩长荣航空公司,总部台北,⑪四川航空股份有限公司,总部成都,⑫山东航空股份有限公司,总部济南,⑬长安航空有限责任公司,总部西安,⑭春秋航空有限责任公司,总部上海,⑮成都航空有限公司 (原鹰联航空有限责任公司),总部成都,⑯奥凯航空有限责任公司,总部北京,⑰中国联合航空有限责任公司,总部北京,⑱东星航空有限公司,总部武汉,⑲上海吉祥航空有限公司,总部上海,⑳华夏航空有限公司,总部贵阳,㉑中国货运航空有限公司,总部上海,㉒扬子江快运航空有限公司,总部上海,㉓中国货运邮政航空有限公司,总部上海,㉔翡翠国际货运航空有限公司,总部深圳,㉕长城航空有限公司,总部上海,㉖东海航空有限公司,总部深圳)
航空公司营管理学会airline operational control society
航空公司行控制airline operational control
航空公司地面输协会airline ground transportation association
航空公司营控制中心airline operation control center
航空公司营程序airline operational procedure
航空公司营管理airline operational control
航空器flight operation
航空器aircraft operation
航空器回收输系统aircraft recovery transportation system
航空工业和输协会air industries and transports association
航空承人合格证aviation operator certificate
航空救援作中心air rescue operation center
航空母舰carrier onboard delivery
航空港营理事会airport operations council
航空港营者理事会airport operators council
航空营通信aeronautical operational communication
航空货air cargo
航空货代理商协会国际联合会International Federation of Forwarding Agent Association
航空货公司协会institute of freight forwarders
航空货协会air freight association
航空货控制中心cargo air control center
航空货服务service air freight
航空货站系统air cargo terminal system
航空货管理中心cargo air control center
航空货装卸长air loadmaster
航空货集散站air freight terminal
航空转air transit
航空部装bureau of aeronautics shipment order
航站载能力terminal capacity (吞吐量)
航站营办公室airport handling office
航站营控制系统terminal operations control system
航线行飞行训练line operation flight training
航线输机飞行员air line transport pilot
航线输机飞行员执照airline transport pilot's license
航线输机飞行员考核员airline transport pilot examiner
航线输率airline transport rating
航线货airline carriers of goods
船舶ship motion
人公里数revenue passenger kilometres
地面设备operations ground equipment
寿命service life
成本分析程序operating cost analysis program
飞行程序operational flight program
虚拟系统virtual system operation
补充载工具supplemental carrier
harmonic motion
财务和营收集和分配系统finance and operational collection and allocating system
与救援飞机cargo and rescue aircraft
吨千米freight tonne kilometres
吨千米freight tonne kilometer
吨千米freight tonne kilometre
实施前检查trip check
cargo carrier
直升机helicopter, cargo
索赔代理商freight claim agent
索赔协会freight claim association
航空公司cargo carrier
航空公司all cargo carrier
航空公司评定模型cargo-airline evaluation model
航空公司鉴定模型cargo airline evaluation model
计费工作组charges working group (国际空运协会的)
训练机trainer cargo aircraft
货交承价格free carrier
货物输船cargo transport
质心center of mass motion
质点particle motion
踏板行限制器pedal travel limiting unit
通信/气象/communications/ meteorological/ operations
通往加拿大的空线air bridge to Canada
通用工具general purpose transport
通用喷气输机jet utility transport
通用战术输机utility tactical transport
通用战术输机系统utility tactical transport aircraft system
通用空common-user airlift
阿拉伯航空输公司组织Arab air carriers' organization
阿拉斯加航空输公司协会Alaska Air Carriers' Association Inc.
阿拉斯加航空输公司协会Alaska Air Carriers Association Inc.
阿金纳载火箭THor-Agena (美国)
附加extra motion
陆上输机transport landplane
陆军输与后勤学校army transportation and logistics school (美国)
陆军输处army transport service
陆军输计划/陆军战略能力计划army transportation plan/army strategic capabilities plan
陆军空中输组织army air transport organization
陆军航空输维修transportation army aviation maintenance
需求的行数据required operational data
非指令uncommanded movement
非指令uncommanded motion
非指令侧向uncommanded lateral-directional motion
非指令横向uncommanded lateral motion
非研制空飞机non-development airlift aircraft
非稳定unsteady motion
非线性偏航nonlinear yaw
非航空non-air transportable
非计戈动率unscheduled removal rate
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