
Terms for subject Environment containing 运输 | all forms | in specified order only
事先通知危险物运输prior notification for hazardous waste transport A formal announcement and, often, a request for permission to the proper governmental authorities of the intention to convey across political borders potentially harmful materials that have been left over from manufacturing or testing processes (一种正式的通知,通常要求得到政府的许可,以执行(制造业和测试过程中产生的)有潜在危险的材料的垮边界运输任务。)
交通运输transportation The act or means of moving tangible objects (persons or goods) from place to place. Often involves the use of some type of vehicle (移动有形物体(人员或货物)从一个地方到另一个地方的行为或方法。往往涉及一些交通工具类型的使用。)
公共运输public transport The act or the means of conveying people in mass as opposed to conveyance in private vehicles (运输大量人员而不是用私人交通的运输活动。)
公共运输交通工具public transport vehicle Vehicle for conveying large numbers of paying passengers from one place to another (通过收费运输大量人员的交通工具。)
内陆水路运输inland waterways transport Transportation of persons and goods by boats travelling on rivers, channels or lakes (通过船在河流、渠道或湖泊上航行对人和货物的运输)
包裹运输dispatch note
危险品运输dangerous materials transport Type of transport regulated by special safety rules (由特殊安全规则管制的运输类型。)
危险货物的运输transportation of dangerous goods
商船运输merchant shipping Transportation of persons and goods by means of ships travelling along fixed navigation routes (沿着固定航行路线运输人和货物的交通方式。)
垃圾运输ship garbage Domestic and operational wastes, disposed of continuously or periodically, that are generated during the normal operation of a ship; usually excluding fresh fish waste from fishing operations (连续或间断产生的家庭或处理的垃圾,在运输的操作中产生。这些垃圾通常不包括渔业捕获的新鲜鱼产品。)
市场运输commercial traffic The operations and movements related to the transportation and exchange of goods (有关货物的运输与交换活动。)
废料运输waste transport Transportation of wastes by means of special vehicles (利用专用车辆的方式运输废料。)
快速运输fast traffic No definition needed (无需定义。)
水路运输water transportation Transportation of goods or persons by means of ships travelling on the sea or on inland waterways (通过海上或内河航道行驶的船舶运输货物或人员。)
河流运输river transport Transportation of goods or persons by means of ships travelling on rivers (通过河里的船只来运输物品或人。)
海上运输maritime transport Transportation of goods or persons by means of ships travelling on the sea (货物或人员通过海上行驶的船舶进行的运输。)
空间运输space transportation Transportation by means of vehicles designed to operate in free space outside the earth's atmosphere (专为自由空间之外的地球大气层设计的以交通工具为方式的交通运输。)
管道运输transportation by pipeline Transportation of gases, liquids or slurries by a system of tubes, of steel or plastics. Petroleum, natural gas and products derived from them are the main substances transported by pipelines (通过铁管或塑料管道系统对气体、液体或浆状体的运输。石油、天然气和它们的衍生产品是通过管道运输的主要物质。)
联合运输combined transport Transport in which more than one carrier is used, e.g. road, rail and sea (使用了超过一个运输工具的运输,例如公路,铁路和水路。)
航空运输air transportation The use of aircraft, predominantly airplanes, to move passengers and cargo (使用飞机等航空器来运送乘客和货物)
运输ship A vessel propelled by engines or sails for navigating on the water, especially a large vessel that can not be carried aboard another, as distinguished from a boat (通过发动机或帆推动而航行在水中的船只,特别指那些不同于小船的且不能由其它船装载的大船。)
运输transportation business Any commercial venture involved in the processes of conveying things or people from one place to another (将人员或货物从一个地方运输到另一个地方的过程中所涉及任何商业企业。)
运输事故shipping accident An unexpected incident, failure or loss involving a vessel or its contents in the course of commercial transport that poses potential harm to persons, property or the environment (在商业运输中车辆或货物发生的事故、失误或损失。这可能会引起对人、财产或环境的危害。)
运输工具transportation means Vehicles used for transferring people or goods from one place to another (将人员或货物从一个地方运输到另一个地方的交通工具。)
运输工具transportation mean (将人员或货物从一个地方运输到另一个地方的交通工具。)
运输成本transport cost The outlay or expenditure involved in moving goods from one place to another (货物从一个地方移到另一个地方所涉及的费用或支出。)
运输方法mode of transportation Type of vehicle used for moving from one place to the other (用于从一个地方移到另一个地方的交通工具类型。)
运输transport law Rules concerning the movement of goods or persons by sea, railway or road (有关货物或人员从海上、铁路或公路进行移动的法规。)
运输环境冲击environmental impact of transport Impact of transportation-related activities on the environment, in particular, those impacts dealing with air pollution, noise, displacement of people and businesses, disruption of wildlife habitats, and overall growth-inducing effects (运输相关活动对环境的冲击,特别是有关空气污染、噪音污染、人们和商业的迁移、野生栖息地的破坏以及整体发展所导致的影响。)
运输目的地destination of transport The targeted place to which persons, materials or commodities are conveyed over land, water or through the air (通过陆运、水运或空运方式,将人、原料或商品运到目的地。)
运输系统transport system System of lines of movements or communication by road, rail, water or air (经由公路、铁路、水路或空中的运动和交流活动。)
运输规章transport regulation A rule or order prescribed by government or management for the safe and orderly conveyance of persons, materials or commodities over land, water or through the air (政府或管理规定的规章和命令,以便人员、原料或商品经由陆路、水路或空中完成安全有序的运输。)
运输计划transport planning A programme of action to provide for present and future demands for movement of people and goods. Such a programme is preceded by a transport study and necessarily includes consideration of the various modes of transport (为人员和货物移动的现有和未来的需求提供的行动方案。该方案实施之前应进行运输研究,且必须考虑到不同的运输方式。)
道路运输road transport Transportation of goods and persons by vehicles travelling on a road network (在道路网络中通过车辆运输物品和人。)
重装载车辆运输heavy goods vehicle traffic Traffic of large motor vehicles designed to carry heavy loads (设计用来运载重物的大型机动车辆的运输。)
铁路运输rail transport Transportation of goods and persons by railway (用铁路运输物品或人。)
长途运输long-distance transport The conveyance of materials or commodities over land, water or through air in which a great distance is covered (对材料或商品的陆地、水上、或空中的长距离传输。)
食品运输food transport