
Terms for subject Electronics containing 运输 | all forms | in specified order only
中国交通运输信息无线网络China transport information radio network
中国交通运输信息网络China transportation information network
中子运输neutron transport
中子运输截面neutron transport cross section
中子运输方程neutron transport equation
中子运输理论neutron transport theory
中子输运方程neutron transport equation
中性化学及输运模型neutral chemistry and transport model
乏燃料运输irradiated fuel shipping cask
交通运输研究信息联机业务transportation research information services on-line
仓库运输block truck
代收运输通常叫货到付款;现款交货cash collection. on delivery
传输功率运行极限operating transmission limit
伴随输运方程adjoint transport equation
燃料元件运输element conveyor
先进乡村交通运输系统advanced rural transport system
先进公共交通运输系统advanced public transportation system
先进月球运输系统advanced lunar transportation system
全功率输出运行状态in-service full capability state
公路运输受煤站coal receiving facility for truck transportation
军事运输通信网络military transport communications network
净化、贮存与输运系统clean, storage and transport system
核燃料几何安全运输容器safe geometry shipping container
分发/运输管理信息系统distribution/transportation management information system
刮板式运输drag conveyor
刮板式运输drag conveyer
动态输运模型dynamic transport model
化学汽相输运[迁移]chemical vapor transport
化学汽相输运汽相外延法vapor phase epitaxy using chemical vapor transport
化学输运反应chemical transport reaction
单元件运输single-element cask
单群运输方程one-group transport equation
单质[元素]汽相输运外延elemental vapor transport epitaxy
单速输运模型【核】one-speed transport model
单速输运理论【核】one-speed transport theory
厂内屏蔽运输容器interbuilding coffin
压力容器运输罩壳vessel shipping cover
压力容器封头运输托架vessel head shipping skid
压力容器封头运输罩壳vessel head shipping cover
反应堆容器运输托架reactor vessel shipping skid
运输式反应堆transportable reactor
可重复使用轨道运输飞行器reusable orbital transport vehicle
台阶式质量输运激光器terraced mass transport laser
合理运输运送条款reasonable dispatch clause
同位素运输容器isotope carrier
向内运输inward transfer room
向外运输outward transfer bridge
国家智能交通运输系统交通通信协议national transportation communications for ITS protocol
国际铁路运输协会International Road Transport Union
运输中混合混凝土mixed in transit
在混凝土运输搅拌车中混合mixed in transit
地球空间轨道间运输geospace interorbital transportation
均匀场玻耳兹曼输运方程homogeneous-field Boltzmann transport equation
多群输运方程multigroup transport equation
大件运输码头heavy goods unloading wharf
大规模运输mass transport
密封空间汽相输运技术close-spaced vapor transport
封头螺栓密封套运输托架closure stud sealing sleeve transport pallet
新核燃料组件封闭运输closed shipping crate
屏蔽运输容器shielded coffin
屏蔽乏燃料运输shielded spent fuel shipping cask
乏燃料运输dry transport
异质结构声电荷输运heterojunction acoustic charge transport
异质结构声电荷输运器件heterostructure acoustic charge transport device
异质结构流体动力学输运模型heterostructure hydrodynamic transport model
引晶物理汽相输运技术seeded physical vapor transport technique
拖拉机运输tractor haulage
振动运输jigging conveyer
控制棒运输容器control rod transport container
散装运输bulk freight
整体输运方程【核】integral transport equation
斗式车厢散装水泥干料运输dry-batch truck
无碰撞输运collisionless transport
旱路运输overland transport
智能交通运输基础设施intelligent transportation infrastructure
智能交通运输系统原称 IVHSintelligent transportation system
有线数据传输系统运行支持系统接口data over cable system operations support system interface
树脂运输容器resin shipping container
材料运输安全nuclear transportation safety
核燃料元件运输fuel element transport cask
核燃料元件运输容器fuel element flask
气体输运激光器gas transport laser
汽相输运vapor phase transport
汽相输运互扩散外延vapor-transport-interdiffusion epitaxy
汽相输运分布反馈激光二极管vapor phase transport distributed feedback laser diode
汽相输运隐埋异质结构激光二极管vapor phase transport buried heterostructure laser diode
河流输运river transportation
沿海运输coast traffic
沿海运输coastal coasting transport
流体动力学输运模型hydrodynamic transport model
海上货物运输carriage of goods by sea
海洋货物运输Carriage-of-Goods-by-Sea Ordinance (Act)
混凝土运输搅拌车truck-transit mixer
混凝土运输transit truck
滚轴运输roller conveyor
煤及铁路运输的费用coal and wagon
燃料运输容器fuel coffin
燃料运输罐装卸站fuel shipping cask loading and unloading station
燃料组件运输fuel subassembly transport flask
物理汽相输运physical vapor transport
玻耳兹曼输运方程Boltzmann transport equation
玻耳兹曼输运方程要素moments of the Boltzmann transport equation
玻耳兹曼输运模型Boltzmann transport model
班轮船运输条件liner terms
电动电气化铁路运输electrical haulage
电子输运层electron transport layer
电子输运模式electron transport mode
电荷捕集/输运charge trapping/transport
电荷输运层charge transport layer
皮带输煤运输conveyer belt
瞬态载流子输运效应transient carrier transport effect
磁悬浮运输系统magnetic levitation transport system
离子交换树脂的运输:输送transportation of ion exchange resin
稳态输运steady state transport
空穴输运层hole transport layer
笼式运输容器transport container
简化中子输运计算机代码simplified neutron transport computer code
管理、商务与运输administration, commerce and transport
粉尘输运[迁移]模拟dust transport simulation
缆索运输cable conveyor
联合运输combined carrier
联合运输代理人combined forwarder
联合运输through ticket
能量输运均匀场玻耳兹曼输运方程energy-transport homogeneous-field Boltzmann transport equation
能量输运模型energy transport model
自动运输系统automatic transportation system
航天运输体系结构研究space transportation architecture study
节块输运理论方法【核】nodal transport theory method
蓄电池运输工具battery-driven vehicle
蓄电池运输工具accumulator vehicle
行政、商务和运输业用电子数据交换electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport
装在运输工具上的吊车transporter crane
装料运输loading conveyor
设备运输气闸equipment air-lock
设备运输空气闸门equipment transfer air-lock
货物运输commodity rates
质量输运[迁移]隐埋异质结mass transported buried heterojunction
质量输运迁移隐埋异质结分布反馈激光二极管mass transported buried heterojunction distributed feedback laser diode
质量输运极限电流mass transfer limiting current
轨道运输飞船orbital transfer vehicle
载流子输运[迁移]层carrier transport layer
辐式运输roller conveyor
辐式运输roller conveyer
输人出运算部件input/output arithmetic unit
输电系统运营商transmission network operator
输电系统运营商transmission system operator
输电线全部投入运行状态all-line in service
输电运行极限operating transmission limit
输运[迁移]模型transport model
输运性能transfer behaviour
输运截面transport cross section
输运指数transport index
输运损失transport loss
输运方程的守恒形式conservative form of the transport equation
输运方程的积分-微分形式integrodifferential form of the transport equation
输运核【核】transport kernel
运算[算术]输出控制部件arithmetic output control unit
运算[算术]输出数据arithmetic output data
运算[算术]输出部件arithmetic output unit
运算器输人与输岀ALU input and output
运算放大器输出电阻output resistance of operational amplifier
运算部件输出寄存器arithmetic element output register
运行[操作]信息传输operation information transmission
运输代理人freight agent
运输保险freight insurance
运输协调员自动化信息管理系统transportation coordinator automated information management system
运输容器shipping container
运输容器shipping cylinder
运输容器shipping flask
乏燃料运输容器shipping cask
运输容器handling cask
运输容器卸货站shipping container unloading station
运输容器搁置架shipping cask setdown grid
运输容器放置处shipping flask lay down location
运输容器格架shipping cask grid
运输容器装料shipping cask loading
运输容器输送车shipping flask transporter
运输容器运输路线shipping flask transport route
运输小车handling dolly
运输尺寸容许的净空尺寸transportation clearance
运输搅拌transit mixed
运输时用的耳环吊钩transport lug
运输极限值limiting values for transport
运输校正transport correction
运输概率transfer probability
运输滞后transportation lag
运输滞后transport lag
运输理论transport theory
运输用凸耳轴耳shipment trunnion
运输用夹具handling tongs
运输用屏蔽shipping shield
运输的风险risk of transport
运输皮带belt conveyer
运输皮带conveyor band
运输放射性物质的shipping capsule
运输码头berthing facilities
运输管理信息系统transport ation management information system
运输管理系统transportation management system
运输系数transport coefficient
运输维护与管理系统transport maintenance and administration system
乏燃料运输shipping cask
运输规程shipping regulations
运输设备transportational facility
运输设备工具hauling unit
运输负荷traffic load
运输handling fees
运输费用freight cost
运输近似推算方程transport approximation
运输美国Department of Transportation
道路运输能力capacity of road
铁路过境运输railroad transit
链式运输chain belt
链板运输drag conveyor
长短途运输条款long and short haul clause
闭管汽相输运技术close-spaced vapor transport
陆上运输overland transport
隧道运输tunnel transfer trolley