
Terms for subject Economy containing 运费 单 | all forms | in specified order only
其他运费单other shipping documents
单一直达运费the single factor through rate
单一直达运费single factor through rate
已装船运费预付清洁海运提单clean on broad freight prepaid ocean bills of lading
我们想知道你们是否按1%至2%左右保险费率对核准的船只运往纽约的杂货开具预约保单,金额约为一万美元We wonder if you can issue an open policy for $10.000 at a rate of about 1 % to 2% on general shipments by approval vessel to New York
我们需要核査所有文件、提货单和运费账We need checking the documentation n., bill of lading and freight account
我方第 1434 号订单项下你方运来货物发现短重800公斤,为此将提出索赔218英镑,另加检验费With your shipment of our Order No. 1434 there has been found a shortweight by 800 kilos., for which we must file a claim amounting to £ 218 plus inspection fee
提单运费a bill of lading freight
提单运费B/L freight
提单运费BL freight
运费单cartage note
最低运费提单the minimum bill of lading
根据提单所列重量收取运费chargeable weight
运费单freight bill (发票)
运费清单运价表freight list
运费率订正单tariff amendment
运费险单freight policy