
Terms for subject Logistics containing 运货 | all forms | in specified order only
不定期航船货运指数index of tramp shipping freights
不适于用集装箱运输的货物container part load
交货承运人delivery carrier
优先航空货运priority air freight
供港运输的承运货物收据Cargo Receipt
出口货运委托书entrusting order for export goods
到场伴送货物运输attendant accompanying shipments
国内货运代理domestic freight forwarder
国际海运危险货物International Maritime Dangerous Goods
国际航协的货物运价程序委员会Cargo Traffic Procedures Committee
国际货运承揽商foreign freight forwarder
国际铁路货运协定这是法语的缩写cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
地方货运代理人cartage agent
〔空〕多收货运单found airwaybill
大件货物运输Over Dimension Cargo
客货运舱单cargo manifest
封闭性货运同盟closed conference
干货租期船运价dry cargo time charter freight rate
《1936 年海洋货运法案》Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of 1936
运货express cargo
成组货物运费unitization charges
所有类别的航运货freight all kinds
托盘装运的货物palletized cargo
指定特定货物运价Specific Commodity Rate
指定特定货物运价Special Commodity Rate
捆包运输的大件货物bale cargo
接受货物的承运人航空公司receiving carrier airline
散装货运bulk freight
时区标准时间附录 1 国外及中国港澳台地区主要货运与物流组织包括航线运价组织zone standard time
普通货物运价General Commodity Rate
油和散货运输船oil and bulk carrier
运货物提单marine bill of lading
运货运代理ocean freight forwarder
液体货运输船product products carrier
班轮货物运输carriage of goods by liner
由 × × 船装运的船上交货价free on board per a
由卖方代为租船、订或投保的启运地船上交货价free on board clause providing for additional duties to the sellers
由货方指定但由承运人承担运费的中转运输merchant inspired carrier haulage
甲板货运deck carriage
运货cargo aircraft
运货物指南abc air cargo guide
运货运代理cargo agent
运货运代理air freight forwarder
空运发货通知air consignment note
空运进口货物运货import air waybill
〔IATA〕航空货物运价本The Air Cargo Tariff
船公司在装货港向托运人征收的货物操作费port liner term charges
装运港船边交货价Delivery Alongside Ship
〔FIATA〕货主危险品货物运输声明Shipper's Declaration for the Transport of Dangerous Goods
货主和承运人shipper and carrier
货代运输凭证Forwarder's Certificate of Transport
货物到埠卸载后付给运费freight to be paid after discharge at the destination
〔空〕货物托运书Shipper's Letter of Instruction
货物等级运价Commodity Classification Rate
〔空〕货物运费更改通知Cargo Charges Correction Advice
〔空〕货物运费结算系统Cargo Accounts Settlement System
〔空〕货物集装运输的费用bulk unitization charge
货运代理货代forwarding forwarder
货运代理货代forwarding agent
货运代理人收据forwarding agent's receipt
货运代理人的提单forwarding agent's bill of lading
货运代理提单forwarder's bill of lading
货运公司freight forwarder
〔空〕货运站cargo terminal
货运转运代理商freight forwarders
货运转运代理商freight forwarder
货运飞机all-cargo aircraft
运货base cargo
起始港空运货物结关port-of-origin air cargo clearance
海关运货transshipment goods
海关运货transshipment cargo
运费在卸货港支付的提货单freight release
运费收讫和货物交毕collected and delivered
递延空运货deferred air freight
海关用语运货through goods
铁路运货rail waybill
空运或海运中consolidated shipment
〔空〕集装箱货物运价unitized consignments rate
飞机上用于运载货物的预留舱位hold space