
Terms for subject Finances containing 运货 | all forms | in specified order only
付运中货品goods in transit
全球干散货船运市场global dry bulk shipping market
分店间送货运费freight on inter branch transfers
发货运费freight and cartage outward
合理运用货币政策工具rationally use monetary policy tools
国内货运量domestic freight volumes
国际货物运输保险international transportation cargo insurance
波罗的海干散货综合运价指数Baltic Dry Index (该指数由 BCI (波罗的海海岬型指数)、BPI (波罗的海巴拿马指数)、BHI (波罗的海轻便型指数)三部分组成,各占1/3权重,由位于伦敦的波罗的海航交所负责发布,是目前世界上衡量国际海运情况的权威指数,也是反映国际贸易情况的晴雨表)
波罗的海干散货运价指数Baltic Freight Index (该指数最初由波罗的海航交所于1985年开始发布,曾是世界上衡量国际海运情况的权威指数,1999 年 11 月 1 日被 BDI (波罗的海干散货综合运价指数)所取代)
照订货单装运ship on order
综合运用多种货币政策工具employ a full range of monetary policy tools
运货shipment sample
货价加保险费和运费的价格cost insurance & freight
货价及运费发票C. and F. invoice
货币性营运资金调整monetary working capital adjustment
货币营运资本净额net monetary working capital
货运成本freight cost
货运收入的监督supervision of freight traffic revenues
购货运费transportation -in
运往支店货物shipments to branch office
运货机械折旧准备depreciation reserve delivery equipments
进货运费及其它费用freight in and other expense
进货运费帐户freight and cartage on purchase a/c
销货运费freight-out (carriage outward delivery expense)