
Terms for subject Economy containing 运货 | all forms | in specified order only
一切迹象表明货物不能准时运到There is every indication that the goods can't arrive on time
一收到你方上述信用证的展延电报,我方即将该货装运As soon as we receive your cable extension of the above L/C, we will effect shipment of the goods in question
一旦货物备好待运,请速通知我方Please advise us immediately when the goods are ready for shipment
一旦货物备妥待运,我们就开汇票寄给他们We shall forward them our draft for attention as soon as the goods are ready for shipment
一旦货物备妥待运,请勿忘通知我方Please do not neglect to advise us when the goods are ready for shipment
一次装运出去的货物goods to be shipped in one lot
一般货物运费率general cargo rates
不附货运单据汇票bill unaccompanied by document
两周来我们一直催促你方尽早装运这批货物For two weeks past we have been urging you for an early dispatch of these goods
为了在装运前给货物的质量及数量的检验作证,你方可指派自己的检査员In order to witness the inspection of quality and quantity of goods before shipment, you may appoint your own inspector
为了履行本协议,我方必须将这批货物空运到你公司In pursuance of this agreement, we have to transport the cargo to your company by air
为运输方便,你方可将所有设备拆卸成零件后发货You may ship all equipment in knocked-down pieces for convenience of transportation
于此规定的最低租船费应由非洲近东有限公司付给联合货运公司The minimum charterage herein specified shall be paid by African Near East Limited to United Van Lines
起运地点名 freight междун.торг. 海口名起运地点交通工具上交货至海口运费计算价FOB
他们会考虑我方关于今后用集装箱装运货物的要求They will consider our request for containerizing shipment in future
他们发票上写的起运货物的名称弄错了The name of the article shipped was erroneously stated in their invoice
他们将在下批装运的货中补充短少的数量They will make up the deficiency in quantity in their next shipment
他们已尽了最大力量来保证货物的装运They have done their utmost to ensure the shipment of the goods
他们通知我方,货件已备妥待运They informed us that the articles are now ready for shipment
他已向该商号购买了所有在运输途中的货物He has purchased from the firm all the goods in transit
伦敦协会货运险条款institute cargo clause
低运费招揽承运货completive cargo
你们可放心我们会在规定期限内将余下的货物装运You may rely on it that we are shipping the remaining goods within the period specified
你方没有按协议规定的时间表装运货物,空舱费由你方承担You failed to make the shipment according to the time schedule stipulated in the agreement and the dead freight should be borne by you
你方第27号订单的货物可望在下月初装运Your Indent No. 27 is expected to be shipped at the beginning of next month
供应商承担保险、卸货、仓储及搬运的费用The supplier bore the charges for insurance, unloading, storage and handling
候等空舱位deferred air freight
全美海关代理商和货运承揽商联合会National Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Association of America
公路货运业road haulage industry
关于这笔定货,我方希望这批货尽快装运With reference to the order we hope to have the goods shipped as soon as possible
兹奉告,我方可立即装运该货物We take this opportunity to inform you that we are now in a position to make immediate shipment of the goods
内陆运输保款货站inland clearance depot
准时运送货物an on-time delivery
凭货运单据付款documents against on; for payment
运货the outbound freight
运货the outbound cargo
出货地加计运费法basing point system
分店间送货运费freight on inter-branch transfers
列名货物运输费用named cargo rate
到岸价格、货价、保险加运费价格cost, insurance & freight
到货时付运费carriage charges to pay
到达货物运输inward traffic
办理运输货物保险effect an insurance in respect of carriage of goods
包括卸货费在内的运费free out (船方不负担卸货费用)
伦敦保险协会货运保险条款Institute Cargo Clauses
卖方正对本次货运中遭受的损坏予以估定The seller is trying to assess the damage the shipment suffered in transit
卡车或货车贩运批发商a wagon or truck wholesaler
危险货物运输规定Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations
双方按要求协调好货物的发运Both sides coordinated the shipment of goods according to the request
运货物期限的条款dispatch clause
发送的托运货forwarded consignment
受理付款交货方式的运输handle cash on delivery shipments
另外,我们还应该偿付内陆货运费用In addition, we should pay for the inland freight charges
各种货物运价表all-commodity rates
启运地船边交货价格free alongside ship named port of shipmentFAS
启运港船上交货价格free on board harbour
运货物运费return cargo freight
因为运输途中受损的货物箱太多,船主进行赔偿有很大困难The shipowner had great difficulty in arranging a redress because there were too many cases of goods damaged in transport
因该货要在香港转船,我们要求用联运提单As the cargo is to be trans-shipped at Hongkong, we shall require through bills of lading
国内货物运输保险domestic cargo transportation insurance
国内货运人domestic freight forwarder
国内运输中货物融资domestic shipment financing
国内运输货船inland freighter
国外货运代理人foreign freight agent
国际公路运输货物公约Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road
国际航空运输协会货运代理International Air Transportation Association cargo agent
国际货物运输international carriage of goods
国际货运代理foreign freight forwarder
国际货运代理行foreign freight forwarder
国际货运操作手册international cargo manual
在控制温度下的货物运输traffic carried under controlled temperature
在装运港交货FOB Vessel
在货物完整无损地递交给承运人后,承担损坏风险的正是买方It is the purchaser who assumes risk of damage after delivery to carrier in good order
在运输中受损的货物goods damaged in transit
均摊运费于货价freight equalization
夏季公路上货物运输量下降There is a decrease in goods traffic on the motorway during the summer
外国货物转运准单the transhipment permit for foreign goods
大宗货物运输量traffic in bulk commodities
大宗货运the big business
天气条件不适宜装运货The weather conditions are unsuitable for the shipment of the goods
契约运货contract carrier
如买方发现运来的货物与样品有差异,应在货到后15天内通知卖方If the purchaser finds that the delivered goods are at variance with the sample, he should notify the seller within 15 days after the arrival of the goods
如没有其他情况,明天装运此货The goods will be shipped tomorrow if nothing prevents
定期货运航线the scheduled freight line
客货混合运输mixed traffic
客货运流stream of traffic
客货运输单位如吨公里unit of traffic
容许货舱载运量allowable cabin loads
将货物交铁路运输consign goods by rail
小件货物运人许可证invoice licence
尽管我们很想提前发货,但由于运输能力有限实难办到However desirous we are of delivering goods ahead of schedule we cannot do so because of limited transport capacity
州际汽车货运interstate trucking
已收到你方指示,我们准备将这批货物收齐,从海路发运Having received your instructions we will gather the parcel for dispatch by sea
已装运货afloat goods
已装运货the afloat cargo
平板货车载拖车运输the trailer-on-flatcar (可缩写为TOFC)
1936年美国海上货物运输法American Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1936
1936年美国海洋货物运输法Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1936, USA
1924年英国海洋货物运输法规Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1924, UK
年货运量annual turnover
海口名 lighterage междун.торг. 开往某海口火车上交货驳运费在内价FOB
当地托运货local consignment
待装运输货物the traffic on hand to be loaded
待运提货单received for shipment bill of lading
很明显,在运输中此货物发生短重,所以我方现向贵方索赔一万美元It is evident that the goods were short in weight during transit, so we are now filing a claim against you for $10000
运货the express cargo
运货fast freight line
运货send goods by express
运货物线the fast freight
成本保险费加运费价格、折扣和交货期都是我们想了解的CIF prices, discounts, and delivery schedule are what we want to know
成本、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货价cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle
成本、保险费、运费至轮船舱底交货价cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold (C. I. F. ex ship's hold)
成本加运费保费、 加保战争险货到付款CIFW payment upon arrival
我们一经从银行取得货运单据就立即兑付你们的汇票We shall honour your draft as soon as the documents are received from the bank
我们再也没听到有关这笔订货的装运的任何消息,实在令人吃惊It's surprising that we have not heard anything further from you concerning the shipment of this order
我们希望这些货一次运送We hope that these cargoes are delivered in one shipment
我们很高兴听到货物已发运在途的消息We are glad to hear the consignment is on it's way
我们想知道你们是否按1%至2%左右保险费率对核准的船只运往纽约的杂货开具预约保单,金额约为一万美元We wonder if you can issue an open policy for $10.000 at a rate of about 1 % to 2% on general shipments by approval vessel to New York
我们正忙于备货,以便交付这艘轮船装运We are busy with the preparation of the goods for shipment on this steamer
我们要求你方提供一套整洁的货运单据We require you to provide a clean set of shipping documents
我们需要核査所有文件、提货单和运费账We need checking the documentation n., bill of lading and freight account
我得到通知,装运的货物下周到I am advised that the shipment will arrive next week
我方已把提货单送给运输代理行We have sent the delivery tickets to the shipping agents
我方第 1434 号订单项下你方运来货物发现短重800公斤,为此将提出索赔218英镑,另加检验费With your shipment of our Order No. 1434 there has been found a shortweight by 800 kilos., for which we must file a claim amounting to £ 218 plus inspection fee
我方订货发运时,我们会及时得到他们的通知We will duly receive their advice when they send out our goods ordered
我方通常在装运前仔细检査货物The goods are carefully examined in the usual way before shipment
或 ffa foreign freight agent междун.торг. 国外货运代理人FFA
所有货物都妥善包装,以免运输途中损坏All the goods are well packed so as to avoid damage in transit
所有货物都应妥善包装,以免运输途中被损坏All the goods should be well packed so as to avoid damage in transit
运货consignment note
提单批语托运人所报货物shipper's description of goods
托运人指定的收货人to order of shipper
把所订的货一次装运pool the order into one shipment
运货escort goods in transportation
运货escorted consignment
按依时运送货物on-time delivery
按照要求,我们将把这几小批货并在一起装运As requested, we will lump there small lots into one shipment
据我方运输行称,有600包运输的一批货遗失Our forwarder informed us that the shipment consisting of 600 parcels was missing
提前装运的货物advanced shipment
提单是承运人收到货物并将货物装上货船的证明A bill of lading is evidence that the goods have been received on board by the carrier
提货并发运pick-up and delivery
运货物许可证removal permit
支线货运feeder service
散货油料运输商bulk/oil carrier
整车货物运费率carload rate
无收入货运the non-revenue freight
美国无需有效许可证运货到目的地普通许可证general license G-DEST
普通货物运价general cargo rate
最近期内装运的期货the nearest forward shipment
有缺陷的货物将发送至你们仓库,运费到付The defective goods will be delivered to your warehouse, carriage forward
有龙骨的内河运货keel boat
未运到货物floating cargo
本保证书延长买方的保险期期限为从起运港口完成发货日算起的6个月This guarantee prolongs the period of insurance of the buyer for six months from date of completion of delivery from the port of origination
本次发货的票据由装运港中国银行见票即付Draft under this delivery are to be drawn at sight on the Bank of China at the port of shipment
杂货的常规包装与装运方法conventional methods of packing and handling general cargo
根据你方信用证,可允许分批运货Partial delivery is to be permitted according to your letter of credit
根据你方要求,你方各笔订货将集中一次装运Your orders are pooled into one shipment according to your request
此条款不应被认为是解除承运商对运输中造成货物损坏应负的责任This clause shall not be construed to release the carrier from responsibility for causing damage to the goods in transit
此货先运到上海,再由那里转接 "五月花"轮去大阪The goods will be shipped to Shanghai thence connecting with S/S "May Flower" to Osaka
此货将由香港航运The goods are going via Hong Kong
此货散装,用散装货轮发运The cargo will be shipped in bulk on board a bulk carrier
毫无疑问,这批货会及时装运的Out of question, the goods will be shipped in time
水路货运票据documentation of shipment
水陆发货运费freight and cartage outward
水陆进货运费账户freight and cartage on purchase a/c
汽车货物运价表motor freight tariff
汽车货运运价表motor freight traffic
沿途货运the way-port trade
海洋运输货物保险marine cargo insurance
海洋运输货物保险条款ocean marine cargo clause
混合装载货物运费率consolidated freight rates
特定货物运率particular commodity rate
特种货物的托运the exceptional consignment
特种货物的托运exceptional consignment
班轮公司货运部freight department
某轮装运的船上交货价free on board per s/s ... (F. O. B. per s/s)
运货人负担风险at carrier's risk
由于工厂交货推迟,他们未能把这批货物装上这艘轮船运走Due to delayed arrival of the goods from the factory, they failed to ship the goods by this steamer
由于许可证临近期满,他们急切地想知道他们的订货是否已装运They are very eager to know whether their order has been shipped because the licence expiring is imminent
由于许可证临近期满,我们希望你方从速发运我方货物We'd like you to deliver our goods promptly because of the imminence of the licence expiry
由于风暴,你们的货大部分尚未装运Most of your goods remains unshipped due to heavy storm
由"伦敦"号轮运交下列货物consign the following per s.s. "London"
由卖方代为租舱、订舱或投保的启运地船上交货价free on board clause providing for additional duties for the sellers
由此而产生的费用将由船主、承运人和货主三方按价比例分摊The expenditure thus incurred will be payable by the shipowner, carrier, and cargo owner in proportion to their respective value
甲板上运输的货物goods carried on deck
甲板货运carriage of cargo on deck
直接运货drop shipment
直接运货的中间商drop shipper
直接货运direct service
看来我们运货赶不上这条船了It seems that we can't catch this steamer for shipment
短距货运short-distance freight services
运货an embargo list
租船运货合同affreightment contract
运货a birdy back
运货the transport of goods by air
运货the air borne cargo
运货物航空运费air freight
空中货运航线a cargo air line
空余舱位货运费berth cargo freight
终点货运费terminal charges
经过签收的发货单表示运货已收到A signed invoice presumes receipt of the shipment
缉获私运货物单the seizure note
美国汽车货运协会American Trucking Association
美洲货运分会Inter-American Freight Conference (Section A, A 区)
联合运货combined carriage of goods
航空货运through air transport
航空货运费率airfreight rates
航空货运费率the air tariff
船舶公司对货运按重量或体积收费的选择权ship's option
船货的损坏很明显是发生于运输途中The damage to the shipment evidently occur-red during transit
船运中货物损失,我方不负任何责任There is no responsibility on our part for the loss of goods in shipping
英国公路货运局British Road Service
运货物价值value of shipment
装填空余舱位货运费filler cargo rate
装货港堆置堆整装一卸货港货运分卸container yard-container freight station
装货港货运站集装一卸货港堆场整卸container freight station-container yard
装货港货运站集装一卸货港货运站分卸container freight station-container freight station
装运港码头交货价free to docks
装运港船上交货价FOB... named point of shipment
装运港船上交货价格FOB port of shipment
装运港船边交货价格free alongside ship named port of shipmentFAS
见货运单据付款payment on arrival of shipping document
LD1080订单项下的货物,工厂交货推迟,我们未能将其装该轮发运Due to delayed arrival of the goods against Order No. LD1080 from the factory, we failed to ship them by that Steamer
订货托运单forward order
该货易碎,我方需要空运In view of the fragile nature of the goods, we require them to be forwarded by air
请加速装运那批货物Please speed up the shipment of those goods
请告知货物用轮船还是驳船运送Please let us know whether we send the goods by ship or by lighter
请放心,此货将迅速装运You may rest assured that the goods will be delivered expeditiously
请来函解释为何推迟货物的发运Please write us and explain why the shipment is delayed
请用快船把总量为1250磅的短缺货物运来The shortage of goods amounted to 1250 pounds should be shipped by a fast steamer
负责客货运订票booking clerk
货交承运人指定地点free carrier named place
货交承运人free carrier
货价、保险费加空运费价cost, insurance, freight by plane
货价、保险、运费cost, assurance, freight included
货价加运费发票invoice cost and freight invoice
货价、运费及佣金cost, freight and commission
货价、运费及保险cost, freight and insurance
货到付运费freight on delivery
货客混装海运cargo-passenger line
货已备妥,可发运,两天后装船The goods are deliverable now, and will be shipped in 2 days
货柜联运业务through container service
货物储运中心distribution center
货物分四批装运,每批30吨,提单分开The goods are to be shipped in four lots of 30 tons each on separate bills of lading
货物到港即付运费destination freight
货物启运地【国】country whence consigned
货物安全抵达装运港才有效subject to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment
货物待运提单received for shipment bill of lading
货物搬运material handling
货物搬运区freight handling area
货物特别运价special commodity rate
货物的托运invoice of goods
货物空运air freight activity
货物装运单位化the unitization of cargo
货物误运the miscarriage of goods
货物转运许可证transshipment license
货物转运,费用由我方支付The goods are to be transshipped at our expense
货物运单申明事件declaration on consignment note
货物运费率goods rate
货物运转cargo movement
货物运输transportation of merchandise
货物运输统计freight traffic statistics
货物运输路线的选定the routing of goods
货物运达时所抽样品outturn sample
货载运态cargo movement
货运freight ton traffic
货运the goods traffic
货运freight service (业)
货运运输收入freight earnings
货运业务freight forwarding services
货运业务freight service
货运事故的检查和处理inspection and decision on incidents of freight transport
货运事故的检査和处理inspection and decision on incidents of freight transport
货运代理业freight forwarding
货运代理业forwarding business
货运代理人freight forwarders
货运代理人a cargo agent
货运代理商forwarding agent
货运代理商行a freight agency
货运代理行goods agent
货运代理行收据forwarder's receipt
货运代理行收据a forwarder's receipt
货运列车的编组the formation of freight trains
货运单freight waybill
货运单据副本copy documents of shipment
货运单据总清单general list of shipping documents
货运单证movement of goods documents
货运周转量the rotation volume of freight transport
货运局delivery service
货运总代理general freight agent
货运总提单general bill of loading
货运承揽报关行freight forwarders
货运承揽报关行freight forwarder
货运承揽行forwarding agency
货运提单an airway bill
货运支线a spur line
货运收入freight traffic revenue
货运服务delivery service
货运标签a shipping tag
货运标鉴shipping tag
货运火险fire risk on freight
货运用转量turnover volume of freight traffic
货运的监督管理supervision and control over freight transport
货运碰撞险条款freight collision clause
货运票据shipping paper
货运装运指南cargo boarding advisory
货运订舱中心freight booking center
货运费freight charge
货运资料未确定的保险单to be declared policy
货运运输统计指标freight traffic statistical index
货运量the transport volume of goods
货运量freight ton traffic
贩运私货illicit trade
运货start parcel
起运港船上交货free on board in harbour (价格)
起运港船上交货free on board in harbour
起运点交货价shipping point free on board shipping point
运货到船边的货运费cartage to shipside
内陆指定装货地点车上交货价,扣除到指定卸货地点运费free on board ... freight allowed to...
内陆指定地点车上交货,运费预付至free on board ... freight prepaid to... (指定岀口港)
运货transhipment cargo
运货transship cargo
运货tranship the cargo
运货物监管supervision and control over transhipment cargo
运货物规则transshipment cargo rule
美国的过境空运货物声明Transit Air Cargo Manifest
运货物运输直达线fast freight line
运期交货合同contract of future delivery
运用货币资本.净额net monetary working capital
运货列车a freight train
运货freight bill
运货freight bill
运货申报价值declared value for carriage
运货证书bills of lading
运货consignment size
运费不包括卸货费free discharge
运费到目的地卸货后付freight to be paid after discharge at destination
运费由收货人交付freight forward
运费由收货人付carriage forward
运费等货到后由收货人自付charges forward
运输的困难将妨碍货物的流通The transportation bottleneck blocks the movement of the cargo
运输行收货凭证forwarding agent's certificate of receipt
运输该货中的任何意外的事故都是延误交货的充分理由Any unforeseen accidents in the shipment of the goods are sufficient excuse for the delay in delivery
运输货物保险effect insurance in respect of the carriage of the goods
运输货物标准符号standard transportation commodity code
运输超长货物费long length charge
运送中货物goods afloat
运途中货物goods afloat
运途截止货物权stoppage in transit
这些货物已包装在坚固的箱子里,这样它们才能经得起长途运输的颠波The goods have been packed in strong cases so that they can withstand the strain of the long voyage
这批货先由铁路发送至上海,再用船运抵洛杉矶The goods will be sent by rail to Shanghai and then by ship to Los Angeles
这是一次由上海到北京的远距离货运It is a long haul from Shanghai to Beijing
进货、快递和搬运费freight-in, express-in and cartage-in
退运货returned cargo
退货运费the back freight
适宜货运cargo worthy
适用集装箱装运的货物containerable cargo
运货through cargo
运货物监管supervision and control over through cargo
遵守船舶装运货物种类规定的保证the trading warranty
铁路运货railroad activity
铁路联运货interline freight
铁路货运提单a railroad bill of lading
销货运输transportation on transaction
门到门运货door to door
陆上货运land freight
陆运发货通知dispatch advice
限于水上运输的货物waterborne goods
限制条件下运送的货物restricted freight
集中海运货the aggregation of marine cargoes
集装箱货运站货物container freight station cargo
零担货物的集中托运concentration of part-load goods consignment
零担货运less-than-car-load lot
零担货运费less-than-carload freight
零担货运费率less-than carload rate
零星货运less-than-car-load lot
非同盟航运公司货船non-conference line vessel
非禁运品货物noncontraband goods
预期在12月上旬该批新寄售的货物能备妥装运It is expected that the new consignment will be ready for shipment in the early December
高运价抢运的货物distress cargo