
Terms for subject International trade containing 运单 | all forms | in specified order only
一揽子或其他装运单package or other shipping unit
不附货运单据的汇票bill unaccompanied by document
习惯运费单位customary freight unit
习惯运输单据customary transport documents
交出可转让多种方式联运单surrender of negotiable multimodal transport document
付款后交付运货单据documents against payment
付款后交付运货单据document against payment
全套货运单full set of shipping documents
内河水运发货单inland waterway consignment note
内河水运提单inland waterway bill of lading
准装运单shipping permit
运单付款payment against presentation of shipping document
运单transportation documents
出示船运货单present a ships manifest
包裹托运单parcel consignment form
单一方式承运人unimodal carrier
单一方式运输unimodal transport
单一直达运费率single factor through rate
单一联运费率single factor through rate
单位装运制船舶unit load system vessel
单位装运法unit load method
单位运输unit transport
运单shipping order
发运代理提单forwarder's bill of lading
国际路运单据本TIR carnet
在运现金保险单cash in transit policy
备运提单received for shipment bill of lading
备运提单received for shipment
备运提单received for shipment bill
备运提单船边提单received alongside bills
备运提单received bill of lading
复合运送单据combined transport document
复合运送提单combined transport bill of lading
多种方式联运单multimodal transport document
已装船运费预付洁净海运提单clean on board freight prepaid ocean bills of lading
已装运提单shipped on board B/L
巴拿马运河货运申报单Panama Canal Cargo Declaration
巴黎统筹委员会对中华人民共和国列的禁运货单Chincon list
巴黎统筹委员会新列的禁运货单Cocom list
并装业空运提单参看 house air billmaster air waybill
待运提单received bill of lading
运单consignment bill
货物运单forwarding order
运单circular note
托运人出口报关清单shipper's export declaration
承运人舱单carrier manifest
抓获私运货物单seizure notes
按东京规则的联运提单combined transport bill of lading subject to the Tokyo Rules
提单运费bill of lading freight
收讫待运提单received for shipment
收讫待运提单received bill of lading
水陆联运提单overland B/L
汽车运输公司提单trucking company bill of lading
河运提单river waybill
河运提单river-way bill
运单marine document
海上运输保险单marine insurance policy
海运运单ocean waybill
海运报单declaration for sea transportation
海运提单ocean waybill
海运提单marine bill of lading, ocean bill of lading
海运提单marine bill of lading
海运货物保险单cargo policy
清洁装运提单clean on board bill of lading
照单装运shipment on order
牲畜运载单cattle manifest
现金运送保险单cash in transit policy
申报的运费单位declared freight unit
直接开帐单与发运direct billing and shipping
直达装运单through consignment note
直达运输单据through document of transport
禁运货单embargo list
运单air waybill (air bill)
运单条款conditions of contract of air waybill
空运发货单air consignment note
空运提单air transportation waybill
空运提单airway bill of lading
空运提单air freight bill
空运提单air bill (of lading)
空运提单air bill of lading
空运提货单airway delivery note
空运直达提单through air waybill
空运联运直达提单through airway bill
空运货物单据指货物承揽业者或并装业者所签发给个别出口商的单据house air bill waybill
空运进口货物提单import airway bill
运单through bill (of freight)
运单combined transport document
运单据效力status of the MT document
运单据统一规则uniform rules for a combined transport document
联合运输单据combined transport documents
联合运输单据combined transport document
联合运输单据统一规则Uniform Rules for a Combined Transport Document
联合运输提单ct (combined transport bill of lading)
联合运输提单combined transport bill of lading
联合运送单据combined transport document
联合运送提单combined transport bill of lading
联运提单combined transport bill of lading
联运货物运单through consignment note
航空和铁路联运托运单air-rail consignment
航空托运单air mail receipts
航空托运单air consignment note
航空运送单house air bill (waybill)
航运舱单shipping manifest
运单shipping documents
运单shipping bills
运单据号number of transport bill
装运保险单shipment policy
装运提单on board B/L
装运提单shipped on board B/L
装运提单on board bill of lading
装运通知单shipping permit
铁路装运通知单railway advice
装运通知单shipping note
运单movement of goods document
运单bill of freight
运单shipping unit
运单shipping documents
运单cargo documents
运单transportation document
运单movement of goods document
货到凭运单付现款payment net cash against shipping documents on arrival of goods
货物运单声明事项declaration on consignment note
货物装运单shipping invoice
货物装运单位化unionization of cargo
货物运输保险单cargo insurance policy
运单transhipment shipping bill
运单transhipment unit
转运报单transhipment entry
转运提单transhipment bill of lading
载有承运被保险货物的船舶名称的保险单named policy
载货运货清单freight manifest
运价表订正单tariff amendment
运协提单国际转运行协会联合会提单FIATA Bill of lading
运协提单国际运输行协会联合会提单FIATA Bill of Lading
运协联运提单国际运输行协会联合会联运提单FIATA combined transport bill of lading
运单way bill
运单bill of freight
运单到后付款payment upon arrival of shipping documents
运单存根counterfoil waybill
运货单shipping order
运费单freight note
运费单freight notes
运费单freight charges
运费单freight list
运费单位freight unit
运费后付提单collect B/L
运输单据document of carriage
运输单证document of shipping
运输行签发的提单house bill of lading
运输行签发的空运提单house air waybill
运送单way bill
运送单freight note
返运货物清单return outwards invoice
退货发运单return shipping order
铁路运单railway bill of lading
铁路运单railway bill
铁路托运单railway consignment note
防止签发可以转让的空运单prevents the issue of a negotiable air way bill
防止签发可以转让的空运单prevent the issue of a negotiable air way bill
附有货运单据的汇票bill accompanied by document
陆运报单declaration for land transportation
集装箱再次搬运清单container rehandling list
非海运水脚工会会员运费单non-member rate