
Terms for subject Economy containing 运单 | all forms | in specified order only
不附货运单据汇票bill unaccompanied by document
你方挂号件中必须封入发票及原始的或类似的装运单Your registered letter should enclose invoice and original or comparable shipping document
你方第27号订单的货物可望在下月初装运Your Indent No. 27 is expected to be shipped at the beginning of next month
你方订单合计为500吨,将在本周末装船运出Your orders aggregate 500 tons, which will be shipped at the end of this week
其他运费单据other shipping documents
内陆运输保险单inland transit policy
凭装运单据付款payment against presentation of shipping documents
凭货运单据付款documents against on; for payment
单一方式承运a unimodal carrier
单一方式承运人a unimodal carrier
单一方式联运运载合同contract of unimodal carriage
单一方式运输the unimodal transport
单一方式运输the unimodal carriage
单一直达运费the single factor through rate
单一直达运费single factor through rate
单一税运动single tax movement
单位成组装运制船舶unit load system vessel
单位装运制unit load transport system
单位装运制unit load system
单位运输unit transportation
单元化运输the unitized transportation
单元装运设备unit load device
单元运输unit transportation
单纯运算monadic operation
单项运算monadic operation
因该货要在香港转船,我们要求用联运提单As the cargo is to be trans-shipped at Hongkong, we shall require through bills of lading
国际运输行业协会联合会提单FIATA Bill of Lading (International Federation of Forwarding Agents Association Bill of Lading)
填发运输单据preparation of transport document
外国货物转运准单the transhipment permit for foreign goods
定运提单an airway bill of lading
运单condition of air waybill
客货运输单位如吨公里unit of traffic
客运价目单passenger waybill
将寄去保险附加单一张,扩大保险范围把陆运险也包括在内A rider to the policy will be sent, which extends the policy to cover overland insurance
已装船运费预付清洁海运提单clean on broad freight prepaid ocean bills of lading
已装运清洁提单shipped clean on board bill of lading
帆船装运的提单bill of lading covering shipment by sailing vessel
待运提货单received for shipment bill of lading
我们一经从银行取得货运单据就立即兑付你们的汇票We shall honour your draft as soon as the documents are received from the bank
我们想知道你们是否按1%至2%左右保险费率对核准的船只运往纽约的杂货开具预约保单,金额约为一万美元We wonder if you can issue an open policy for $10.000 at a rate of about 1 % to 2% on general shipments by approval vessel to New York
我们要求你方提供一套整洁的货运单We require you to provide a clean set of shipping documents
我们需要核査所有文件、提货单和运费账We need checking the documentation n., bill of lading and freight account
我方已把提货单送给运输代理行We have sent the delivery tickets to the shipping agents
我方第 1434 号订单项下你方运来货物发现短重800公斤,为此将提出索赔218英镑,另加检验费With your shipment of our Order No. 1434 there has been found a shortweight by 800 kilos., for which we must file a claim amounting to £ 218 plus inspection fee
托运人出口报关单shipper's export declaration
托运人的出口申报单shipper's export declaration
托运货单consignment note
承运人的清单manifest carrier
捷运公司汇单express order
提单是承运人收到货物并将货物装上货船的证明A bill of lading is evidence that the goods have been received on board by the carrier
提单运费B/L freight
提单运费a bill of lading freight
提单运费BL freight
应税货运单a cart note
搬运费单cartage note
收讫待运提单receive bill of lading
数据或运单data freight receipt
最低运费提单the minimum bill of lading
未交运定单unfilled orders
标准单位运输standard unit transportation
根据提单所列重量收取运费chargeable weight
汽车运输公司提单a trucking company bill of lading
运单shipping documents
海运运单ocean waybill
海运保险单marine insurance policy
海运提单a shipment waybill
海运提单shipment waybill
清洁空运提单clean air waybill
照订单装运ship on order
牲畜运载单manifest cattle
直达联运提单through bill of lading
直运提单named bill of lading
直运提单through bill of lading
禁运货单an embargo list
运单air waybill
运单条款condition of contract of air waybill
运单条款condition of air waybill
空运提单an air transportation waybill
空运提单the air bill of lading
空运提单an airway bill
空运提单air-way bill
空运提单air waybill of landing
空运提单air way bill
空运提单air bill
空运清洁提单clean air waybill
空运清洁提单clear air waybill
空运直达提单a through airway bill
空运联运提单a through airway bill
空运进口提单import airway bill
经过签收的发货单表示运货已收到A signed invoice presumes receipt of the shipment
缉获私运货物单the seizure note
运单据效力status of MT document
联合运输单据combined transport bill of lading
联合运输提单combined transport document
联运提through bill of lading
联运提单a through bill of lading (B/L)
联运提单multimodel transport document
航空分运单house airway bill
航空托运单house air waybill
航空托运单air waybill
运输行签发的航空运送单house air waybill
通知shipping order
见货运单据付款payment on arrival of shipping document
运单freight booking note
LD1080订单项下的货物,工厂交货推迟,我们未能将其装该轮发运Due to delayed arrival of the goods against Order No. LD1080 from the factory, we failed to ship them by that Steamer
订货托运单forward order
运单freight waybill
运单据副本copy documents of shipment
运单据总清单general list of shipping documents
运单movement of goods documents
货物运单申明事件declaration on consignment note
货物分四批装运,每批30吨,提单分开The goods are to be shipped in four lots of 30 tons each on separate bills of lading
货物待运提单received for shipment bill of lading
货物装运单位化the unitization of cargo
货运总提单general bill of loading
货运提单an airway bill
货运资料未确定的保险单to be declared policy
运单transshipment shipping bill
转运报单transshipment entry
转运提单a transhipment bill of lading
转运行承运提单forwarding agent's certificate of transport (证)
转运行提单forwarding agent's bill of lading
转运行提单forwarding agent's house bill of lading
载运清单freight manifest
运价构成单位rate construction unit
运期付款交单after sight document against payment-after sight
运货单freight bill
运货单freight bill
运费单freight bill (发票)
运费清单运价表freight list
运费率订正单tariff amendment
运费险单freight policy
美国海关的运输与出口报单transportation and exportation entry
运输代理人出立的提单bill of lading issued by forwarding agent
运输单据分批赎单partial retirement of shipping document
运输单证transport document
运送单bill of carriage
远洋海运提单ocean bill of lading
通常运输单据customary transport documents
邮包发运单dispatch note
铁路运单a way bill
铁路货运提单a railroad bill of lading
银行以装运单据不规范为由,拒绝押汇The bankers refused to negotiate the draft due to irregularities in the documents
陆运报单the declaration for land transportation
集装箱联运提单combined transport bill loading
非承运人提单a B/L non-carrier
黑油单程运输量dirty single voyage fixture