
Terms containing 运单 | all forms | in specified order only
sport.三级跳远动作的第一部分、运动员使用单足起跳、用起跳脚着地In the first part of the movements in the triple jump, the athlete jumps from one foot and lands on the same foot (hop)
China, law专用网运营单位operator of dedicated network
sport.世界最佳运动员名单list of world best performers
tech.运单shipping order
tech.交货运单certificate of delivery
sport., med.人体运动单线图stick figure of body movement
busin.企业运销单business logistics
avia.便携式空运控制单元transportable airlift control element
busin.全套装运单full set of shipping documents
tech.全责联运提单full liability through Ell of lading
busin.内河水运发货单inland waterway consignment
busin.内河航运提单barge bill of lading
tech.内河航运提单inland waterway bill of lading
tech.内陆水运提单inland waterway bill of lading
tech.运单shipping permit
busin.凭运输单证付款payment against the presentation of shipping document
busin.出具运输单证的权力authority to issue carriage document
busin.报关出口货运清单manifest of clearance
railw.列车单向运行single running train
tech.列车自动运行单元automatic train operation unit
busin.包装或其它装运单package or other shipping unit
busin.协会联合运输提单FIATA combined transport bill of lading
busin.单一因素联运费率指海陆空联运中,不论运途中使用哪一种运输形式,如船运、火车运输或空运,均以某基准因素为准,使用某一运费率,例如按一个 20 英尺货柜收费 2000 美元等single factor through rate
busin.单一式联运合同contract of unimodal carriage
busin.单一直达运费率simple factor through rate
tech.单一货种的装运loading overall
tech.单一运输homogeneous traffic
gen.单个包装发运individual package delivery
busin.单位成组装运设备指飞机上成组装货的集装箱unit load device
busin.单位产品每月营运成本比较表comparative statement of monthly operation cost per unit
busin.单位化运输carriage of unitized goods
busin.单位营运费用per unit expense of operation
tech.单位装载运输体制unit load system
tech.单位装载运输方式如集装箱运输unit load system
nautic., tech.单位货运量的 CO₂ 排放量CO₂ emissions per unit load
avia.单位载荷运载器具unit load device
nautic., tech.单体运输包装monomer transport package
tech.单倍长运算single length arithmetical
tech.单值运算unitary operation
tech.单值运算single-valued operation
tech.单值运算符monadic operator
tech.单元化运输unit load handling
tech.单元客运支出passenger transport expense on per kilometer
tech.单元装载运输方式unit load system
tech.单元装运法unit loading
tech.单元装运法unit load
nautic., tech.单元货物运输船unit cargo ship
tech.单元货运支出freight transport expenses on every kilometre
busin.单元运行unit operation
tech.单元运输containerized transport
tech.单剪运动方向direction of simple shear
tech.单向客运能力one-way passenger capacity
sport., med.单向转运蛋白uniportor
agric.单向运动unilateral movement
tech.单向运动one-way movement
tech.单向运动unidirectional motion
tech.单向运动one-way motion
tech.单向运能one-way carrying capacity
tech.单向运行single-track operation
tech.单向运行unidirectional traffic
tech.单向运行single running
railw.单向运行线unidirectional line
tech.单向运行线路unidirectional line
railw.单向运行自动闭塞automatic block with single direction running
tech.单向运行自动闭塞【铁】single direction automatic block
expl.单向运行轨道unidirectional track
tech.单向运输one-way traffic (量)
tech.单向运输机irreversible conveyer
tech.单块集成运算放大器monolithic integrated operational amplifier
tech.单字长运算【计】single word length arithmetic
tech.单层跨运车one-high straddle carrier
tech.单工运用single operation
railw.单式运输unimodal transport
tech.单引擎轮式拖拉机牵引铲运机single engine wheel type tractor-pulled scraper
tech.单方向运行single directional working
tech.单旋回造山运动monocyclical orogenesis
tech.单旋回造山运动monocyclic orogenesis
tech.单机组运行single power set running
railw.单机运行light locomotive running
tech.单机运行light engine running
tech.单机运行single-unit operation
tech.单机运行isolated operation
tech.单步运算single-step run
agric.单步运算计算机single shot computer
tech.单步运行single-step run
tech.单波运行single-wave operation
tech.单溶质运移模型single-solute transport model
tech.单片运算放大器monolithic operational amplifier
tech.单独运行isolated operation
tech.单独运转发电厂isolated generating plant
tech.单独运转发电站isolated generating plant
tech.单独运转电站isolated operation power plant
tech.单相电容运转异步电动机single-phase capacitor operation asynchronous motor
gen.单程票在当天的运营时间内有效The single journey ticket is valid during the intraday traffic hours
busin.单程运费车船费one-way fare
tech.单索铲运机single-rope scraper
avia.单级入轨运载器single-stage vehicle
sport.单纯为获奖而参赛的运动员pot hunter
tech.单线双向运行线路single-line two-way track
tech.单线皮带运输机single-lined belt conveyer
railw.单线运行图train working diagram for single track
sport.单网巧固球运动one-net tchouk ball game (Tchoukball)
sport., med.单羧酸转运泵monocarboxylate transporter
agric.单胺转运蛋白monoamine transporter
shipb.单船运输成本ship's transportation cost
tech.单调运算monotonic operation
tech.单轨吊运器monorail conveyer
tech.单轨吊运器monorail conveyor
tech.单轨运搬车monorail transporter
tech.单轨运输系统monorail transport system
tech.单轨运输系统monorail system
tech.单轨运输设备monorail transporter equipment
tech.单轨运输道上的运输箱carrying skip
tech.单轴铲运机one-axle scraper
tech.单运动式的single-motion type
tech.单钩运输single-rope haulage
agric.单链升运器single-chain type elevator
tech.单链式多用途升运器single-chain type multipurpose elevator
tech.单链式草捆升运器single-chain bale elevator
tech.单链立式升运器single-chain type vertical elevator
tech.单链运输机monobar conveyer
shipb.卖主装运单vendor shipping documents
tech.占领区货运保单occupational freight warrant
busin.厂际装运通知单interplant shipping notice
busin.运单dispatch list
busin.运单shipping unit
tech.运单shipment documents
gen.发货单位和运输单位shipper and carrier
busin.发货运输清单list of forwarded traffic
shipb.发运代理人提单forwarder's bill of lading
shipb.发运代理人的提单forwarder's bill of lading
tech.发运通知单shipment order
tech.可转让复合运送单据negotiable multiple transport documents
shipb.可运托运单river-transportation consignment note
tech.国内运输提单local B/L
tech.国内运输提单local bill of lading
busin.国际免税品转运进口报关单international transshipment free entry
tech.国际公路运输海关公约批准单international road transport approval plate
sport.国际单项运动总会联合会General Association of International Sports Federation
railw.国际多式联运单multimodal transport document
nautic., tech.国际多式联运单International multi-model transport document
nautic., tech.国际货协运单International cargo agreement transportation
busin.国际转运单international transshipment bill
busin.国际运协联运提单combined transport bill of lading
tech.在启运港凭单据付现cash against documents at port of shipment
busin.填发运输单据preparation of the transport document
tech.备运提received for shipment bill of lading
busin.备运提单received for shipment bills of lading
busin.备运提货单指未装船前签发的提单received for shipment bill of lading
shipb.备运货物提单cargo received for shipment B/L
tech.复合运输提单multimodal transport bill of lading
tech.复合运送单据统一规则uniform rules for a combined transport documents
tech.复式运费账单multiple freight
busin.多式联运单multimodal transport documents
busin.多式联运单multimodal transport
nautic., tech.多式联运单order MTD
nautic., tech.多式联运单combined transport documents
nautic., tech.多式联运单CT document
tech.多式联运单intermodal transport document
nautic., tech.多式联运单combined transport document
busin.实际运费单位actual freight unit
tech.运单位成本passenger traffic unit cost
shipb.运单位成本unit cost of passenger transportation
tech.运单列成本a train cost of passenger transport
busin.客货运输单位unit of traffic
tech.客货运输单位unit of traffic (吨公里或旅客公里)
tech.客运清单berth list
mil., air.def.导弓单与运载飞机的适应性missile aircraft compatibility
mil., air.def.导弓单运动信息missile movement information
busin.将订单货物集中一次装运pool the order into one shipment
busin.小件货物运单parcel ticket
nautic., transp.已装运提单shipped bill of lading
busin.巴黎统筹委员会对中国所列的禁运单Chincom List
busin.巴黎统筹委员会对中国禁运货单Chincom List
busin.常规运费单位customary freight unit
busin.常规运输单据customary transport documents
tech.并行运行单位concurrent run unit
busin.并装业空运提单指航空于承运货物时签发给并装业或承运商的运输单据。简写: MAWBmaster air waybill
fishery当地运行单位local operating unit
fishery当地运行单位local operational unit
tech.待洗床单运送槽linen chute
sport., physiol.快运动单位fast-twitch motor unit
railw.总空运单master air waybill
busin.总空运提单master air waybill
busin.成套货运单包括正本与副本set of shipping documents
shipb.我们通常采用凭不可撤销的信用证、装运单据结汇付款的方式We usually accept payment by irrevocable L/C payable against shipping documents.
busin.空运运单cargo shipping application
busin.运单forwarding order
busin.运单application for cargo shipment
busin.运单cargo shipping application
shipb.运单consignment form
nautic., tech.运单shipment note
securit.运单consignment note
busin.托盘化单元装运palletized unit load
shipb.托盘运输单证documents of pallet transportation
shipb.托运人单证consignor's papers
shipb.托运人单证shipper's documents
law托运发货单consignment invoice
tech.托运申请单shipping application
tech.托运申请单consignment application
tech.扩充运算单元extended arithmetic element
tech.扩展的运算单元extended arithmetic element
tech.承受托运单engagement of shipping list
tech.承运人舱单carrier's manifest
busin.承运人责任保单carrier liability policy
tech.拼装承运商提单consolidator's bill of lading
busin.按提单重量计算的运费freight on bill of lading weight
tech.提单单位运价bill of lading minimum charges
tech.提单总运费aggregate B/L freight
busin.提单最低运费minimum charge per B/L
tech.提单运费bill-of-lading freight
busin.运单cart note
tech.收讫待运提单received for shipment bill of lading
China, law收货待运提单received-for-shipment bill of lading
busin.收运费后付提单collect bill of lading
avia.政府运货单government bill of lading
busin.数据式运单data freight receipt
busin.最低运费提单即未达到运价表所定最低额minimum bill of lading
tech.架空单轨吊运线telpher line
busin.标准单位运费standard unit transportation costs
busin.标准单位运费standard unit transport cost
tech.标准单位运费standard unit transportation
busin.梅运提单ocean way-bill
tech.水运保险单marine insurance policy
tech.水陆联运提单overland bill of lading
busin.汽车运输提货单trucking company L/B
shipb.河运发货单inland waterway consignment note
shipb.河运托运单river-transportation consignment note
shipb.河运提单inland waterway bill of lading
shipb.河运提单river bill of lading
tech.沿海货运清单coasting manifest
tech.保险单marine insurance policy
nautic., tech.运单sea waybill
tech.海上货运单ocean waybill
tech.海上货运单freight receipt
tech.海运保险单freight policy
shipb.海运托运单sea-transportation consignment note
railw.海运投保单/投保书application for marine insurance
tech.海运提ocean bill of lading
tech.海运提ocean waybill
tech.海运提marine bill of lading
gen.海运提单ocean B/L
nautic., tech.海运提单bill of landing
earth.sc.海运提单order bill of lading
busin.海运提单ocean bill of lading
shipb.海运提单marine B/L
gen.海运提单Bill of Lading
shipb.清洁已装船海运提单clean on board ocean B/L
busin.清洁空运单clean air waybill
tech.清洁装运提单clean on board bill of lading
tech.清洁运输单据clean transport documents
tech.物料搬运单move order
tech.现金运输保险单cash in transit policy
busin.申报运费单位declared freight unit
mil., air.def.电子器材运送单electronic material shipment request
avia.〔英〕皇家海军货单与运输系统Royal Navy invoicing and delivery system
busin.直接开单与发运direct billing and shipping
busin.直接开单发运direct billing and shipping
tech.直运提单straight bill of lading
tech.直运提单direct bill of lading
busin.运单air waybill of lading
busin.运单air freight note
busin.运单house airway bill
busin.运单编号air waybill number
gen.空中货运单air freight bill
tech.空运货物提单airway bill of lading
busin.空运主提单master air waybill
busin.空运代理行提单house airway bill
tech.空运保险单policy of air transportation insurance
tech.空运分提单house waybill
tech.空运分提单house air waybill
tech.空运分提单house air bill
tech.空运托运单air consignment note
busin.空运提单airway bill
busin.空运提单air waybill of lading
tech.空运提单delivery order of airfreight
railw.空运提单air transport document
avia., transp.空运提单airwaybill
tech.空运提单air freight bill of lading
avia., transp.空运提单air waybill
law空运提单air way bill of lading
avia., transp.空运提单airway-bill of landing
busin.空运提货单air transportation waybill
avia.空运提货单air consignment note
busin.空运收货单air waybill
tech.空运清单air freight list
busin.空运直达联运提单through airway bill
busin.空运直达提单through airway bill
avia.空运货单air freight list
busin.空运货单Air Way Bill
busin.空运货物单据house airway bill
busin.空运货物单据指承揽装运人收到空运货物的证明单据house air bill
tech.空运货物单据house waybill
tech.空运货物单据house air waybill
busin.空运货物清单Air Freight List
gen.空运货物空中货运清单air freight list
tech.空运进口货物提单import airway bill of lading
tech.简单周期运动simple periodical motion
tech.简单周期运动simple periodic motion
tech.简单谐和运动simple harmonic motion
tech.简单运动simple motion
multimed.算术逻辑运算单元arithmetic logic unit
avia.统一航空运货单consolidated air load manifest
railw.运单network operation unit
railw.运单network operation unit
tech.combined transport document
busin.运单through consignment note
busin.运单inter-modal transport documents
busin.运单MT documents
tech.运单intermodal paperwork
tech.联合运输单证combined transport document
shipb.联合运输提单through bill of lading
busin.联合运输提单CT bill of lading (combined transport bill of lading)
shipb.联合运输提单through B/L
tech.联运提单composite transport bill of lading
busin.联运提单combined bill of lading
busin.联运提单即货物在运途中须从一承运人转给另一承运人的一种提单through bill of lading
busin.联运提单consolidated bill of lading
busin.联运提单inter-modal transport BL
busin.联运提单inter-modal bill of lading
shipb.联运提单Thro' B/L
gen.联运提单through bills of lading
tech.联运舱单through manifest
tech.联运货物路程单interline waybill
tech.自动运货单填写与信息系统automated tariff filing and information system
nautic., tech.航空运单airway bill
avia.航空运单air way bill
busin.航空货运单air waybill
busin.航空货运单air transportation waybill
busin.航空运货单air consignment note
railw.航空运输单据air waybill
busin.航空邮件托运单airmail receipts
avia.航空部装运单bureau of aeronautics shipment order
busin.航运保单voyage policy
tech.航运公会木材提单congen bill
busin.内河驳船航运提单barge bill of lading
tech.船舶经纪人运货单broker's order
busin.船运舱单ship's manifest
tech.运单shipping ticket
tech.运单shipping bill
busin.装运运货提单shipment B/L
shipb.装运分舱单shipped hatch list
busin.装运申请单application for shipment
tech.装运通知单shipping notice
shipb.要求不撤销信用证、 凭货运单据付款require irrevocable L/C payable against presentation of shipping documents
tech.见货运单据付款payment on arrival of shipping documents
avia.计算机辅助运货单computer aided load manifest
busin.订运清单booking report
tech.记有船名的海运保单named policy
tech.贝克里悬吊式单轨运输设备Becorit system
agric.运单B/Lbill of lading
tech.运单cargo shipping order
busin.运单forwarding note
busin.运单freight notes
tech.运单位成本freight traffic unit cost
shipb.运单位成本unit cost of cargo transportation
busin.运单元化cargo unitization
busin.运单到付款payment upon the arrival of shipment documents
busin.运单move ment of goods document
busin.运单shipping document
busin.运单documentation of shipment
busin.运单据总清单general list of shipping document
busin.货主承担风险托运单bill of adventure
tech.货物运单goods consignment note
busin.货物托运单application for cargo
busin.货物托运清单invoice of goods
busin.货物承运单forwarding order
nautic., tech.货物承运单shipping permit
tech.货物装运单元化unitization of cargo
busin.货车运费单cart note
busin.货车运费单cartage note
busin.货运交接单list of freight delivered and received
busin.货运保险单goods-in-transit policy
busin.货运出口报关清单shipping specification
busin.货运商提单forwarder's bill of lading
tech.货运总单general bill of lading
busin.承运人发给托运人的货运承运商提单house bill of lading
busin.货运承运行提单forwarding agent's house bill of lading
busin.货运舱单cargo manifest
tech.货运计算单位freight unit
busin.货运路线单指令routing order
busin.货运量单位Traffic Unit
tech.货运预订报告单booking report
busin.从保税仓库取出贮运货单bill of victualling
busin.运单retire shipping documents
busin.赎回运输单证retire shipping document
busin.转运人提单forwarder's bill of lading
busin.转运提单tranship bill of lading
tech.转运提单transshipment bill of lading
tech.载货运清单freight manifest
plast.surg.运动单位motor units
sport., physiol.运动单位motor unit
sport., med.运动单位募集motor unit recruitment
sport.运动员单独比赛against the clock
busin.运协提单FIATA bill of lading
agric.运单bill of lading
busin.运单bill of carriage
busin.运单shipping document
tax.运单consignment note
securit.运单freight bill
avia.运单shipping documents
tech.运单副本duplicate of way bill
busin.运单存根counterfoil way bill
avia.运单waybill tax
tech.运算分类单位operational taxonomic unit
earth.sc.运算分类单元operational taxonomic unit
tech.运算单位computation unit
tech.运算单位arithmetic unit
avia.运算单位arithmetical unit
tech.运算单元arithmetical unit
tech.运算单元arithmetic unit
tech.运算逻辑单元arithmetical and logical unit
China, law运营单位operating unit
China, law运营单位operator
tech.运营单位资金周转额assets turnover of operating unit
tech.运货单consignment invoice
tech.运货单shipping ticket
consult.运货单freight account
agric.运货单list of parcels on a lorry
busin.运货单bill of freight
busin.运货单watered way-bill
busin.运货单Way Bill
tech.运货单bill of loading
gen.运货单bills of lading
earth.sc.运货单据freight bill
busin.运货单据号number of transport bill
busin.运货回单advice of delivery
tech.运费freight note
busin.运费单cart note
busin.运费单位即运费计算单位freight unit
busin.运费后付提单collect bill of lading
shipb.运费后付的提单collect B/L
busin.运费已付提单freight prepaid bill of lading
busin.运费已预付提单指在输出地由托运人付清运费后,运输公司所签的提货单freight prepaid bill of lading
tech.运费托收通知单notice of freight collection
shipb.运费清单运费账单freight note
shipb.运费清单freight account
shipb.运费清单freight note
tech.运费清单freight bill
shipb.运费清单运费账单freight account
shipb.运费清单运费账单freight bill
tech.运费置清单freight account
shipb.运费计算单位unit for freight calculation
tech.运费账单freight note
tech.运费账单freight account
busin.运费账单cartage note
shipb.运费账单freight bill
tech.运载单元travel unit
tech.运输代理人提单house bill of laden
busin.运输单位Transportation Unit
tech.运输单位traffic unit
shipb.运输单位成本unit cost of transportation
mil., air.def.运输单元transportation unit
tech.运输单据transport documents
busin.运输单证transportation documents
busin.运输单证forwarding instrument
busin.运输单证分批赎单partial retirement of shipping document
tech.运输收入交款单transport revenue payment bill
securit.运送单delivery note
busin.运送现金汇款单money order delivered in cash
tech.运量单位traffic unit
busin.进口转运单transit pass for import
tech.远洋运输舱单transportation manifest
busin.通常的运输单据customary transport document
avia.采购物品构型传递构型转运单purchased article configuration traveler (是每架水平安定面交付时的随箱文件。按程序《QP-3039-PM-2023B 》规定,构型转运单由凯飞项目部编制,在每架产品交付前5天,由制造工程部、质量保证部会签,按规定装箱发运)
busin.铁路运单rail waybill
tech.铁路运单副本duplicate of way bill
busin.铁路货运单副本duplicate of waybill
busin.铁路货运提单railroad bill of ladings
tech.铁路货运提单railroad bill of lading
tech.铁路运输单位资产assets of railway transport unit
busin.集装箱装运清单container loading list
shipb.集装箱运输单证documents of container transportation
outd.风筝单板滑雪运动kite snowboarding
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