
Terms containing 运动耐力 | all forms | in specified order only
heavy.eq.周期性运动与耐力cyclic sport and endurance
gen.穿上耐克鞋使年轻人感觉更有运动活力,不管他们实际上年龄有多大或多么不爱运动Wearing Nike shoes makes young people feel more athletic, no matter how old or inactive they may be in reality
sport.耐力好的运动员endurance athlete
sport., med.耐力性运动营养nutrition for endurance training
sport.耐力是一般运动能力的基本成分之一Endurance is one of the basic components of general athletic ability.
heavy.eq.耐力运动endurance sports
sport.耐力运动员endurance athlete
sport.耐力项目运动员endurance athlete
expl.运动员能顶住超乎寻常的耐力考验Athletes are able to undertake extraordinary feats of endurance
space运动耐力movement tolerance
space运动耐力exercise tolerance
nurs.运动耐力测验exercise tolerance test
sport.运动耐受力tolerance of exercise
sport.长跑运动员必须有耐力A long distance runner must have endurance
sport.长跑运动员需要有非常好的耐力Long-distance runners need great stamina