
Terms containing 过 帐 | all forms | in specified order only
fin.双重过帐double posting
fin.合计过帐summary posting
fin.子公司投资帐面价值超过成本部分excess of book value over cost of investment in subsidiary
fin.子公司投资成本超过帐面价值部分excess of cost over book value of investment in subsidiary
fin.延迟过帐delayed posting
fin.总数过帐summary posting
fin.总计及过帐的验证verification of footings and postings
econ.投资商、经纪人股票管理的过户帐储金transfer account lodgement for investors, stock management for market-makers
fin.日常过帐day-to-day positing
fin.机器过帐machine posting
fin.核对过帐数字check figures in posting
fin.汇总过帐summary posting
fin.用钢笔过帐pen-and-ink posting
fin.直接过帐direct posting
fin.相反过帐reverse posting system
fin.过入帐目post an entry
fin.过入总帐post up a ledger
manag.过帐pass entry
fin.过帐posting of account
fin.过帐posting to ledgers
fin.过帐依据posting reference post ref
fin.过帐凭证表posting proof sheet
fin.过帐分类表abstract of posting
fin.过帐参考post reference
fin.过帐循环posting cycle
fin.过帐ledger posting machine
fin.过帐根据posting medium (media)
fin.过帐检查proof of posting
fin.过帐检算表proof of posting
fin.过帐的根据basis of porting
fin.过帐abstract of posting
fin.过帐证明posting reference post ref
fin.过帐还原法reverse posting system
fin.过帐还原法reserve posting system
fin.过帐错误incorrect posting
fin.过帐错误errors in posting
fin.过帐错误error in posting
fin.过帐顺序sequence of posting
fin.过户帐transfer account
fin.过户帐目transfer ledger
manag.过户给帐日pay day
fin.过期客帐delinquent account
fin.过期帐户past-due account
fin.过期帐支出delayed income debits
fin.过期放款帐目debt overdue account
fin.过期未付帐单overdue bill
fin.过期未付帐款overdue accounts
fin.过期未收帐款delinquent account
fin.过渡帐户transit account
fin.过渡帐户clearing accounts (suspense account)
fin.随意过帐random posting