
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
一如往多年、银行继续通过发行可转让存款证来筹集中期至长期资金As in previous years, banks continued to raise medium to long-term funds through the issuance of negotiable certificates of deposit NCDs
一次付款pay by lump sum
一次拨款one-off payment
一次拨款one-off grant
一次补贴one-off subsidy
一种允许数据绕数据压缩器的辅助通道a secondary channel that permits routing of data around the data compressor
一种硬件、软件或两者的结合、用户可通它与系统、程序或设备相互配合并完成操作Hardware, software, or both that allows a user to interact with and perform operations on a system, program, or device
、作为一项分析工具、它将绝对回报放回了应有的位置:对冲基金管理的核心As an analysis tool, though, it puts absolute return back -where it should be : at the heart of hedge fund management
、闪存通常较为便宜、它随机读取的速度最高可比典型硬盘快10倍Flash memory, however, is generally cheaper and can service random reads up to 10 times faster than a typical hard disk
与数据库结构有关的数据称为元数据、 元数据可以通多种不同方法检索Data about the database structure is called metadata and can be retrieved by a number of different methods
个复选框可通单击空格键进行切换A check box is toggled by pressing the spacebar
交叉失条款cross-default clause
人力资源开发HRD process
去一年多美国经济出现衰退以来、 美国的失业率就一直处于上升趋势The proportion of jobless Americans has risen steadily since the United States sank into a recession more than a year ago
传播communication process
但是、通设备仿真程序可以使您更直接地了解在本演练中使用的控件的功能However, a device emulator can enable you to see more directly the functionality of the controls you -will use in this walkthrough
程风险throughout risk
共同contributory negligence
创意筛选idea-screening process
加工程中制品的废料、溢料可回收使用、以降低生产成本、更合乎环保原则The remaining materials can be recycled during the finishing process to reduce the production cost for the sake of environmental protection
劳动力labor redundance
单元格中的内容居中显示、并且通常通单元格来输入数据Display is centered on cells, and data entry is often performed through cells
也是vice versa
发出此网站证书的证书权威已The certificate authority that issued this site's certificate has expired
同店销售额指去至少一年中开得店面的销售额、 它是反映零售商健康状况的重要指标Same-store sales are sales at stores open at least a year and are considered a key indicator of a retailer's health
向存储器传送地址是经一组为地址总线的并行导线进行的The address is transmitted to the memory through a set of parallel wires called an address bus
哈里斯交换机主要通命令行对数据库进行配置Harris switches generally use command line mode to con figure Database
善意error in good faith
在华盛顿住两年以后、 我常常对好莱坞的现实主义和真诚的生活充满渴望After two years in Washington I often long for the Realism and sincerity of Hollywood
在家办公的员工可以通电话和传真与国外客户很好地交流The employee at the home office can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine
在市场对任何坏消息都神经敏的情况下、 评级连降四级对市场产生冲击并不令人意外That the four-notch downgrade upset markets on trigger alert for any bad nexus is no surprise
在软件初始安装期间下载的电子许可证会一直保留在计算机上、 而且不会The e-license they downloaded during initial setup of the software remains resident on their computer perpetually and does not expire
如果您想跳似乎会引起问题的某个特定指令或一组指令、 这就会很有用This would be useful if you wanted to skip a particular instruction or a set of instructions that appeared to be causing a problem
如果您知道要插入的代码段的名称、则可以通在键入其快捷键后按Tab 键来完成插入When you know the name of the snippet you want to insert, you can do so by typing its shortcut followed by the Tab key
媒体滤器media filter
定价price-setting process
审议review process
密钥用于数字签署文档和验证签名、也用于加密和解密Keys are used for digitally signing documents and verifying signatures, and they help with the encryption and decryption processes
射频调制器的输出频带可以通上/下拨动开关选择3频带/4频带Output channel 3 or channel 4 of radio frequency modulator can be selected by up /down toggle switch
将操作系统复制到内存中的initial program load
尽管有些时、它仍是用户和开发人员的 UNIX和Linux 介绍的最佳书籍之一Though somewhat dated, its still one of the best introductions to UNIX and Linux for users as well as developers
当一个国家的房地产投机行为已经超了泡沫时期的日本、投资者们的担忧是不无道理的When real-estate speculation exceeds that of the Japanese real-estate bubble, investors are right to worry
我们使用自定义的软件系统、可以追踪每一个方面的设计和制造程、以保证模具的交货时间We use a custom software system that tracks every aspect of the design and build process to guarantee the delivery time of the moulds
我们的系统开发的新方法是基于定义的和黑箱程管理的Our new approach to systems development is based on both defined and black box process management
我们通运用多种不同的学习体制发现并定位每个员工的长处来激发和加强员工的能力We empower our people through a diverse learning organization to capture the best from everyone
我有一台扫描仪、我将通它把我的文档都转换成 PDF 文件并保存在电脑中have a scanner and I'll turn important documents into PDFs and keep them on my computer
拥有半数股权的附属公司majority-owned subsidiary
推模式的简单实现是通循环的方式将任务发送到网格资源上A simple implementation of a push model could be built where the work is sent to grid resources in a round-robin fashion
数据包滤器packet filtering
数据简化是一个把测试数据转为精练、有用的信息的Data reduction is the process of converting experimental data into useful, condensed information
施工construction process.
无法通基于 MS-DOS 的程序或MS-DOS 命令提示符进行打印You cannot print from an MS-DOS-based program or from the MS-DOS command prompt
无论是资源配给剩还是不足、都将使应用有效性降低、并且使企业运营风险相对增加No matter how much the deficiency of resources, utilization efficiency will be decreased and operation risk be increased
早已时的 Web 节点cobweb site
明智之举莫于使用一个移动硬盘对日常数据进行备份It is sensible that backup the data with a removable disk
最后、技术经理也许可以发现这些讨论里面保护了软件可移植性的复杂本质以及编译一个大项目的Finally, technical managers may find the discussion to be an insight into the complex nature of software portability and the process of building a large project
有些程序有自动保存功能、有些程序甚至还能恢复你没保存的材料some programs have an auto save feature, and some programs can even recover material you never saved
有可能是触摸屏驱动程序版本低、请安装最新的驱动程序It is possible that the setup program is of too low an edition, please install the latest setup program for the touch screen
期风险的额外款额additional amount for unexpired risk
未通检验fail the test
未通的检验failed test
标准或传统的 IP PBX 至少包含一个通 VoIP 协议连接数据网络的单独网络接口A standard or traditional IP PBX contains at least a single network interface that connects to a data network by using VoIP protocols
模仿传统临摹式动画的cell animation
模拟音乐通模拟数字转换器转换为数字信号Analog music is converted to a digital signal via an analog-to-digital converter
此字符串的长度不能超32个字符、包括空终止符The length of this string must not exceed 32 characters, including the null terminator
5 秒就会出现一个警告框An alert box will be displayed after 5 seconds
消费价格通胀也因食品价格高企而在加速、所以、让人民币升值可能是阻止热的一个好方法Consumer price inflation is also rising, thanks to higher food prices, and so a stronger currency of RMB might be a good way to stop overheating
然而、正如其名字只读存储器所指出的那样、CD 盘不能写、也不能通任何方式改变其内容However, as the name read-only memory implies, CD disks cannot be written on or changed in any way
现在、 您就可以开始运行向导了、 它将帮助您设置数据收集You are now ready to run the wizard that assists you with setting up the data collection process
电邮或新闻组的滤器bozo filter
疏忽的negligent fault
监视器屏幕burn in
知会一声、别错一个绝佳机会!FYI, don't miss out the greatest opportunity!
得愉快have a good one
股票户登记处share registrar
营销程和职能marketing flows and functions
表面为一大块玻璃的扫描仪:扫描头通在玻璃面下移动来记录数据A scanner with a large glass surface: the scan head moves under the glass surface to record data
视频信号通声音陷波电路消除声音载波频率、直达 CRTThe video signal is directed to the CRT through a sound trap -which eliminates the sound carrier frequency
该系统主要是通计算机 RS232 串行接口来实现计算机和单片机之间的通信The system primarily through computer RS232 serial interface to achieve communication between the computer and Shanpianji
请选择不超15个字符的您可以记住的单词、此口令会用于确认某些交易或对您进行身份验证Please choose a memorable word of no more than 15 characters. This may be used to confirm certain transactions or to verify your identity
调制解调器通常连接到电缆或 DSL线、然后通以太网电缆和网络适配器连接到计算机The modem is usually connected to a cable or DSL line, and is then connected to your computer through an Ethernet cable and network adapter
调整程的时间差距adjustment lag
账目核对reconciliation process
于沉重的负担unduly burdensome
去 12 个月last twelve months
去 8 年里、泰国年均5.5%的增长率令人称道In the past eight years, Thailand has posted a respectable average annual growth rate of 5. 5 percent
去销售趋势推测法extrapolation of past sales trends
货物的境税transit dues
货物的境税transit duty
失侵权诉讼action for negligence
失罪negligent crime
失罪error of omission
transfer p.
户代理transfer agent
户处share registrar
户登记册transfer book
户纸transfer deed
户纸instrument of transfer
户纸印花transfer deed stamp
户纸印花税transfer deed stamp duty
户证明书transfer certificate
户费registration fee
时的设备out-of-date equipment
期保险单stale policy
期保险费insurance premium expired
期未付款overdue payment
期的索赔belated claim
期票据past-due bill (note)
期还款比率delinquency rate
渡时期的调整transitional adjustment
渡期补助金transitional grant
cookie 滤工具cookie filtering tool
热的市场overheated market
程中的检查inspection in-process
程质量管理法process of quality management
高利率excessive interest rate
这种表现不只是因为钢铁等行业产能剩、以极低的价格将产品倾销到国外That performance is not just the result of excess-capacity industries, such as steel, dumping output abroad at cutthroat prices
远程访问一个公司的内部网可通多种方法实现Remote access into a corporate intranet can be achieved through a variety of methods
主题树或者搜索引擎可以找到你感兴趣的领域Either on the subject tree or with a search engine the fields of interest can be found
使用谷歌的新服务、学生可以共享日程表、以前他们则无法轻易做到这一点Using the new Google service, for instance, students can share calendars, which they could not easily do before
广告媒体的直接营销direct marketing via advertising media
有权使用源代码、这给了他们力量、否则他们不会获得这种力量By having access to the source code, it gives them power they would otherwise not have
检验pass the tests
网络向大量用户提供互动多媒体体验不再是梦Delivery of an interactive multimedia experience over a network to a large audience is no longer a dream
试验pass the tests
采购adoption process
失行为reckless misconduct
防火墙不仅能防止无用访问、而且能通开放的公共网络、如互联网、建立安全通道Firewalls not only guard against unwanted access, they can also be used to create a secure channel through an open public network, like the Internet
随着受资助银行走这些战略阶段、我们相信、重大股东价值将开始显现As our investee banks move through these strategic stages, we believe that significant shareholder value will begin to emerge
项目审批project approval process