
Terms for subject Environment containing 过程 | all forms | in specified order only
两周期过程two-period process
两步过程two-step process
传播过程propagation process Process by which a disturbance at one point is propagated to another point more remote from the source with no net transport of the material of the medium itself; examples include the motion of electromagnetic waves, sound waves, hydrodynamic waves in liquids, and vibration waves in solids (从某一点传播到另一个点的传输过程;如在固体中传播的电磁波、声波、水波和振动波等。)
划分范围的过程scoping procedure The prescribed step or manner of proceeding in an environmental impact assessment, by which a public discussion is held to discuss the information that needs to be developed, the alternatives that need to be considered and other important environmental issues (环境影响评估中的指定的步骤或处理的方法,通过这样公众的讨论可以帮助协商关于需要发展、还需要考虑的其它问题和其它重要的环境因素等问题。)
制造生产过程technological process
厌氧过程anaerobic process A process from which air or oxygen not in chemical combination is excluded (除化合外,没有空气或氧气参与的过程。)
启动发育过程initiating development process
周期性过程batch process
土壤过程soil process The major processes in soils are gains, losses, transfers, and transformations of organic matter, soluble salts, carbonates, silicate clay minerals, sesquioxides, and silica. Gains consist normally of additions of organic matter, and of oxygen and water through oxidation and hydration, but in some sites slow continuous additions of new mineral materials take place at the surface or soluble materials are deposited from groundwater. Losses are chiefly of materials dissolved or suspended in water percolating through the profile or running off the surface (土壤中的主要流程是收益,损失,和有机质,可溶性盐,碳酸盐,硅酸盐粘土矿物,倍半氧化物和二氧化硅的转换。收益通常包括有机物质,以及通过氧化和光和作用形成的氧气和水的增加,但在有些场合新的矿物质的不断增加发生在放置于地下水中的可溶性物质的表面。亏损主要是指原料的溶解或通悬浮在侧面或流动的表面。)
地貌形成过程geomorphic process The physical and chemical interactions between the Earth's surface and the natural forces acting upon it to produce landforms. The processes are determined by such natural environmental variables as geology, climate, vegetation and baselevel, to say nothing of human interference. The nature of the process and the rate at which it operates will be influenced by a change in any of these variables (地球表面和作用其上的自然力之间的物理和化学交互作用。此过程由地质情况、气候、植被、基准面等自然环境变量来决定,与人为影响无关。而这些变量中任意一个的改变都会影响这个过程的本质和进度。)
地质过程geological process Dynamic actions or events that occur at the Earth's surface due to application of natural forces resulting from gravity, temperature changes, freezing and thawing, chemical reactions, seismic shaking, and the agencies of wind and moving water, ice and snow. Where and when a force exceeds the strength of the earth material, the material is changed by deformation, translocation, or chemical reactions (由于重力,温度变化,冻融,化学反应,地震摇晃,风和水,冰和雪的作用而使地表发生的动态变化或事件。当受力超过地球的物质的承受能力,物质会因为变形,移位,或化学反应发生变化。)
基本代谢过程basic metabolic process
好氧过程aerobic process A process requiring the presence of oxygen (需要氧气存在的过程。)
工艺过程规程technological process
工艺过程technological process No definition needed (无需定义。)
报告过程reporting process
构建过程constructive process
氧化过程oxidation process
漂白过程bleaching process 1. Removing colored components from a textile. Common bleaches are hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochloride, and sodium chlorite. 2. The brightening and delignification of pulp by the addition of oxidizing chemicals such as chlorine or reducing chemicals such as sodium hypochloride (1.去除纺织品色组成部分。普通漂白剂有过氧化氢,次氯酸钠和亚氯酸钠。 2.纸浆的漂白和木素脱通过添加氧化物来实现,如氯,或者还原物,如次氯酸钠。)
热选过程thermoselect process Trade-Mark-Name for a thermic waste processing technology. Gasification is emerging as an alternative to combustion in the treatment and energy recovery from Municipal Solid Waste. Several innovative processes and demonstration plants are trying to achieve higher electrical efficiencies and lower emissions using this technology, Trade mark for a thermic waste processing technology (一放热废物处理技术的贸易商标名称。煤气化在处理和城市固体废物回收能源方面替代了燃烧。。几个创新的过程和示范工厂正在努力实现更高的发电效率和降低排放而采用这种技术。)
燃烧过程oxidation process
物理过程physical process A continuous action or series of changes which alters the material form of matter (修改问题的物质形式变动的连续作用或系列。)
物理化学过程physicochemical process Processes involving changes in the physical properties and chemical structure of substances (变化过程中的物理性质和化学结构。)
生化过程biochemical process Chemical processes occurring in living organisms (发生在活的有机体的化学过程。)
生物过程biological process Processes concerning living organisms (与生物体有关的过程。)
社会过程social process A continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner and pertaining to the life, welfare, and relations of human beings in a community (一个连续的动作、操作或发生在确定行为中和有关的生活,福利发生的一系列变化,以及人类在社区中的关系。)
终止发育过程terminating development process
聆讯听审过程hearing procedure Any prescribed course or mode of action governing the preliminary examination by a magistrate of basic evidence and charges to determine whether criminal proceedings, a trial or other judicial actions are justified (由地方法官执掌初步审问基本证据和指控,以确定是否有罪的过程。任何诉讼所规定的过程或模式,是为审问或其他司法行动辩护。)
能源过程energy process Any natural phenomenon or series of actions by which energy is converted or made more usable (将能源转化或变成更有用处的任何自然现象或者一系列的反应。)
起始发育过程initiating development process
过程processing The act of converting material from one form into another desired form (把材料从一种形式转换成另一种形式所需的过程。)
过程分析process analysis
过程危害分析process hazard analysis
间歇断续过程batch process