
Terms for subject Business containing 过程 | all forms | in specified order only
一维过程unidimensional process
一阶齐次非平稳过程first-order homogeneous nonstationary process
不变马尔可夫过程invariant Markov process
事件过程训练法incident process
二维过程two-dimensional process
二阶齐次不定过程second-order homogenous nonstationary process
交换过程process of exchange
人工操作过程manual process
从投资开始到结束的全过程利益front-end advantage
仓储过程storage process
价值增值过程process of producing surplus value
价值增值过程value begetting process
企业合并过程amalgamation process
伯努利过程Bernoulli process
伯努利随机过程Bernoulli stochastic process
作为动态过程的竞争competition as a dynamic process
你觉得这份合同基本涵盖了我们在谈判过程中谈到的所有内容吗?Do you think the contract contains basically all we have agreed on during negotiations?
使技术过程具体化embodied technical process
使用过程service process
修匀过程smooth process
倍增过程multiplication process
再投资过程plow-back process
分析过程analytical process type
分流过程branch process
创新过程innovation process
创新过程creative process
创造思维过程process of creative thinking
创造性破坏过程process of creative destruction
制造过程详细说明manufacturing process specification
制造过程详细说明手册Manufacturing Process Specification Manual
加工过程course of processing
加工过程converting process
加工过程专门化specialization by process
半马尔可夫过程semi-Markovian process
半马尔可夫过程semi-Markov process
单参数值过程one parameter process
单向过程uniform process
单自由度过程unidimensional process
双手动作过程two handed process chart
反映过程reflection process
发电过程power generation process
同步过程lock-step procedure
后向归纳过程process of backward induction
后效过程process with after-effect
后续过程subsequent process
向上累积过程upward cumulative process
固定过程外插extrapolation of stationary process
固定更新过程stationary renewal process
在产品中实现的劳动过程labor process realized itself in a product
均匀过程uniform process
基弗一沃尔弗威茨过程Kiefer-Wolfowitz process
基本生产过程basic production process
基本生产过程basic process of production
备选活动过程alternative course of action
复合马尔科夫过程composite Markov process
复杂生产过程complex production process
外部过程out-of-line process
过程multiple process
多种活动过程multiple activity process chart
多级分配过程multistage allocation process
多级选择过程multistage choice process
多重决策过程multiple decision-marking process
威布尔过程Weibull process
学习过程process of learning
定价过程pricing process
实施过程implementation process
实际过程平均值true process average
审计过程process of audit
审计过程auditing process
过程和方法的建议suggestion on process and method
尝试法求解过程trail-and error solution procedure
展开随机过程evolutionary stochastic process
工业过程一体化integration of industrial process
工业生产过程控制control of industrial process
工艺过程卡更改通知process sheet change notice
工艺过程周期technological cycle
工艺过程故障technical failure
工艺过程次序sequence of processes
工艺过程调整费用adjustment expense for technological process
差分随机过程differential stochastic process
布朗—穆德过程Brown-Mood process
布朗运动过程Brownian motion procedure
平均随机过程函数mean function of stochastic process
广义差分过程generalized difference procedure
广义随机过程generalized stochastic process
广义随机过程的矩moments of generalized random process
库存调整过程inventory adjustment process
建设过程construction process
开单据的全过程complete procedure in billing
强平稳随机过程strongly stationary stochastic process
必要过程necessary process
总作业过程master routed card
情绪平衡过程emotional balancing process
打基础过程underlying process
执行过程execution process
扩充业务过程branching process
技术制造过程规格手册Engineering and Manufacturing Process Specification Manual
报告过程report process
持续生产过程continuous production process
按操作过程分类classification by the process of operation
按生产过程分类classification by special processes of production
探索过程search process
控制过程process of control
控制过程procedure of control
控制过程control process
控制生产过程管理图control chart for controlling production process
推理过程inference process
提炼过程extracting process
操作过程operation process chart
收益增殖过程multiplier process
数据生成过程data generating procedure
整套簿记过程bookkeeping cycle
新产品开发过程new product development process
无偏随机过程unbiased random process
普及过程diffusion process
更新过程updating process
最佳过程best process
查账过程audit process
标准过程变异性Standardized Process Variability
核对过程checking process
泊松过程方差variance of the Poisson process
活动的非最优过程nonoptimal course of action
流水生产过程continuous flow production process
混合式制造过程combined manufacturing process
混合马尔可夫过程mixed Markov process
激励过程process of motivation
瀑布过程cascade process
特殊过程研究special process study
现金周转全过程complete circular flow of cash
班组生产过程gang process chart
生产过程中的涌塞瓶颈现象production bottleneck
生产过程的连续性概念continuity concept of production process
生产过程连续性continuity of production process
生产工艺过程用动力power used in productive technological processes
生产工艺过程用燃料fuel used in productive technological process
生死过程理论theory of birth-and-death processes
用于假设测算的决策过程decision process for hypothesis
用于假设测算的决策过程decision process of hypothesis testing
电子计算机在过程控制中的应用application of electronic computers to process control
盈得收入过程revenue-earning process
监督过程supervisory process
目标制定过程goal setting process
直观思维过程intuitive mental process
直观推断过程heuristic process
研究过程research process
破产过程的债权claim in bankruptcy
确定性决策过程deterministic decision process
程序互连工艺过程programmed interconnection process
程序编制过程programming process
程序设计过程process of program design
稳态过程steady-state process
简单出生过程simple birth process
简单死亡过程simple death process
简单连续加工过程continuous simple process
简单马尔可夫过程simple Markov process
管理过程supervisor process
管理过程management processes
管理过程学派managerial process school
管理过程理论management process approach
管理发展过程management development course
类推过程analogy process
系统过程history of system
累积过程理论theory of accumulate process
纯随机过程的自相关函数autocorrelation function of a purely random process
经济调整过程economic adjustment process
统计过程管理statistical process control
维修过程service process
维布尔过程Weibull process
综合移动平均数过程integrated moving average process
综合连续加工过程continuous synthetic process
编制账单和过账程序的差异variation in billing and posting procedure
联合过程控制combined process control
联合平稳随机过程joint stationary random process
联机过程on-line process
自动控制过程automatically controlled process
自动管理过程automated management process
自动预过程automatic forecasting process
自回归过程的自相关函数autocorrelation function of autoregressive process
自回归移动平均过程autoregressive moving-average process
船舶装卸过程指船舶进港、卸货、装货、离港的全过程turn round
船舶装卸全过程时间turn round time
营利过程profit-making process
蒙特卡罗过程Monte Carlo process
融合过程fusion process
行为变革过程process of behavior change
规化过程programming process
计划评价过程program evaluation process
计算过程calculation process
设备和工艺过程研究equipment and process research
评价过程process of evaluation
诊断过程diagnostic process
试制过程pilot process
误差检测过程error detecting process
误差生成过程error-generating process
调整过程conditioning process
调试过程debugging process
贝尔曼—哈里斯过程Bellman-Harris process
货币流通过程circulation process of money
货物装卸过程process of cargo-handling
贴现过程discounting process
资源变动过程processes of resource change
转换过程change over procedures
转移过程transition process
转运过程中损失loss during transhipment
输岀过程output process
过剩程度degree of excess
过程中平均缺陷率process average defective fraction
过程中故障breakdown in process
过程决策process decision
过程决策程序process decision program
过程导向研究process oriented approach
过程平均估计process average estimate
过程接口模块process interface modules
过程方框流程图process block flow diagram
过程模拟装置process simulator
过程激励process motivation
过程激励理论process motivation theory
过程算法化process algorithmization
运输过程中损失loss during transportation
连续分析过程continuous analysis process
连续复杂生产过程continuous type of complex production process
连续时序决策过程continuous time sequential decision process
连续确定过程continuous deterministic process
连续精炼过程continuous refining process
连续轧制过程continuous rolling process
连续马尔可夫过程continuous Markov process
追加的生产过程additional process of production
适应过程adaptive process
选择过程selection process
选择过程choice process
通货膨胀过程国际化internationalization of the inflationary process
都市化过程urbanization process
采用过程adoption process
金属锭生产过程ingot production process
铸造过程casting process
错误校正过程error correcting routine
问题解决过程process of problem solving
间歇性生产过程intermittent production process
—阶自回归过程first-order autoregressive process
阶跃马尔可夫过程jump Markov process
随机过程probabilistic process
随机过程分布收敛convergence of the distribution of stochastic processes
随机过程协方差函数covariance function of stochastic process
随机过程理论theory of random processes
随机过程的自相关函数autocorrelation function of stochastic process
随机决策过程stochastic decision process
随机化过程process of randomization
随机走动过程random walk model
零至一次更新过程zero-one renewal process
非国有化过程denationalization process
非国有化过程指从国营变为私营过程denationalization process
非控制过程uncontrolled process
非最优过程nonoptimal course
非稳态过程unsteady-state process
非连续马尔可夫过程discontinuous Markov process
马尔可夫过程Markovian process
马尔可夫过程分析'Markovian process analysis
马尔可夫决策过程Markovian decision process
马尔可夫分枝过程Markov branching process
马尔可夫链过程Markovian chain process
高斯过程Gauss process
齐次非平稳过程homogeneous nonstationary process