
Terms for subject Economy containing 过去 | all forms | in specified order only
他们过去一向讨价还价They used to haggle over price
你公司1991年6月3日函询的公司,过去14年一直与我们有账户往来The captioned company you inquired about by your letter of June 3, 1991, has been maintaining an account with us for the past 14 years
去年我国贸易顺差额超过一亿美元Our favourable balance of trade reached more than $100.000.000 last year
过去两个月中我厂生产的真空吸尘器销售额急剧下降,我们对此颇感失望We are rather disappointed that the sale of the vacuum cleaners made by our factory has shown a sharp decrease for the past two months
审査过去的账目时需要有原始合同The prime contract is needed for the examination of the past accounts
我们今天通过本市商业银行给伦敦弗兰克银行寄去以你公司为收款人的 3500 英镑汇款单We have today transferred £ 3500 by mail on Frank Bank in London in favour of your house through Mercantile Bank of this city
我们通过客户获悉贵公司地址,现特去函与你公司建立业务关系We have obtained your address from our client and are now writing you for the establishment of business relations
我将把此项设计方案电传过去I will send a fax of the design plan
我敢肯定你们会超过去年的销售总额I'm certain that you'll surpass last year's total sales
旅客们只得在机场等待暴风雨过去The passengers had to wait the storm out at the airport
bear 生育,生产过去分词borne
bear 出生,出身过去分词born
drink 的过去分词drunk
drive 的过去drove
lie 的过去lay
query 的过去queried
ring 的过去rang
rise 的过去rose
see 的过去saw
shear 的过去shore
spin 的过去span
spring 的过去sprang
steal 的过去stole
tread 的过去trode
weave 的过去wove
underlie 的过去underlay
tear 的过去tore
stink 的过去stank
speak 的过去spoke
sling 的过去slang
shake 的过去shook
sing 的过去sang
ride 的过去rode
run 的过去ran
overlie 的过去overlay
fall 的过去fell
dive 的过去dove
bear 的过去bore
break 的过去broke
come 的过去came
cleave 的过去clave
cleave 的过去clove
crow 的过去crew
choose 的过去chose
bide 的过去bode
过去could aux. can
过去chose choose
pay 的过去式和过去分词paid
make 的过去式和过去分词made
管理原则与过去所使用的完全不同是不合适的It is not proper that the administrative principles employed should be quite different from those applied in the past
要价过高以致失去出售机会overstand one's market
计价过高而失去出售机会overstand one's market
许多公债是通过个人认购卖出去的Many government bonds are sold by private subscription
过去几年以来,我公司的利润稳定不变The profits of our company have level led off over the last few years
过去劳动产品product of past labour work
过去劳动产品product of past labor work
过去惯常做某事used to do (sth.)
过去成本the past cost
过去服务说previous services theory
过去经济动态分析ex post analysis
过去经验分析analysis of past experience
这种货币的购买力在过去的3年内下降了The purchasing power of this currency has fallen over the last 3 years