
Terms for subject Ecology containing | all forms
保护臭氧层多基金Multilateral Funds Program for Projects of Control of Ozonosphere
投配peripheral feed
圆池水深side water depth
国际多金融机构International Multilateral Financial Institution
会谈multilateral talk
吸水井suction well on shore
shore type
砾石run-of bank gravel
工程engineering slope
护林protection boundary
日本柳杉sugi Cryptomeria japonica sapwood
最外的纤维extreme fibre
水体coastal waters
海洋coastal sea
海洋coastal ocean
类土质soil-similar slope
种植roadside planting
绿化roadside embellishment
路基subgrade slope
路堤road embankment slope
坡稳定分析slope stability analysis
沿明沟side drain
沿明沟side ditch
沿阴沟side drain
缘居住区marginal settlement
行优势dominance in border row
远农区remote agricultural area
际成本incremental cost
际收益marginal benefit
际效应edge effect
际效应marginal effect
际效益marginal profit
际氯化marginal chlorination
际耕地marginal land
陆缘水continental water boundary
黄土台塬loess tableland slope