
Terms for subject Information technology containing | all forms
upper sideband
上页top margin
临时页temporary margin
事务transaction boundary
信元率cell rate margin
光纤到路fiber to the curb
入口界节点entry border node
全载波单带发射full carrier single sideband emission
兼容带传输compatible sideband transmission
兼容单带系统compatible single sideband system
值问题initial boundary value problem
初启start margin
判定decision boundary
区域界路由器area border router
区界记录,区域zone boundary
协议protocol boundary
带传输single sideband transmission
带电台single sideband station
接触盒single edge connector
无穷图灵机single infinite Turing machine
double sideband
带传输double-sideband transmission
控制bilateral control
闭合用户群bilateral closed user group
闭合用户群呼叫指示符bilateral closed user group call indicator
外设界节点peripheral border node
外部界网关协议external border gateway protocol
形填充polygon fill
形转换器模型polygon converter model
字符character boundary
字符character edge
字节界寻址byte boundary addressing
数据孔间距guide margin
带出网通路的双封闭用户组bilateral closed user group with outgoing access
平均沿线average-edge line
平均缘线average-edge line
当前左current left margin
扩展界节点extended border node
提交commitment boundary
整数integral boundary
缘几何unbounded geometry
标记缘路由器label edge router
TCP/IP 模型两个重要two important boundaries in TCP/IP model
残留vestigial sideband
残留带传输vestigial sideband transmission
残留带滤波器vestigial sideband filter
残留带调制vestigial sideband modulation
独立independent sideband
独立带调制independent sideband modulation
窗口window edge
窗口下lower window edge
笔画缘不规则性stroke-edge irregularity
网络net boundary
网络network edge
网络EoN (edge of network)
网络edge of network
表示winged-edge representation
背面多backfacing polygon
自动缘调整automatic margin adjust
自治系统界路由器autonomous system boundary router
自然界条件natural boundary condition
行向起始inline margin
裁剪显示clip boundary
写边读writing while read
听边讲listen while talk
框按钮bezel buttons
周边扫描boundary scan
界函数表boundary function table
界功能程序boundary function
界区域border region
界填充boundary fill
界定位对齐,对界boundary alignment
界寄存器bounds register
界对等者border peer
界标志方法boundary tag method
界检查marginal check
界检查bound checking
界检测boundary detection
界检验bounds checking
界类boundary class
界网关border gateway
界网关协议border gateway protocol
界网络节点boundary network node
界节点boundary node
界节点border node
界表示boundary representation
界路由器border router
界锐化boundary sharpening
界错误boundary error
边限 检验marginal check
缘到边缘的伪线仿真pseudo wire emulation edge-to-edge
缘噪声edge busyness
缘抗锯齿失真edge anti-aliasing
缘效应fringe effect
缘检查校验high-low bias test
缘检查校验high-low bias check
缘检测marginal test
缘调整justified margin
缘路由器edge router
缘错误marginal error
连通度算法edge connectivity algorithm
透明带内导频单transparent tone-in-band single side band
cobordism group
陶瓷四引线扁平封装ceramic quad flat package
top margin
高级前向链路三测量advanced forward link trilateration