
Terms for subject Business containing 载重 | all forms | in specified order only
船舶冬季载重线winter marking of loadline grid
冬季木材载重线lumber winter loading
载重all told
卡车载重truck load
固定载重fixed loading
基本载重basic load
实际载重actual load
实际载重actual load rate
容积与载重吨比率cubic to dead weight ratio
容许载重admissible load
当量载重equivalent load
载重gross dead weight
载重gross load
载重dead weight
载重gross shipping weight
载重aggregate tonnage
总重与有效载重比率gross weight-to-payload ratio
载重吨位计征assessed according to dead weight tonnage
载重unladen weight
最大载重maximum carrying tonnage
木材载重水线lumber line
汽车载重capacity of wagon
船舶注册载重register tonage
淡水载重线freshwater mark
载重量和体积fully loaded weight and capacity
满载吃水装载重draft full load
热带淡水载重线Tropical Fresh Water Loading
载重empty weight
空积与载重吨比率cubic to deadweight ratio
自动载重控制automatic load control
船舶载重总量吨数lightweight tonnage
船舶载重carrying capacity of vessel
船舶货物载重deadweight cargo capacity
船舶货物载重dead-weight cargo capacity
装有重型吊货车的载重货船heavy lift ship
装重载receive a heavy load
计费装载重charged weight of load
设计载重吃水线Load designed waterline
货车载重truck load
车辆载重carrying capacity of vehicle
载重light weight
轻重货物搭配积载full and down stowage
载货重量仓位weight and measurement capacity available
载重公吨deadweight metric ton
载重tons dead weight
载重dead weight tonnage
载重=2 240 磅dead-weight ton
载重吨位carrying tonnage
载重吨位以载重吨计算的船载重容量dead-weight tonnage
载重…吨的船如10000 tonner 万吨轮tonner
载重汽车及铁路货车truck and rail van
载重线标志plimsoll line
载重线标志plimsoll mark
载重速率speed of loading
载重carrying capacity
载重carrying power
载重hauling capacity
载重deadweight capacity
载重dead weight
载重量与容积deadweight ton and capacity
载重量利用率coefficient of cargo carrying capacity
载重限度load limit
重力卸载gravity unloading
重负载按点heavy contact
重负载标准定额heavy load nominal rating
重负载补偿装置heavy load compensating device
重载high capacity
重载吃水线吨位loaded draft ton
重量轻体积大的货载balloon freight
集装箱载重利用率coefficient of utilization of containers' capacity