
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
上层甲板hurricane roof
上层甲板awning deck
不能减的负债deadweight debt
屋面上为防止沥青渗透的不黏结质板dry sheet
中凝沥青medium curing cutback asphalt
中凝制沥青medium-curing cut-back asphalt
中凝制沥青medium-curing liquid asphalt
中型便汽车medium car
中性子流neutral lepton current
举足to play a decisive role
举足to carry a big weight in
低密度质非水相液体low-density light non-aqueous phase liquid
倒T形型钢构件cross tee
光学optic haze
骨料混凝土all-light weight-aggregate concrete
骨料混凝土all-light -aggregate concrete
副产品集料by-product light weight aggregate
副产品骨料by-product lightweight aggregate
副产品骨料by-product light weight aggregate
便式农田喷水设备semi-portable agricultural sprinkling system
单发式便电动爆炸装置single-shot exploder
卸货减船的负载lightening a ship
合成骨料质混凝土synthetical aggregate light concrete
合成骨料质混凝土synthetic aggregate light concrete
含硫sour oil
含钡火石玻璃baryta light flint
质松散的土壤上on light friable soil
地震危害减earthquake hazard mitigation
多孔型陶瓷cellulated ceramics
多孔和重量的合成二氧化硅synthetical silica of aerogel and hydrogel
多孔和重量的合成二氧化硅synthetic silica of aerogel and hydrogel
多用途型运输机multirole light transport aircraft
大号便汽车large-capacity car
天幕甲板上层甲板hurricane deck
天然natural pumice
天然质集料natural lightweight aggregate
天然集料natural lightweight aggregate
天然骨料natural lightweight aggregate
小型便望远镜prospective glass
小型便货车mini pickup
小型轨翻斗车jubilee skip
就地浇捣质混凝土cast-in-place light weight concrete
带氧气呼吸器的型潜水器anti-drawing mask
带瓦楞钢板的质混凝土lightweight concrete with corrugated steel sheeting
恒星young star
断层崖young fault scarp
异型槽钢deformed light channel steel
慢凝沥青slow-curing cutback asphalt
手力便铆钉器hand portable riveter
手动型岩石钻lightweight hand rock drill
手持式便凿孔机支架old man
手提式便电力工具hand-held portable electrical tool
手提式便电力工具hand-held portable electric tool
手摇式型静力触探hand light static cone penetration test
改良集料improved light-weight aggregate
改良骨料improved light-weight aggregate
显示微开裂show slight breaks
的元素the lightest element
磅皮extreme light weight hide
重量设计minimum weight design
木条或极型槽钢furring strip
机动便运货车motor cart
机载型光学跟踪系统air-borne lightweight optical tracking system
机载型光学跟踪系统air-borne lightweight optic tracking system
机载型光纤技术air-borne light optical fibre technology
机载型光纤技术air-borne light optic fibre technology
标准中型普通车床standard light and medium duty engine lathe
标准型和中型普通车床standard light and medium duty engine lathe
标准水反应堆reference light-water reactor
标准潜水服standard light weight diving dress
标量子对scalar lepton pairs
气测烃测井gas log light hydrocarbon
浇制质构件cast lightweight component
浇制质混凝土固定模板permanent cast light weight concrete form
浇制质混凝土箱式构造类型cast light concrete box construction type
浇制永久性质混凝土模壳cast permanent lightweight forms
浇制永久性质混凝土模壳cast permanent lightweight concrete shuttering
浇制永久性质混凝土模板cast permanent lightweight forms
浇制永久性质混凝土模板cast permanent lightweight concrete shuttering
浓缩铀水慢化反应堆enriched uranium light water moderated reactor
清洗油舱用的汽油wash oil
煅烧黏土集料burned clay light weight aggregate
煅烧黏土骨料burned clay light weight aggregate
煤干馏gas light oil
煤焦coal-tar light oil
24 片悬挂light mounted 24-disc harrow
加载extra-light loading
加载线路extra-light-loaded circuit
型抓斗extra-light duty crane
型起重机extra-light duty crane
材料super-light material
火石玻璃extra-light flint glass
特别extra-light loaded
型钢制作的钢构件light-gauge steel member
型钢制作的钢构件light-gage steel member
用煤油制的沥青kerosene cutback
用砂touch sanding
用胶结法压装轮对的型轴light axle attached by gluing
电子子数electron lepton number
电解减设备electrolysis mitigation system
硅酮移印花silicone transfer printing
稀有金属rare light metal
空心楼板hollow floor
空心质炉渣混凝土砌块hollow light weight slag concrete
空气污染减装置air pollution reduction device
空气污染减装置air contamination reduction device
空腹钢梁open-web steel joist
空腹钢龙骨open-web steel joist
空腹钢龙骨open-web joist
度玻璃窗low pitched glazing
耐火泥质集料fired clay light weight aggregate
耐火泥质骨料fired clay light weight aggregate
船用柴油marine light diesel oil
负载过under load
费兰蒂便式黏度计Ferranti portable viscosimeter
费兰蒂便式黏度计Ferranti portable viscometer
赋税义务减reduced liability tax
车棚型构件hoop stick
转动敲式机械摇动器rotap mechanical shaker
三合土lightweight lime concrete
划伤fine scratch
light blading
合板lightweight plywood
合金light alloy metal
合金light-metal alloy
合金冶金学light alloy metallurgy
合金板light alloy metal plate
合金梁light alloy girder
合金梁桥light alloy girder bridge
合金活塞light alloy piston
合金结构light alloy structure
合金缸体light alloy housing
合金铸造light alloy casting
light wood
fat wood
木材light wood
木油light wood oil
木焦油soluble tar
气体油light gas oil
light hydrogen
焊接light welding
焊缝light weld
焦油tar light oil
焦油coal-tar light
lightweight sand
砂黏土light sandy clay
混凝土砌块lightweight concrete block
砌块lightweight block
lightweight brick
porous brick
light brick
稀土light rare earth
稀土亏损light rare earth element deficiency
稀土矿light rare-earth ores
褥工light mattress work
负荷lighting loading
负荷light burden
负荷区light loaded district
负荷时off-peak hours
负荷时slack hours
负荷时light hours
负荷运行light-duty service
负载lighting loading
负载断续试验light intermittent test
负载网络light loaded network
负载补偿light load compensation
负载试验light-duty test
负载调节light load adjustment
measurement cargo
light cargo
light freight
high cube cargo
货运汽车light truck
混凝土lightweight block
透明,新clean oil
质下部结构体系lightweight substructure system
质亚砂土板lightweight loam slab
质亚黏土lightweight loam
质产品light-end products
质保温砖lightweight insulating brick
质刚玉砖lightweight corundum brick
质单位lightweight unit
质卡路尼light Karun (一种坚硬地板材料)
质原油light crude
质发动机油light filtered cylinder oil
质发动机油light engine oil
质合金lightweight metal alloy
质合金light alloy
质土light-textured soil (壤)
质土light soil (壤)
质圬工lightweight masonry work
质圬工lightweight masonry
质地板lightweight fines
质地板填充花砖lightweight floor filler tile
质地板梁lightweight floor girder
质块材圬工lightweight block masonry work
质块材圬工lightweight block masonry
质块材隔墙lightweight block partition (wall)
质型材lightweight shape
质型材lightweight section
质型材lightweight profile
质型钢light sectional steel
质型钢lightweight section steel
质型钢lightweight sectional steel
质型钢light section steel
质塑料泡沫lightweight plastic foam
质塑料球lightweight plastic ball
质填充块材lightweight filler block
质填充料lightweight filler
质填充板材lightweight filler slab
质填充楼板lightweight floor
质填料light filler
质填料floated filler
质墙lightweight wall
质墙light wall
质墙板lightweight wall slab
质外粉刷lightweight external rendering
质外粉刷墙lightweight external plaster
质外露混凝土片砖lightweight exposed concrete tile
质外露混凝土瓦lightweight exposed concrete tile
质外露混凝土砌块lightweight exposed concrete block
质多孔混凝土cellular concrete
质多孔黏土砖lightweight porous clay brick
质多孔黏土砖light porous clay brick
质大梁lightweight girder
质实心砖solid light weight brick
质实心砖lightweight solid tile
质实心砖light solid tile
质实心黏土砖solid light weight clay brick
质屋面lightweight roofing
质屋面三向荷载承重lightweight roofing three-dimensional load bearing
质屋面单元lightweight roofing unit
质屋面安装管子脚手架lightweight roofing tubular scaffold
质屋面安装管架lightweight roofing tube
质屋面实心腹板大梁lightweight roofing solid web girder
质屋面桁架大梁lightweight roofing trussed girder
质屋面瓦lightweight roofing tile
质屋面空间承重结构lightweight roofing spatial loading bearing structure
质屋面窗台lightweight roofing window sill
质屋面结构工程lightweight roofing structural engineering
质屋面装饰lightweight roofing trim
质屋顶lightweight roofing
质屋顶形式lightweight roofing shape
质屋顶断面lightweight roofing section
质屋顶窗lightweight roofing window
质循环进料light recycle stock
质成品油clean petroleum product
质找平层lightweight screed
质拉毛粉刷lightweight stucco
质挤压型材lightweight extrusion
质斜坡屋顶lightweight sloping roof
质无定形材料lightweight castable
质木材纤维板light wood fibre board
质木材纤维板beaver board
质材料lightweight material
质材料的料斗light material bucket
质材料的铲斗light material bucket
质板Thistle board
质板light plate
质板lightweight panel
质板lightweight sheet
质板light board
质板材light plate
质板材light board
质板桩lightweight sheet piling
质构件lightweight member
质构造lightweight construction
质构造材料lightweight constructional material
质柏油tar light oil
质柏油light tar oil
质核心lightweight core
质桁架大梁lightweight trussed girder
质梁lightweight beam
质楼板体系lightweight decking system
质楼板体系lightweight deck system
质氧化镁light magnesium oxide
质汽油light gasoline
质油low oil
质油回收装置condensate extractor
质油船clean ship
质油蒸馏锅reducing still
质泡沫塑料lightweight foamed plastics
质浇制单元lightweight cast unit
质浇制墙板lightweight cast wall slab
质浇制构件lightweight cast member
质液状石蜡light liquid petrolatum
质清水混凝土lightweight fair-faced concrete
质清水混凝土砌块lightweight fair-faced concrete block
质清水混凝土砖lightweight fair-faced concrete tile
质渣foaming slag
质火泥lightweight castable
质灰浆lightweight plaster
质灰砂砖light sand-lime brick
质灰砂砖light lime-sand brick
质炉渣light slag
质炉渣混凝土light slag concrete
质烃混合物petroleum spirit
质焦油沥青light tar
质煅烧氧化镁light-burned magnesia
质煤渣混凝土breeze concrete
质熔渣lightweight slag
质熔渣块lightweight slag block
质熔渣建筑砌块lightweight slag building block
质熔渣混凝土lightweight slag concrete
质熔渣混凝土砌块lightweight slag concrete block
质熔渣混凝土砖lightweight slag concrete tile
质熔渣砖lightweight slag tile
质熔渣粉末lightweight slag powder
质熔渣骨料lightweight cinder aggregate
质燃油light fuel oil
质珍珠岩popped pearlite
质百页窗light shutter
质的构成体light component
质砂lightweight sand
质砌块假平顶false ceiling of lightweight slabs
质砌块假平顶false ceiling of lightweight blocks
质砌块隔墙上的管托pipe bracket for lightweight block partition
质砖floating brick
质砖瓦lightweight tile
质砖瓦圬工lightweight tile masonry work
质砖瓦圬工lightweight tile masonry
质硅砖lightweight silica brick
质硅酸盐混凝土light silicate concrete
质硅酸盐砖Rhenish brick
质硅酸钙砖lightweight calcium silicate brick
质硬导线管light rigid conduit
质碳酸钙precipitated calcium carbonate
质碳酸镁magnesium carbonicum leve
质碳酸镁light magnesium carbonate
质空心塑料楼板单元lightweight core-out plastic floor unit
质空心填充块lightweight hollow filler
质空心楼板单元lightweight core-out floor unit
质空心混凝土砌块lightweight hollow concrete block
质空心砌块lightweight hollow block
质空心砖lightweight cast cavity tile
质窗板light shutter
质立面构件light facade element
质竖向空心黏土砖lightweight vertical coring clay brick
质管子lightweight pipe
质粉刷lightweight plaster
质粉状水泥light powdered cement
质粗集料light coarse aggregate
质粗骨料lightweight coarse aggregate
质粗骨料light coarse aggregate
质纯碱light soda ash
质细粒lightweight fine grain
质细粒砂lightweight fine grained sand
质织物lightweight fabric
质结构lightweight structure
质结构lightweight construction
质结构混凝土lightweight structural concrete
质结构混凝土light structural concrete
质结构用黏土产品lightweight structural clay product
质绝缘分度板lightweight insulation grade board
质绝缘层lightweight insulating screed
质绝缘层材料lightweight insulating screed material
质绝缘混凝土lightweight insulating concrete
质罐lightweight pot
质耐火产品lightweight refractory product
质耐火材料light-weight refractory
质耐火材料lightweight refractory material
质耐火砖lightweight refractory brick
质耐火砖light-weight fire brick
质耐火砖light chamotte brick
质耐火砖lightweight fire brick
质耐火砖light chamot brick
质耐火黏土保温砖light fire-clay insulating brick
质耐火黏土砖light fire-clay insulating brick
质脚手架lightweight scaffolding
质脚手架lightweight scaffold
质膨胀混凝土找平层lightweight cast cellular expanded concrete screed
质膨胀混凝土骨料lightweight expanded concrete aggregate
质膨胀粘土骨料light expanded clay aggregate
质苏打light ash
质表壳lightweight case
质衬底制lightweight substrate system
质装修lightweight trim
质辊light top roller
质金属lightweight metal
质金属上卷门lightweight metal roll-up overhead door
质金属五金lightweight metal hardware
质金属器具lightweight metal hardware
质金属型材lightweight metal section
质金属家具lightweight metal furniture
质金属宽板大梁lightweight metal plain webbed girder
质金属宽板横梁lightweight metal plain webbed beam
质金属宽板横梁lightweight metal plain web beam
质金属屋面盖板lightweight metal roof covering
质金属屋面覆盖层lightweight metal roof sheathing
质金属屋面覆盖板lightweight metal roof cladding
质金属断面lightweight metal profile
质金属杠杆手柄lightweight metal lever handle
质金属板lightweight metal plank
质金属格构大梁结构lightweight metal latticed girder
质金属格构大梁结构lightweight metal lattice girder
质金属框架lightweight metal frame
质金属百叶窗lightweight metal louvers
质金属百叶窗lightweight metal jalousie
质金属立面lightweight metal facade
质金属结构lightweight metal construction
质金属结构单元lightweight metal construction unit
质金属结构断面lightweight metal construction section
质金属结构装饰lightweight metal construction trim
质金属网格桁架lightweight metal roof lattice truss
质金属设备零件lightweight metal fittings
质金属钢框玻璃窗lightweight metal glazing
质金属门闭合装置lightweight metal door closer
质金属隔墙lightweight metal partition (wall)
质钢地板lightweight steel floor
质钢材断面lightweight steel section
质钢构件lightweight steel component
质钢框架lightweight steel frame
质钢桥面板lightweight bridge decking
质钢桥面板lightweight bridge deck
质钢梁lightweight steel girder
质钢梁lightweight steel beam
质钢梁地板lightweight steel girder floor
质钢筋混凝土lightweight reinforced concrete
质钢面板lightweight decking
质钢面板lightweight deck
质镁氧light magnesia
质陶粒lightweight sintered aggregate
质陶粒骨料light expanded clay aggregate
质隔墙lightweight partition wall
质隔墙lightweight material partition
质隔墙light partition wall
质隔断light-weight partition
质隔热混凝土lightweight insulating concrete
质集料light aggregate
质集料bloated swollen aggregate
质集料的预浸presoaking of light weight aggregate
质面层集料coated type aggregate
质面层骨料coated type aggregate
质预制件light cast member
质预制单元lightweight precast unit
质预制墙板lightweight precast wall slab
质预制混凝土产品lightweight precast concrete product
质预制混凝土制品lightweight precast concrete ware
质预制混凝土复合单元lightweight prefabricated concrete compound unit
质预制混凝土构件lightweight precast concrete member
质预应力混凝土单元lightweight prestressed concrete unit
质预应力混凝土构件lightweight prestressed concrete member
质预浇混凝土构件lightweight precast concrete component
质风干砖坯light adobe brick
质骨料bloated swollen aggregate
质骨料的预浸presoaking of light weight aggregate
质高岭土light kaolin
质高铝砖lightweight high alumina brick
质高铝砖alumina bubble brick
质黄砂石灰砖lightweight sand-lime brick
质黏土light clay
质黏土墙lightweight loam wall
质黏土砖lightweight clay brick
质黏土砖lightweight fireclay brick
质黏土砖lightweight mud brick
质黏土砖light clay brick
质黏土砖lightweight chamotte brick
质黏土砖light adobe brick
weak earthquake
Y 通质多孔砌块Y-tong block
配料便车batching cart
陶粒集料lightweight expanded clay aggregate
陶粒骨料lightweight expanded clay aggregate
非法unlawful dumping
非法phantom dumping
非法illegal tipping
非洲African whitewood
非结构用质混凝土non-structural lightweight concrete
饰面质混凝土fair-faced lightweight concrete
饰面质混凝土砌块fair-faced lightweight concrete block
饰面质混凝土砖fair-faced lightweight concrete tile
马耶斯提克载巴比合金Majestic Babbitt
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