
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
信 口供credence shall not be readily given to oral statement
亚欧年议员会议the Asia Europe Young Parliamentarians Meeting
减轻处罚relatively light or mitigated punishment
处罚情节circumstances of a crime calling for a lighter penalty
或者减轻处罚give a lighter or mitigated punishment
侵权责任mitigate tort liability
农民负担alleviate fanner's burden
农民负担reduce the burden on farmer
农民负担约 1250 亿元relieve the financial burden on farmers by about 125 billion yuan
危害mitigate the damage
处罚give a mitigated punishment
责任mitigate liability
违法后果lessen the adverse effect
刑罚的degree of punishment
情节minor circumstances
情节seriousness of the circumstances
情节显著obviously minor act
情节特别circumstances are especially minor
情节特别adverse effect are extremely minor
情节较if the circumstances are relatively minor
显著obviously minor
根据情节in accordance with the seriousness of the circumstances
特别especially minor
特别extremely minor
犯罪情节minor circumstances of a crime
相应减appropriately mitigated
或者罪重crime to be minor or grave
信 口 供readily give credence to oral statements
微刑事案件a minor criminal case
武器light weapon
避免、减危害avoid and mitigate the damage
革命化、年化、知识化promote ideologically sound and well-educated young people to leading posts
革命化、年化、知识化put revolutionary and well-educated young people at the leading posts
革命化、年化、知识化bring forth more younger, revolutionary, professionally competent people